「小児性愛」という病 ―それは愛ではない 斉藤章佳著 ブックマン社 (2019/11/20)

「小児性愛」という病 ―それは愛ではない 斉藤章佳著 ブックマン社 (2019/11/20)













It is a reviving book. Especially for lolicon people like me.

There is no clear definition of "pedophilia", but international standards refer to those who are willing or willing to sexually act on boys and girls under the age of 13. There will be. Performing an act is a crime.

The author first defines it as "cognitive distortion" and analyzes it from different angles, detailing how to correct it (to prevent recidivism).

First of all, the viewpoint of taste and propensity. This is a matter of personal consciousness and cannot itself be banned.

Next, the view as addiction. This is the same as gambling and alcoholism and can destroy your life, so you need to stop it.

However, there are victims of sex crimes. It is not just the perpetrator or family. Victims (mostly girls) are devastated by their subsequent lives. Both mentally and physically. Therefore, the first offense and the recidivism must be stopped. To that end, the hospital of the author implements various treatment methods through trial and error. (Read this book about it.)

The author attaches great importance to "child pornography" regarding the triggers that lead to behaviors based on tastes and propensities. Child pornography as a trigger to act, and as a trigger to notice one's preferences and propensity. I accept the latter, but believe that the former requires a little more evidence. It overlaps with the actions made in the society described later. The idea that "pornography" triggers sexual offenses is even more problematic. (It is not a matter of the Japanese tradition of male and female ancestry.)

The author cites the idea of ​​Japanese men and women as a cause of pedoferia, but says that what we need to do now is prevent recidivism. I think that it is a natural idea to actually treat. It is not a traditional thing to say that it is male-female, but it is reproduced and changed every day. Based on this, men's desire for self-approval and "fear" of women, that is, "a society in which men must dominate, strengthen cognitive distortions and promote sexual violence."

This is a common factor in sexual harassment, power harassment, bullying, and the like. And (sexual) violence moves from the strong to the weak. Typical examples are (sexual) violence and abuse of children.

Although (child) pornography is a trigger, pornography is the use of the image (information) of another person's body. It is a mirror of one's own image and the body as a medium. And it is likely that it has been standardized as a kind of product. Until you look in the mirror, you don't know your face, but if you do, it is unlikely that it will be a trigger. There must be another factor to take action. It is probably the presence of a real child, as well as the direction of power (to weaker ones). What is formed here is the distortion of cognition, isn't it the result? I feel like a posterior mental structure for justification of the action. Sexual crimes will not go away unless we change the system of capitalism, in which things with power (= money) are absolute justice.

Finally, saying that it is not love, sexual acts with distorted cognition are not love, but I do not think that "love" will never hold for children and adults. This is my illusion (desire), but I cannot define love and I think there are many forms of love. Parent-child love can be accompanied by sexual activity, and it is common for couples to have no sexual activity. In general, the need for genital contact for love is itself a stereotype. At the age of 13, 13-year-old adults are adults (some children are strong even at the age of 13, some adults are like children at any age. Do not seem to occupy the majority).


斉藤章佳(さいとう あきよし)


「そりゃセックスもしましたよ。恋人同士ですもん。それを周りの人たちが、ぶち壊したんです。 私がロリコンで、Yちゃんは被害者だといって引き離したんです。
彼らの問題行動の背景には、精神疾患があります。日本語では小児性愛障害、英語ではPedophilic Disorder, Pedophiliaといわれ、この「ペドフィリア」という語のほうが馴染みがある人もいるでしょう。

「小児性愛」という病 ―それは愛ではない 斉藤章佳著 ブックマン社 (2019/11/20) [拡大]


