海洋プラスチック 永遠のごみの行方 保坂直紀著 角川新書 2020/6/10

海洋プラスチック 永遠のごみの行方 保坂直紀著 角川新書 2020/6/10







It is easy to understand because it is written about what marine plastic is and what plastic is.

The effects of marine plastics on the natural environment and the human body are still under study. (However, it is clear that the melted additive substance has an effect.)

The author simply explains the research results and is careful in judging the value. "In the world of science, conclusions are always paired with methods and results. Mass media sometimes only give results without giving details about methods, assumptions and the background of the news. There is a gap in the way society receives it." "Sometimes science can not answer. It is an area where human values ​​and judgments are related." "Scientific judgment Is not what scientists judge, we use the results of science to make judgments."

That's right. However, in order for us to make judgments, we need the material, but the current media reports after making value judgments. It is a well-known fact that it is in line with the intentions of the administration and business circles. If you call it "balance with cost", there is no origin or child. The current coronavirus is also reported as "a balance between economics and infection control," but is the government making decisions based on scientific grounds? Is the media reporting based on scientific facts?

Questions are only raised.


保坂 直紀:1959年、東京都生まれ。東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科/大気海洋研究所特任教授特任教授。サイエンスライター。東京大学理学部卒業。同大大学院で海洋物理学を専攻。博士課程を中退し、1985年、読売新聞社入社。在職中、科学報道の研究により、2010年に東京工業大学で博士(学術)を取得。2013年、同社退社。著書に『クジラのおなかからプラスチック』『海のプラスチックごみ 調べ大事典』(旬報社)、『謎解き・海洋と大気の物理』『謎解き・津波と波浪の物理』(ともに講談社ブルーバックス)ほか。


はじめに ~このまま汚れた海でいいのだろうか
第一章 世界の海はプラスチックごみだらけ
第二章 プラスチックは地球の異物
第三章 マイクロプラスチックを生き物が食べる
第四章 わたしたち一人ひとりの力は小さいのか?
おわりに 〜わたしたちは、やればきっとできる

海洋プラスチック 永遠のごみの行方 保坂直紀著 角川新書 2020/6/10 [拡大]

[ISBN-13: 978-4040823430]

