定点観測 新型コロナウイルスと私たちの社会 2020年前半 森達也編著 2020/09/25 論創社(論創ノンフィクション 005)

定点観測 新型コロナウイルスと私たちの社会 2020年前半 森達也編著 2020/09/25  (論創ノンフィクション 005)











斎藤環 「医療」に何が起こったか


雨宮処凛 コロナ化の貧困の現場から見えてきたもの


上野千鶴子 コロナ禍とジェンダー


今井晴貴 コロナ化の労働現場


斎藤美奈子 パンデミック文学のパンデミックに寄せて


CDB 緊急事態の夜空に


武田砂鉄 アベノマスク論


仲正昌樹 コロナと哲学


前川喜平 「全国一斉休校」という人災


町山智浩 新型コロナ日記 イン アメリカ


松尾匡 コロナ禍で進む日本経済の「転換」


丸川哲史 コロナ禍と東アジア(ポスト)冷戦


宮台真司 崩壊する日本の「絶望」と「希望」


望月衣塑子 コロナ禍とメディア


森達也 禍福は糾える縄の如し


安田浩一 コロナ化の差別と排除


安田菜津紀 共感の種を育てるためにーコロナ禍で孤立する難民と仮放免の人々



History is created by letters. Both plague and peasants. Things that are not written will disappear with people's memories. The memory is also suspicious. Some people have memories of their childhood (when they were born!). I don't. The memory of my childhood is the memory associated with my childhood photographs, or the memory I dreamed of over and over again. I'm sure it's a painful memory (trauma). What about you?

What is written in this book is probably a record of "facts", but there is no doubt that the author's opinion (position) is included in it. Since "facts" (existences) are always multifaceted, the author's bias is always applied when they become letters (the existence itself cannot be described by "letters", as are photographs and movies). .. The problem is from what angle and perspective the facts are described. I intend to be "basically" in the same position as the authors. However, I think it's a little different to just deny any other position. It is natural to deny it, but in order to do so, I think it is necessary to clarify "why the opposite opinion comes out." Of course, the space and time given to each writer is limited, so I may be writing elsewhere. Without it, in the form of sentences that cannot be spoken, it would be the same as the hate speech side or the politician side, or "incompatible with each other forever".

Recently, it is related to "comfort women", "recruitment workers", "Holocaust", etc., but I will write about "Should Japan apologize?"

First of all, I think that the current government does not recognize the difference between "country" and "government", or has an intention to make it the same. Country and government are completely different concepts. I think you all learned the "separation of powers of the country" at junior high school. The three powers are judiciary, legislation, and administration (I don't know the order, just because the pun is good). The government is just the "top of the executive branch." However, even though the Japanese system gives great authority to the administration, the people can only choose members of the Diet (the Diet chooses the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister chooses the Cabinet, and the Emperor appoints it. There is a national examination by judges, but the Cabinet chooses it). The science council is a hot topic right now, but I think there is a lack of debate as to whether the science council is a national or governmental institution. Simply put, the Council of Experts is a government agency, while the Science Council is a national agency. The country has no limbs or ears, so we need someone to actually do the work. It's the government, the judge, and the deputy. It would be a big mistake to think that if you become the Prime Minister, you can do anything. ('The Constitution is an order to the government.' Douglas Smith)

Does Japan need to apologize for its actions during the war? As Jennifer Lind says, "The truth than an apology (
, but it is the" country (Japan) "that apologizes, not the government. However, the Japanese government, which equates the country with the government and wants to equate it, cannot apologize. After all, Suga didn't have sex with the comfort women, nor did she bring in recruiters. (Laughs) But the difference between an individual and the prime minister, and a government and a country (state) must be clarified.

