人工身体論―あるいは糞をひらない身体の考察 金塚貞文著 創林社 (1986/12/10)

人工身体論―あるいは糞をひらない身体の考察 金塚貞文著 創林社 (1986/12/10)




























From the books I've read so far, the "artificial body" is composed of media, acts as the ruler's thinking (= media, data, norms), is an autonomous, self-contained, empty body. So to speak, we anticipated a body like an autonomous robot, but in this book humans appeared as "negative" bodies, making the negative (feces, waste) invisible. This is a waste treatment symbolized by the “flush toilet”.

"What is washed away in the toilet is the body as a negative, the cleansing of life is the elimination of the body as negative, and the modern civilization is the dumping of the body as negative. To produce a new body through civilization, in other words, "to create an artificial ecosystem"-an economic cycle on top of the destruction of natural ecosystems "

"It means that the problem of the body (the" philosophical ") is itself a (historical) problem."

"By becoming a food producer, humans have broken out of the natural food chain and artificially created new food chains."

"At the same time, the producing animals have become animals that require waste disposal."

"A being that has escaped from the natural food chain, creating an extra food chain, so to speak, is self-sustaining as an extra to nature."

"Non-recyclable waste has always followed alongside humans who settled and began to form communities."

"Purifying a living with a flush toilet is synonymous with alienation of one's own waste-eye-catching and closing of the waste."

"It is modern civilization and its philosophy that pursues the affluence and convenience of life as a strategy, and the waste disposal that accompanies it as a tactic."

"Differences can only be differences, conflicts, on the basis of identity at the root."

"Modern urban people have become less sensitive to emissions because of their living needs."

"Historical acquisitions cannot be merely a repetition of the past, but must be reproduced, or even produced, by new realities in a new sense every day. `` You have to explore reality more than you can explore the past. ''

"At the same time, what is real is the form of the phenomena of the real thing, and what is fundamental is also the form of the phenomena of the real thing."

"The excretion of manure in a commodity society called" manure = non-product = non-human thing ", and its position, is that environmentalism that makes this fundamental trinity-based view of manure as ours today. It is nothing but a factor. "

"The rationale of the commodity society is that it is excellent and real, that is, commodity (and therefore non-commodity) is not just a surface or economic category, it is an excellent existence It's a natural, fundamental category. "

"It goes without saying that communication can be established only for those who have common media and those who share media. Media is a tie."

"The fact that manure becomes a medium is a proof of the independence of that person."

"A flush toilet is the largest guarantee that (...) excrement is not exposed to the public or media."

"Confession is nothing but accepting the values ​​of Father-in-law."

"" Confessions ", what is exposed by case analysis (...) is considered" perversion "," abnormal ", the rationale of our normal person should be considered exposed." By targeting and persecuting as such, it was necessary to justify and legalize the suppression of such desires within themselves. "

"Nature itself is a subjective being (...) Nature is nothing but a man-made product."

"As long as perception is subjective, it is difficult to convince it to other subjects. Conversely, perception becomes objective, and therefore, objective reality becomes independent and independent of subjectivity. At some point, that perception becomes indisputable to any other subjectivity / this is exactly the logical evolution from that value form, relative value form, to general value form. The postulate of objectivity is the value of recognition, the value of exchange, and money. "

"Nature as objective reality is ... required by economic efficiency, required as a self-sustaining subjective ethic of mutual transportation ...... what could only exist as a concept by being" polluted " It's just that. "

"Nature, ecosystems, animal life, are only conscious when humans struggle with waste disposal and take away nature, ecosystems, and human life."

"" A body that does not catch feces ", the creation of an artificial body that is like that ... the direction of modern civilization that is progressing to reality ... our body has already intervened it Premise

"The problem of natural pollution or destruction of nature is physical evidence of the independence of civilization from natural ecosystems. Pollution is the economic cycle of artificial ecosystems, the `` It's nothing more than returning the waste to the natural cycle beyond human history, or even pushing and discarding it. ''



