多重化するリアル 心と社会の解離論 香山リカ著 廣済堂出版 2001/12/1

多重化するリアル 心と社会の解離論 香山リカ著 廣済堂出版 2001/12/1






Mon Dec 23 06:02:10 2002


We will read modern society with keywords such as depersonalization, dissociation, and borderline personality disorder. The eyes are sharp. And his eyes are never optimistic. He doesn't look positively at "multiplexing real". However, when the cause is sought from TV, games, and the Internet, the phenomenon becomes inevitable. TV, games, and the Internet will never go away.

However, even if they are necessary conditions, they are not sufficient conditions. There must be social or psychological factors that lead to dissociation of those technologies. There have been virtual worlds such as books and plays for a long time, but that did not lead to a loss of reality. Rather, it may have been a part of reality more than it is now.

Capitalism sought an individual as the subject of contracts and product ownership. However, it also inevitably divided the individual as a labor subject and the individual as a non-labor subject. Then, the individual as a consumer forces the existence of a wide variety of individuals according to the product type.

Dissociative personality is a paraphrase of schizoflenic, and the capitalist society itself is neurotic. We need a perspective that tries to overcome it, rather than simply affirming it and simply denying it.

Prime Minister Koizumi's analysis is excellent. Worth a read.

Mon Dec 23 06:02:10 2002




[ISBN-13 : 978-4331850107]