I think that "Nazi reaping" is still practiced in Europe, but what happened to the war criminals in Japan? I'm not sure what the "Tokyo Tribunal" was like and what happened as a result, but the person who was suspected of being a Class A war criminal became the Prime Minister, and his grandson became the Prime Minister. (I learned today that A, B, and C are types of crimes, not the weight of sins (^ _ ^;)). It is also Japanese that the postwar summary of the war is not properly done, and I think it is a problem of postwar Japan. Whether or not to apologize "as a public figure (?)" May be a matter of values ​​(I don't understand the meaning of "public figure"). However, I think I can express the facts whether I am a public figure or not. Even if it is biased as mentioned above. No matter what you think as an individual or what position you stand as a government, the country has an obligation to clarify the facts. There is no value judgment in the country. It is the sovereign people who make fact-based value judgments. (There is a Fushi who thinks that the people of the current government are "government people".)

Now, Yuji Koseki is drawn in NHK's morning drama "Ale", but what this drama must (draw) is the relationship between "individuals and war crimes". I know a lot about Koseki's music, but I didn't know anything about Yuji Koseki itself. The painter Tsuguharu Foujita and the philosopher Heidegger are reminiscent of similar figures. What they left behind as artists and thinkers, respectively, is the treasure of mankind. But that and war crimes must be considered separately. Crimes must be punished. Because that is the basis of society. The reverse is also true. In Japan, when an entertainer commits a crime (or against morals), even the work is denied. Flirtation is just personal. The crime must be punished. But that is different from their social existence and their work. The punishment may be the death penalty. However, I think their social status should not influence the judgment and the work should be respected as a work. It is a human sense that equates the work with the author from the oral culture, but in the law-abiding country (character culture), the work (characters, paintings, and music) becomes independent from the author when it is created. Exists. Without independence or objectivity, "characters" are meaningless, and even data as "records".

(The predominant theory is that the letters begin as an objectivity of facts and affirmation of rights to third parties, and continue to do so. Or rather, the oldest records seem to have been found only for commercial transactions. This objectivity is the basis of money, which leads to the dehumanization and alienation of human behavior.)

Still, the work and the author are tightly bound. This is because the act and the actor (or the body and the mind) cannot be considered separately (there was no objectivity / existence and there was no separation of the main customer. There was subjectivity and the object was born. It is not. It is not "I think (subjectivity), and therefore I am (objectivity)". Character culture / description gave birth to objectivity / existence, and as a reflection, subjectivity / subject. is).

Those who participated in the war and those who lived in the era of war have memories of their actions. Whether you hire a recruiter, become a recruiter, have sex with a comfort woman, or participate in the war as a comfort woman, there are reasons (reasons) for you to take responsibility for. I think there were some who blamed others and others. Some people are conscious of victims and others are conscious of perpetrators. Some will have a survivor guilt. Individuals must think about why they did that and why it happened. But to think, you have to have a foundation. That is the "fact".

As mentioned above, facts (existences) are multifaceted. Therefore, in order to leave facts, we need a multifaceted approach, and I think that they have no choice but to represent the facts comprehensively. In this book, it is possible to judge the value of "good and evil", "likes and dislikes", "good and bad", etc. for each article, but I think that we have succeeded in drawing the "new coronavirus" as a whole.

Tamaki Saito What happened to "medical care"

This is like buying this book because I wanted to read it. The content is a bit out of place.

Karin Amamiya: What I saw from the scene of corona-ized poverty

This kind of perspective is important.

Ueno Chizuko Corona Sorrow and Gender

Mr. Ueno, as usual. (^ _ ^;)

Haruki Imai: Coronaized labor site

There is no doubt that Corona has revealed and re-presented the labor problem.

Minako Saito: For a pandemic of pandemic literature

Light sentences are good.

CDB in the night sky of an emergency

It is wonderful to hear from the parties about the actual situation of SNS. Another person wrote that "SNS is a weapon of the new people", but in order to do so, you have to know the minimum reality.

Satetsu Takeda Abenomask theory

It is an incident that highlights the incompetence of the politician and the low level of the sovereign who chose it. I also have to reflect on it.

Masaki Nakamasa Corona and Philosophy

It's short, but the contents are deep. It's hard to understand.

