NHKスペシャル「三島由紀夫 50年目の“青年論”」

NHKスペシャル「三島由紀夫 50年目の“青年論”」


Thu Nov 26 2020 10:00:00


I haven't read Yukio Mishima, so I'm not qualified to say anything.

This year, a movie about his way of life was made. It seems that books are also selling. It may be time to read. People who know Mishima at that time talk about Mishima. However, memories are created, aren't they? It is reproduced (recreated) while constantly disappearing. There is a possibility of "change (creation)" that the person himself does not even notice. Not only that, it is possible that the witness is lying. Even lies that the person himself is not aware of. A lie that was originally intended may become a "fact" within you after 50 years of repetition. Of course, I don't know how Mishima felt or what he was thinking. Unless it is a sentence or a video. I think Miwa-san's remark that "the idea of ​​a genius cannot be deceived" is plausible.

Thu Nov 26 2020 10:00:00




2020年11月21日(土) 午後9:00~午後9:50(50分)

NHKスペシャル「三島由紀夫 50年目の“青年論”」 [拡大]


