82年生まれ、キム・ジヨン チェ・ナムジュ著  斎藤真理子翻訳 筑摩書房 2018/12/10

82年生まれ、キム・ジヨン チェ・ナムジュ著  斎藤真理子翻訳 筑摩書房 2018/12/10








This book was interesting. It's a great book. Recently, a movie of this work was released, but I borrowed it from the library because I couldn't go to see it (no car or money). (^ _ ^;)

There are many things I didn't know, no, I knew but didn't think about it properly. I feel sorry for my partner.

It may be a novel, but it seems to be a documentary, with common facts being plainly stated. It seemed like myself and probably caught the hearts of Korean women.

Is it fiction or non-fiction? It is meaningless to preach it. What is written is a fictional character, not only in Korean society, but also in the history and current situation of Japan, Europe and the United States (women). I think that discrimination against women should be eliminated. But that cannot be solved by changing the male-centered society. What is flowing in this book is criticism of the male-centered society as well as the social system that allows and maintains it. It cannot be changed no matter how much a man notices. The social system itself must be changed.

Mio Sugita's remarks, "Women lie as much as they want" and "LGBT are not productive" (that is, women who do not have children are also not productive) are very consistent with the system. If she resigns as a representative, the system will not change. The system would truncate her if it became too "bad". However, I don't like to hear such remarks from women's mouths, and it's creepy.

What if the male deputy said the same thing? There may have been more criticism than it is now, but there may have been more feelings like "I'm saying the same thing again." It is essential for the oppressed to justify the oppression. (It is proof that she is not aware that she is not "the oppressed" and is not looking at the people.)





82年生まれ、キム・ジヨン チェ・ナムジュ著  斎藤真理子翻訳 筑摩書房 2018/12/10 [拡大] 82年生まれ、キム・ジヨン チェ・ナムジュ著  斎藤真理子翻訳 筑摩書房 2018/12/10 [拡大]

82年生まれ、キム・ジヨン チェ・ナムジュ著  斎藤真理子翻訳 筑摩書房 2018/12/10 [拡大]

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4480832115 ]

