寄生虫なき病 モイセズ ベラスケス=マノフ( Moises Velasquez‐Manoff)著 赤根洋子訳

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Moises Velasquez‐Manoff:"AN EPIDEMIC OF ABSENCE A New Way of Understanding Allergies and Autoimmune Diseases" 2012の訳です。







It's a great book. The content is that humans have evolved in nature with parasites and bacteria, which has broken the balance in the last 100 to 200 years (half a century for allergies). To write this book (I think it was also for myself), the author has read a huge amount of literature. Perhaps there was a lot of literature on the pharmaceutical companies that was struck by it. The author cleverly avoids it. When I am not sure, I like the fact that I am clearly writing it.

However, it's a pity that I was able to say something more clearly, even if I was implicitly writing about "antibiotics," "chemicals," "radioactive exposure," etc. However, it can be said that this book was sold because it is not a "criticism criticism" book, so the balance is a delicate place.

Many of the scientists in this book think that they are doing research in a frustrating way, because the research that leads to the criticisms of pharmaceutical companies does not pay.

Readers are also required to think and act for themselves, rather than thinking of getting answers from a single book. (Never catching hookworms is the solution.) This book gives you the opportunity to think for yourself. I would be grateful if you could think of many things not only for yourself but for your children, grandchildren, and modern society.

Akane's translation was also very easy to read. (She is a German literary man (laughs). But she's doing German literature, so she might have been able to easily translate the sloppy language of American language.)






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[ISBN-10: 4163900357]

