民主主義の非西洋起源について:「あいだ」の空間の民主主義 デヴィット・グレーバー著 片岡大右訳 2020/04/24 以文社

民主主義の非西洋起源について:「あいだ」の空間の民主主義 デヴィット・グレーバー著 片岡大右訳 2020/04/24 以文社


今、日本で「民主主義の危機」が叫ばれています。現行の菅政権、その前の安倍政権に対して投げかけられている声です。それでは自由「民主」党を支持する人にも、反対の立場(立憲「民主」党など)を取る人にも問いたい。「民主主義って何?」「それはどこから来た考え?」と。この本に書かれているのは主に後者です。そして後者の答えは、そのまま前者の答えにつながると私は読みました。後者の答えは「あいだ」の空間(spaces in between P.69)です(「即興空間」P.110)。「あいだ」というのは国家と国家のあいだでも、文化と文化のあいだでも、共同体と共同体の間でもいいです。異なる文化、異なる言語、などを持つ人々が一緒に生活をする時に「暴力を用いる」のではなく「コンセンサス」を得る手段として必要だったのが民主主義だったのです。それは共同体の中でも暴力を用いるのではなく(暴力を用いることが不可能なところでも)コンセンサスを得る手段としては(どのように呼ばれるとしても)「民主主義的」な手段でした。(グレーバーの言う民主主義は多数決によらない直接民主主義です。)








"There is no West."

When I'm writing something, when it's hard to say that it's Japanese (I don't really want to say it), when I add Europe and the United States to "Western" (Oh, it's okay!), I often get lost, but I solved it. There is no West. (Lol)

Now, the "crisis of democracy" is being called out in Japan. This is the voice cast against the current Suga administration and the previous Abe administration. Now, I would like to ask both those who support the Liberal Democratic Party and those who take the opposite position (such as the Constitutional Democratic Party). "What is democracy?" "Where did it come from?" The latter is mainly written in this book. And I read that the latter answer directly leads to the former answer. The answer to the latter is "spaces in between P.69" ("improvisational space" P.110). "Between" can be between nations, between cultures, between communities, and between communities. Democracy was needed as a means of gaining "consensus" rather than "using violence" when people of different cultures, different languages, etc. lived together. It was a "democratic" means (whatever it was called) of consensus (even where it was impossible to use violence) rather than using violence in the community. (Graeber's democracy is a direct democracy that does not depend on a majority vote.)

The etymology of "Democracy" comes from the ancient Greek word δημοκρατία, but neither Plato nor Aristotle said that democracy was the best. Moreover, the scholarship of ancient Greece was once forgotten and revived about 1,000 years later. It is by no means the origin of Western culture. Rather, in creating the "Western", Greece and Rome as its source may have been restored. (Graeber says that "Western" was created at the end of the 19th century and was "European" until then.)

The word "between" reminds me of Marx's words, "The market is where the community ends, and it arises between and between communities." Where the rules within the community do not apply, that is, where the gift economy does not hold (although Marx does not say so), where the language does not make sense, the exchange of goods formed a market, and money also occurred there. .. Should we recall the Silk Road bazaar now? So, does the market economy and democracy have an affinity? Well, that's not the case. Rather, I think it is a conflict. Democracy is contrary to quantification. Quantified democracy is indirect democracy based on a majority vote, isn't it? I've never experienced a bazaar, so I don't know what's going on there. In Graeber's words, "the majority democracy can occur" and "the existence of a coercive device that can put decisions into practice" (P.46). Is there something like a "bouncer" in the bazaar? There seems to be no such thing. If you think of it as Western / Western (Japanese), Hollywood (P.82), or TV drama, it may be "necessary".

