「私」は脳ではない 21世紀のための精神の哲学 マルクス・ガブリエル著  姫田多佳子訳  (講談社選書メチエ 2019/9/12)

「私」は脳ではない 21世紀のための精神の哲学 マルクス・ガブリエル著  姫田多佳子訳  (講談社選書メチエ 2019/9/12)

"ICHE IST NICHT GEHIRN:Philosophie des Geists fur das 21.Jahrhundert" by Markus Gabriel 2015の訳です。









"ICHE IST NICHT GEHIRN:Philosophie des Geists fur das 21.Jahrhundert" by Markus Gabriel 2015.

I read it in a hurry, so I don't really understand it. I understand that you write it as easily as possible by giving familiar examples, but I think that it is difficult if you do not understand German philosophy properly. Fichte, Schering, Nietzsche, Kant, Hegel, Heidegger, Husserl and Freud. You may also need modern French philosophy (Sartre, Foucault, etc.). Of course, the philosopher's (though not the only) way of thinking is kindly explained by Gabriel in a few lines, but that's his understanding, which might be different if you read it.

The keyword is "spirit". However, the German word "GEIST" is difficult. It's hard enough to translate it as "ghost, soul". I think that it is usually translated as "mind" in English philosophy books, but it is a unique German word, and the tradition of German idealism is imbued with it.

Well, if you read it while keeping in mind the "spirit", "consciousness (intention)" and "me", you will arrive at Gabriel's "freedom."

"I" is not a substance like "brain", but it exists. Human beings are “free” because they are not materials. Karl Marx might say, “It's a prima facie,” when asked, but Karl Marx would agree that he removed “God” from Hegel's “spirit” and put it back in our hands. .. However, unlike the Hegelian Left, Karl Marx is convinced that he didn't simply reduce the spirit to matter.

Karl Marx has little philosophical writing in his later years, so I don't know what he really means, but Gabriel is not an economist (Karl Marx also writes "The Economics Book Today") I wouldn't say I'm an economist, though) and Karl Marx seems to be a “materialist” because of the strong influence of Engels. Gabriel's delicate mention of spirit in this book is that spirit is free, but influenced by the outside world and free in such a "place." But what he wants to say is that "freedom" is the main reason, so in this book, "place" is pushed to the back. (I think the concept of "ba" is a concept borrowed from modern physics.)

On top of that, "behind the machines are the people who are actually lurking to exploit them, so we have already become digital proletariat." He says, "There is no reason to use technology for a human unless he knows who he is." Isn't this a spell that calls Karl Marx to the present age?

I hope the end of the trilogy will be translated soon.


1980年生まれ。哲学者。現在、ボン大学教授。後期シェリング研究をはじめ、古代哲学における懐疑主義からヴィトゲンシュタイン、ハイデガーに至る西洋哲学全般について多くの著作を執筆。「新しい実在論」を提唱して世界的に注目されている。主な著書として、一般書「三部作」として構想された、『なぜ世界は存在しないのか』(原著2013年、講談社選書メチエ)、本書(原著2017年)、Der Sinn des Denkens (Ullstein, 2018) など。

姫田 多佳子


「私」は脳ではない 21世紀のための精神の哲学 マルクス・ガブリエル著  姫田多佳子訳  (講談社選書メチエ 2019/9/12) [拡大] 「私」は脳ではない 21世紀のための精神の哲学 マルクス・ガブリエル著  姫田多佳子訳  (講談社選書メチエ 2019/9/12) [拡大]


