「腸の力」であなたは変わる: 一生病気にならない、脳と体が強くなる食事法  デイビッド パールマター, クリスティン ロバーグ著 白澤卓二訳 三笠書房 (2016/3/18)

「腸の力」であなたは変わる: 一生病気にならない、脳と体が強くなる食事法  デイビッド パールマター, クリスティン ロバーグ著 白澤卓二訳 三笠書房 (2016/3/18)

”Brain Maker:The Power of Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain-for Life"by David Perlmutter,MD with Kristin Loberg 2015の訳。









"Brain Maker: The Power of Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain-for Life" by David Perlmutter, MD with Kristin Loberg 2015.

The previous story is about "gluten". This work is about intestinal flora. New research results are announced every year, and the common sense of medicine is overturned. But how did the common sense of medicine come about? Is it the result of medical companies leading the way, followed by doctors and the government, and the media upset? Once it becomes a ready-made line, the rest is bad. Doctors, pharmacists, and politicians have a job of swaying authority and protecting it. It becomes money.

This book is kind because it gives us an example of diet, but there are some ingredients that are common in the West, but not available in the Japanese countryside. I'm also anxious about recommending supplements. There are almost no supplements made from only natural ingredients. It must contain chemical substances. Because it can be cheaper. Take from food. There should be no essential substances that cannot be taken from food. Humans have lived without supplements for tens of thousands of years. (Lol)

When such "anti-Western medicine" books come out, the "Tondem Health Law" books will come out like bamboo shoots after rain (they are also for money). I want you to think that health is a "means", not an "purpose." Every year, some people die while jogging because they want to stay healthy because they can die. That may be one way of life, but I miss the fact that I cannot do what I want to do because of my health. Everyone who thinks only about "health" may not have "what they want to do". Or maybe you think you can find what you want to do when you are healthy.

It is accepted in the world that you are worried about such things when you are young like “Junior high school diary” and “High school diary”, but I think that I can not find what I want to do at the age of 40 or 50, reflecting on my own way of life. You may need to try. I think it's strange that going to a company is a life, and what you want to do is "hobbies." In today's society, it is difficult to live without money, but the purpose of a company (money) is to live by "means" and "what you want to do."

The reality is that you cannot develop the habit of thinking by yourself in middle school and high school. The only correct option is to enter a good company (?). If you don't enter it, you're a loser. I hate such tightrope society. The sense of values ​​is fixed and no one can move. The starting line depends on whether it was born in a rich family or in a poor family. To take it for granted, it is no wonder that democracy has not grown in this country. Where there is no democracy, there is no “equality” and no “freedom”.

There must be something you want to do (what you wanted to do). If you think about it as a matter of course (conventional concept), shift your perspective a little, and then review your life.

If you think there is no annotation page, please download it from the home page. Isn't there something wrong? , Mikasa Shobo.









◎効果を実感!7日間で、脳が生まれ変わる食事プログラム …etc.


第1部 一生の健康を約束する、「腸内フローラ」を育てなさい(人は誕生から死まで「細菌」とともに生きている
第2部 腸内の細菌たちにトラブルを起こさないために(果糖・グルテン―あなたの健康を破壊する「2つの悪魔」
第3部 腸から脳をもっと元気にする「実践プログラム」(気持ちのいい腸内環境をつくる「6つの食べ物・食べ方」

「腸の力」であなたは変わる: 一生病気にならない、脳と体が強くなる食事法  デイビッド パールマター, クリスティン ロバーグ著 白澤卓二訳 三笠書房 (2016/3/18) [拡大]

[ISBN-13: 978-4837957638]

