価値論の問題点 経済学ゼミナール(2) 宇野弘蔵著 1963 法政大学出版局

価値論の問題点 経済学ゼミナール(2) 宇野弘蔵著 1963 法政大学出版局






Mon Mar 25 01:32:36 2002


The product theory and value morphology theory at the beginning of the capital theory are logical but mysterious, attracting many people, and causing various controversies.

Value and form of value are characteristic of capitalism. Kozo Uno's idea of ​​describing the essence of value in the production process is not wrong. Indeed, the form of value presupposes capitalist production. However, in the result of commodities, that is, capitalist production, the process (production process) is not visible. Whether the product was produced in a capitalist relations of production or in the cottage industry has disappeared. However, it has no choice but to take a value form as it appears on the market as a product. The product is a natural egalitarian. For Kozo Uno, commodities that were not produced in such a capitalist production process may not be the subject of the original theory. However, what is important in product analysis is to clarify the basics of "the relation of production in which a product becomes a product". It must be clarified that the product must become a commodity, that is, it must take a form of value. It is the relationship of labor that makes goods (targeted to goods). Labor does not "create value." Social relations in which labor becomes "value" are the problem, and that is the basis of value theory.

The value debate that takes place without catching it is barren. At least in thinking of a worthless society. If Marx was wrong, he wrote the value morphology as if the product itself developed in a Hegelian way. I would have wanted to emphasize that the form is important, not the value, but that is rather confusing. The description of the first edition of "Das Kapital" is correct in that sense.

Marx's labor theory of value is a succession and criticism of the labor theory of value in conventional economics. If labor creates value, we cannot understand the peculiarity (historical nature) of capitalism. The problem is the special relations of production in which labor is valued, and in such a society, goods (that is, the form of value) dominate. Therefore, product analysis is required. Then, from the relationship between the product owners (here, the producer itself), the value form is explained, and it is clear that the value is the incarnation of labor while considering the production relationship that creates the value form. Be made.

The production process theory is developed based on this, and the production process theory without the value morphology theory (relationship in which labor becomes value) is not described as a special historical one. It is clear from Kozo Uno's theory of economics.

Mon Mar 25 01:32:36 2002




Sat Oct 31 13:55:00 2020


