娘と話す 非暴力って何? ジャック・ラムセン著 山本淑子訳 現代企画室  2002/7/1

娘と話す 非暴力って何? ジャック・ラムセン著 山本淑子訳 現代企画室  2002/7/1






Tue Dec 31 17:12:24 2002


A book that easily explains "non-violence". However, it is difficult to tell children "non-violence". The author tries to convey a wealth of content in easy words. I would like you to talk about this book with your children and in society as well.

The means of "non-violence" is indispensable in the future society, a society that is managed and self-managed. It may be said that there is only one means. And the means include the purpose.

A book that easily explains "non-violence". However, it is difficult to tell children "non-violence". The author tries to convey a wealth of content in easy words. I would like you to talk about this book with your children and in society as well.

The means of "non-violence" is indispensable in the future society, a society that is managed and self-managed. It may be said that there is only one means. And the means include the purpose.

But what is its purpose? Originally, it may be necessary to clarify the cause of violence. The ultimate goal should be to eliminate the cause. Unfortunately, the author seems to perceive violence as inevitable for humans. It will be necessary to clarify the causes of violence that are common to everything from familiar violence to war.

Tue Dec 31 17:12:24 2002




家庭で、学校で、子どもと親、生徒と先生みんなでいっしょに問い直してみませんか? 暴力と非暴力行動について研究している父親が、13歳と8歳の娘に「非暴力」をわかりやすく説明する。子どもと話すシリーズ第1弾

[ISBN-13 : 978-4773802054]

