ハイデガー =存在神秘の哲学 古東哲明著 2002/03/20 講談社現代新書

ハイデガー =存在神秘の哲学 古東哲明著  2002/3/19 講談社現代新書











The first impression of this book was "small letters" (I was mistaken!). The impression at the beginning of reading is, "It looks like an adult is talking to a high school student." "I want you to remember" "I think you understand", it's difficult and I don't understand.

I read Iwanami's new book "Michel Foucault" before this book, but the book was faithful to Foucault and I could hardly see the author's thoughts. I felt that this book was more about the author's ideas than Heidegger. As he wrote, "this book is not Heidegger's manual". However, no one can tell the thoughts of others without putting in their own thoughts. Therefore, it is okay to express the author's thoughts through Heidegger. If you want to know "Heidegger itself", you have to read Heidegger's book (although the translation contains the thoughts of the translator).

As I read it, I began to feel that it was similar to Kitaro Nishida. Heidegger is 19 years younger than Nishida. I don't know what the relationship was between the two (Hironobu Ota "Kitaro Nishida and Heidegger" Being and Time "" and "Kitaro Nishida and Heidegger", and this came out first. It seems interesting. ). Both seem to criticize Logos' priority over Physis. I think it's similar to Nishida's disciples cooperating with the Nazis in "Modern Transcendence."

I didn't understand, I was reading it boringly, but it was the final chapter that shocked me. It depicts the feeling of childhood. It's a natural feeling, but I think it's close to Heidegger's El Aiknis and Nishida's enlightenment. Ontogeny reproduces phylogeny. A natural sense of "being". Children who lost it (there is a TV from the time they were born) are now adults. This alone made me think that this book was a "masterpiece".

Before reading "The Birth of a ", let's define a child. A child is an "illiterate person." In other words, it is an illogical person (not captured by Logos). It is a condition to overcome. At the same time, it becomes a source of contempt and control over women and barbarians (oral culture people). "Please explain it properly." "Because there are things you can't explain, right?" (Why?).

However, there is no era of illiteracy for children raised by women's social advancement and video games. As the last generation of my childhood without TV (I think my brother had TV since he was a kid), I think he has a responsibility to convey that feeling. However, I don't remember when I was a kid (; _;), and it's difficult to convey it in letters. In such a case, I think Heidegger and Nishida's thoughts will be helpful.

The implications of Heidegger's support for the Nazis are explained. It acknowledges the fact of "support" itself and seeks the cause from Heidegger's thought itself. The root is explained by the word "nihilism". It is a modern criticism. It is a modern society that imposes only a negative meaning on the word "nihilism", but it is important to think of it firmly as a keyword. And the relationship between thinking and social change becomes clear (although I don't understand it, there are some things I don't understand).

I think Heidegger and Nishida's sense of "history" lacks the concept of temporal and spatial history. It is not unclear that the existence of (living organisms) creates time. But history is created by letters. It is also clear that there is no history, as we say, in a culture without letters, no unwritten history. "Imakoko" is essential for understanding the difference between literacy culture and oral culture. However, the "uniqueness" of "the present as an absolute self-contradiction between the past and the future" is neither "history itself" nor "denial of history". I think that "criticism of Western metaphysics" and "criticism of scientific thinking" must be constructed based on the recognition that history is a letter.

I don't have the energy to reread this book right now. However, I think I will come back to this book someday.





[ ISBN-13 : 978-4061496002 ]

