労働のオントロギー フランス現代思想の底流 今村仁司 1981 勁草書房

労働のオントロギー フランス現代思想の底流 今村仁司 1981 勁草書房



Sun Apr 07 02:25:55 2002


Read for the first time in 20 years. It is interesting that the duality of labor and the targeting / non-targeting are involved, but I have not investigated in detail whether the person himself is not confident. It would be epoch-making if we could connect targeting / non-targeting with work / joy, concrete useful labor and abstract human labor.

Unfortunately, the introduction of French thought in the first half is not well related to my logic.

Sun Apr 07 02:25:55 2002

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4326151110 ]

