官僚制のユートピア テクノロジー、構造的愚かさ、リベラリズムの鉄則 デヴィット・グレーバー著 酒井隆史訳 以文社 (2017/12/11)

官僚制のユートピア テクノロジー、構造的愚かさ、リベラリズムの鉄則 デヴィット・グレーバー著 酒井隆史訳 以文社 (2017/12/11)

"The Utopia of Rules:On Technorogy,Stupidity,and the Secret Joy of Bureaucracy"Melville House,2015の訳である。











"The Utopia of Rules: On Technorogy,Stupidity, and the Secret Joy of Bureaucracy" Melville House, 2015.

The content is wide-ranging, and his learning is well represented. So this book is not about deepening into logic as chapters progress, so it's hard to summarize. Since we are considering bureaucracy (rules) from various angles, we have no choice but to read the contents.

First, a word about the translation. First of all, the title is easy to understand and I think it is a summary of the whole book, but I think the original title is better. Of course, I think that the original author has obtained permission, but the content of this book goes beyond the category of "bureaucratic utopia" to describe "rule utopia". I think the translation itself is polite and accurate (completion of words and kindness), but it is not easy to read. It can be said in Mr. Sakai's own work. I feel like I am trying to convey it all over the place, which in turn hinders my understanding. Of course, it is a characteristic of Greber's narrative method, but since one phenomenon is viewed from various perspectives, it is often misleading to the reader that it seems to be saying the opposite. That is also the strategy of the gray bar. The reader must read while thinking and having various viewpoints.

The modern world is dominated by "neoliberalism," which ostensibly deregulates and gives market leadership, not politics. However, in order to do so, it is necessary to ensure that money flows to the ruler class, so a number of laws (rules) must be created and amended. That is the role of the government. For example, if you look at Japan's income tax law, you can see that. As a matter of course, it is revised every year, and the number of exceptions is increasing. Exceptional provisions may be included in the text, but most of them are included in the “Supplementary Provisions”. As a result, the annex is many times thicker than the text. The exception of the exception of the exception is written there, and the content of the text is almost meaningless after all. They are all for large corporations, high-income earners. We also hear that Toyota and Toyota's president pay almost no corporate or personal income tax. This shows the feature of neo-liberalism well. In the name of deregulation, rules are becoming more and more complex.

In order to comply with the rules, the fields for writing applications and other documents will continue to increase and the number of attachments will continue to increase. For that reason, the work of the bureaucrats who handle it continues to increase. The number of civil servants seems to be decreasing, but it has decreased significantly due to the privatization of postal services, the incorporation of national universities, the incorporation of non-specified independent administrative agencies, etc. I can't. Instead, the number of temporary staff and temporary staff is increasing steadily, accounting for about 40% of the staff. (Even if you look at the white paper of the country, there is no such number. I think that only the number of regular staff can be grasped.)

For the people, not only will the burden increase, but there is also the possibility that the application itself will not be possible.

The same is true for the private sector. It has dozens of pages, including insurance policies, and is small and written in "light gray letters." I'm telling you not to read. Moreover, if there is something, he says, "It is written in the terms and conditions." It's more like a government office than a government office. It means that bureaucracy is not in the form of administration, but permeates into general corporations and is indistinguishable.

The more rules you have, the more like a person lives to keep them. It feels like the rules are protecting you. And in the rules, rest assured. The critical spirit is lost.

In a bureaucratic society, no one needs to take responsibility. The bad thing is the rules, and in what is said to be a democratic society, the rules are made by all members of the society. But people forget that the society itself was created violently (internally and externally). Therefore, violence is necessary to maintain the society. The violence is conspicuously manifested in antisocial (as opposed to antisocial acts, it is an antisocial act). Demonstrations and strikes are antisocial. In Japan today, it seems difficult to have a demonstration or strike, but in reality there are many. The media is just hiding the information. The media no longer get the information themselves. It is impossible to report such a thing. The bureaucracy rules in the mass media itself. It only reports the announcement of the head of the government or the local government. The rest is company (product) advertising. The publishing industry does not publish with that content. There is no choice but to publish what sells.

Bureaucracy is never rational. Maintaining bureaucracy is costly and time consuming. If it makes sense, we are losing something in return. Yes, autonomy and freedom. It means that you can get better without thinking. People give up thinking. It becomes "voluntary slavery".


他:Lost Peaple:Magic and the Legasy of Slavery in Madagascar,Indiana       University Press.Toward on Anthoropological Theory of Value:The       False Coin of Our Own Dreams(Palgrave,2001).       Direct Action:An Ethnography(AK Press,2007),On Kings      (HAU,近刊)など多数。



官僚制のユートピア テクノロジー、構造的愚かさ、リベラリズムの鉄則 デヴィット・グレーバー著 酒井隆史訳 以文社 (2017/12/11) [拡大]

[ISBN-10: 4753103439]