Kihei Maekawa: A man-made disaster called "nationwide closure"

I didn't think too much about "closed school". Scales from the eyes.

Tomohiro Machiyama New Corona Diary in America

I would like to hear your opinion on what will happen to this election (cause, effect and impact).

Tadasu Matsuo: "Transformation" of the Japanese economy due to the corona wreck

Regardless of whether the corona disaster is a man-made disaster, it is important to regard it as a restructuring of capital.

Tetsushi Marukawa Corona Sorrow and East Asia (Post) Cold War

It's interesting. From "US-Soviet" to "US-China". We must not only consider Japan as a client state of the United States, but also consider that Japanese capital has its own uniqueness. The center is now an illusion, but it's not without it.

Shinji Miyadai: "Despair" and "Hope" in Japan that collapses

It is the longest. More than twice as much as other articles. The first half was the explosion of Miyadai, and I didn't understand it well (^ _ ^;), but the second half is wonderful. It's not the same as Corona, but I thought it was okay to read this book for this article.

Isoko Mochizuki Corona Sorrow and Media

The content is good, but what about the "mother of two children" in the profile? I can take the dignity and confidence of being a mother, but is it a gender issue that no one writes "father of two children"? I was really curious, but I want to know the intention of the person.

Tatsuya Mori: The blessing is like a roaring rope

"Marvels can be seen in risks (degree of crisis) and hazards (actual dangers and harms) ... anxiety and fear grow when the two cannot be calmly discerned. Then, an extreme security society will be activated. ”(P.323) is clear. However, it is a pity that "it enables the propagation and inheritance of information by words and letters". To make a movie, you have to make a clear distinction between "words and letters".

Koichi Yasuda Discrimination and exclusion of corona

I think it's a good discussion. See above for my opinion.

Natsuki Yasuda To raise seeds of sympathy-refugees isolated by the Corona disaster and people who are temporarily released

I watched the documents of Corona and refugees that were being broadcast on NHK. I couldn't even cry. It is not just the peculiarities of the government that accept or reject refugees. It may be possible to do that. There are also practical issues such as border length and immigration control. I want to read it together with the above "discrimination ...".


森 達也(もり・たつや) 1956年、広島県呉市生まれ。映画監督、作家、明治大学特任教授。テレビ番組制作会社を経て独立。98年、オウム真理教を描いたドキュメンタリー映画『A』を公開。2001年、続編『A2』が山形国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭で特別賞・市民賞を受賞。佐村河内守のゴーストライター問題を追った16年の映画『FAKE』、東京新聞の記者・望月衣塑子を密着取材した19年の映画『iー新聞記者ドキュメントー』が話題に。10年に発売した『A3』で講談社ノンフィクション賞。著書に、『放送禁止歌』(光文社知恵の森文庫)、『「A」マスコミが報道しなかったオウムの素顔』『職業欄はエスパー』(角川文庫)、『A2』(現代書館)、『ご臨終メディア』(集英社)、『死刑』(朝日出版社)、『東京スタンピード』(毎日新聞社)、『マジョガリガリ(エフエム東京)、『神さまってなに?』(河出書房新社)、『虐殺のスイッチ』(出版芸術社)、『フェイクニュースがあふれる世界に生きる君たちへ』(ミツイパブリッシング)など多数。

100年に一度と言われる感染症の蔓延に、社会はどのように対応したのか、また対応しなかったのか。深刻な事態を風化させないために記録しよう、という共通の思いで、森達也のかけ声のもと、最強の論者たちが集結した。 コロナ禍における社会の動向を記憶するための必読書。 本企画では、1年半にわたって、同じ執筆者がコロナ禍の社会を定点観測する。まずは2020年の上半期を対象に、第1弾となる本書を刊行。以降、半年ごとに1冊、各執筆者が観測の結果を報告する。第2弾は2021年2〜3月、第3弾は2021年8〜9月に刊行する予定。第1弾は、376頁の分厚い記述!




[ ISBN-13 : 978-4846019518 ]

