間接税と労働者階級  ラサール著, 大内 力訳 岩波文庫 1960/05/25

間接税と労働者階級  ラサール著, 大内 力訳 岩波文庫 1960/05/25

"Die indirekte Steuer und die Lage der arbeitenden Klassen" by Ferdinad Lassalle 1863の訳です。






"Die indirekte Steuer und die Lage der arbeitenden Klassen" by Ferdinad Lassalle 1863.

The book is more than 150 years old, but it sharply depicts the essence of indirect tax (consumption tax).

Although the tax covers the state's finances, it is said to have the side of redistributing income. However, the same can be said for direct tax (income tax), but not for indirect tax. Rather, there is a proper debate that indirect taxes are a direct transfer to the working class (the poor). Based on that, the tax hierarchy was clarified. The discussion there developed the theory of the German economist (Bourgeois economist) from British economics that began with Smith and Ricard, and also cites statistics issued by the government. The point is that you use your enemy's weapons to explain your logic.

When the consumption tax was legalized in Japan (1989), did the opposition lawmakers study this? It is not late from now. I would like you to study and discuss the reduction and abolition of the consumption tax.

"The Japanese newspaper of that time (1852) had a heart that felt the condition and suffering of the people. It still took the defense of the people. It was only the interests of the producers and the senses, ears and mouth. The statement "Today's newspaper in Japan (1863), which has nothing more than that" applies to the current Japanese media. It's always the same.

間接税と労働者階級  ラサール著, 大内 力訳 岩波文庫 1960/05/25 [拡大]


