タバコの社会学 紫煙をめくる攻防戦 ロナルド・J・トロイヤー、ジェラルド・E・マークル著 1983 中河伸俊、鮎川潤訳 1992 世界思想社

タバコの社会学 紫煙をめくる攻防戦 ロナルド・J・トロイヤー、ジェラルド・E・マークル著 1983 中河伸俊、鮎川潤訳 1992 世界思想社




Sat Oct 05 12:46:15 2002


It examines the relationship between the anti-smoking and tobacco advocacy movements and the public definition, the public definition, and the perception of deviant behavior (stigma).

I have rarely read sociology books, but the methodology presented in this book tickles my inquisitive mind. However, it is difficult to position it as "science". In that case, "scientific materialism" is still better. The author uses the name "dialectic" in his methodology, but the development of logic does not feel dialectical. It only states a list of facts and some sort of law (or anti-law) derived from that list.

There are few such considerations in Japan. Research on anti-smoking forces in Japan is required.

Sat Oct 05 12:46:15 2002


[ ISBN-13 : 978-4790704201 ]

