高専生だった私が出会った世界でたった一つの天職 紗倉まな著 宝島社 (2015/1/15)

高専生だった私が出会った世界でたった一つの天職 紗倉まな著 宝島社 (2015/1/15)









Since she still wrote her third year after debut, what do you think now? I wrote the same thing in "Working Boobs", so I think it hasn't changed.

The author who became an av actress yearn for not money. She continues to produce works once a month.

However, if the current single actress sells her debut work, she will release 5 or 6 works a month. They can do it because they are young, but the actress seems to be disposable, so I am worried about the AV industry in the future.

AV works that used to cost more than 10,000 yen each, are now 2 to 3000 yen. It's cheaper than a photo book. The AV industry is continuing to be reorganized, but it will be difficult to make a profit in that. The zero interest rate policy is not just a company-oriented policy, but the profit rate is approaching zero. Mechanization continues to eliminate workers, but machines do not make a profit. It only speeds up the exploitation of labor. And it has its limits. Therefore, it continues to produce cheap labor.

When she wants to "eliminate the negative image of a profession", it is when capitalism collapses. The driving force of capitalism is "contradiction" such as "Saint and profession" and "Takzen and true intention". Money is the best example, but so is "sex." It's an indispensable and wonderful thing, but it's also dirty and dirty. The world is full of "sex" as a product, and it is difficult to talk openly while being forced to talk about "sex". You are limited in time and place. That's why she feels hesitant to fill in the occupation field of her resume.

But the world will change. It has to change. Drawing on the reality of the AV industry is one of the powers of that transformation. “Sex” is a natural human activity that is neither “holy” nor “professional”. It means that money is neither sacred nor profane. It is a society in which everyone does not have to use "honest and temae" properly.

I support "Mana Sakura" as an AV actress, and "Mana Sakura" as a human being.


紗倉 まな (さくら まな) プロフィール
1993年生まれ。千葉県出身。グラビア活動を経て、高等専門学校在学中の2012年に、SODクリエイトよりAVデビュー。あどけなさの残るベビーフェイスとFカップの巨乳が生むギャップに加え、現役高専生という肩書きが話題を呼び、デビュー作の『紗倉まな AV Debut』は3万枚を超えるトップセールスを記録した。2015年現在は、人気AV女優でありながら、コラムやエッセーの執筆をはじめ、バラエティー番組、映画へ出演するなど、既存の枠にとらわれない新時代のAV女優像をマイペースに構築中。


高専生だった私が出会った世界でたった一つの天職 紗倉まな著 宝島社 (2015/1/15) [拡大]