We consider violence to be outward. War is a simple example (that's why the word DV is also born). But can you really say that? Was the First and Second World Wars a war against the "outside"? Broadly speaking, it may have been a war within a capitalist society (otherwise the existence of an "allied country" cannot be explained). What about the wars that are happening all over the world today? Most are "internal conflicts". There are also wars that appear to be going out (for example, Christians and Muslims). But isn't it something that directs inward violence to the outside, or an external creation (assuming) to maintain the inside? It may be that war should be limited to the actions of the state as a "means for organizing violence" (P.117). At least unorganized violence will not wage war.

Given that, the need for a violent device "outside the community (periphery)" may be an illusion based on the state's fabrication ("Tradition is the continuous process of crafting oneself" p.99). not. Do we realize the threat of China and North Korea in our daily lives? It is a threat to the Soviet Union decades ago and to the United States during the Pacific War (it is now universalized to threats to neighbors and others, and now it is manifested and materialized in the "new Corona". Masu). History proves that it was a "make-up" (I'm not saying that Corona is a make-up). I think it's time to think about it properly. As Graeber says, now that the "genie" has appeared may be the chance.

This book is packed with tips for thinking about it. I don't know how much Graeber was aware of, but "the world of state power and the authority of books" (P.69) and "written language used mainly for politics and ceremonies" (P.101) I think it's a big hint (I haven't read it yet, but it may be familiar to James C. Scott's Anti-Graeber Human History). Settlement, farming, invention of letters. The impact of letters on us is immeasurable. I think the "nation" is the product of character culture. But that doesn't mean it can't be without a character culture. I think what we can do is not just to deny the character culture, the Internet as the latest version of it, but to make it our own and stop it. However, while avoiding falling into the "cynical doctrine that the purpose justifies the means" (P.146).

I didn't think the translation was easy to read. One sentence is long as a recent sentence. It may be faithful to the original work, but if you look at the text of "Translator's Postscript", it seems that it matches the style of the translator. (^_^;)


デヴィッド・グレーバー(David Graeber)
1961 年、ニューヨーク生まれ。文化人類学者・アクティヴィスト。ロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクス大学人類学教授。
訳書に、『アナーキスト人類学のための断章』(2006 年)
『負債論――貨幣と暴力の5000 年』(2016 年,共に以文社)ほか。
日本語のみで出版されたインタビュー集として『資本主義後の世界のために――新しいアナーキズムの視座』(以文社,2009 年)がある。
著書に、Bullshit Jobs: The Rise of Pointless Work, and What We Can Do About It(Penguin, 2019)。 Toward an Anthropological Theory of Value: The False Coin of Our Own Dreams(Palgrave, 2001,以文社より近刊)。
Lost People: Magic and the Legacy of Slavery in Madagascar (Indiana University Press, 2007).
Direct Action: An Ethnography (AK Press, 2007). ほか多数。
マーシャル・サーリンズとの共著に,On Kings (HAU, 2017) がある(以文社より刊行予定)。

片岡大右(かたおか だいすけ)
1974 年生まれ。東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科博士課程修了。批評家、社会思想史・フランス文学。
著書に、『隠遁者、野生人、蛮人――反文明的形象の系譜と近代』(知泉書館、2012 年)。
『共和国か宗教か,それとも』(共著、白水社、2015 年)。
訳書に、F・ドゥノール,A・シュワルツ『欧州統合と新自由主義――社会的ヨーロッパの行方』(共訳、論創社、2012 年)。
P・ベニシュー『作家の聖別――フランス・ロマン主義1』(共訳,水声社、2015 年)など。



「「出羽守」の嘆きと「日本スゴイ」の大合唱が不毛な対立を繰り広げているように見える私たちの列島の現在においても、決して他人事ではない着想に満ちている」(「訳者あとがき」 より)

魔神は瓶に戻せない http://www.ibunsha.co.jp/contents/kataoka03/

コロナ後の世界と「ブルシット・エコノミー」/デヴィッド・グレーバー http://www.ibunsha.co.jp/contents/graeber02/

民主主義の非西洋起源について:「あいだ」の空間の民主主義 デヴィット・グレーバー著 片岡大右訳 2020/04/24 以文社 [拡大]

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4753103577 ]

