マルクスとアソシエーション マルクス再読の試み 田畑稔著 1994 新泉社

マルクスとアソシエーション  マルクス再読の試み 田畑稔著 1994 新泉社




Sat Jul 27 12:12:33 2002


This book created an opportunity to reread Marx from the theory of association. The association in Marx is summarized by writing from the early years to the later years.

From the author's point of view, there is no essential difference between early Marx and later Marx. Opinions may differ on such readings. But as far as his narrative is concerned, Marx's point of view is consistent. I can sympathize with the attitude of rereading Marx himself, away from the traditional Marxist debate. The question is how to connect it to the actual movement. I want to read his other books.

It seems that Karatani is also reading this book because it leads to the association theory of Kojin Karatani. However, in that case, Karatani might not have had to quote Kant. I wanted to study Karatani's understanding of Kant.

Sat Jul 27 12:12:33 2002


[ ISBN-13 : 978-4787794079 ]

