9条入門 (「戦後再発見」双書8) 加藤典洋著 2019/04/20 創元社

9条入門 (「戦後再発見」双書8) 加藤典洋著 2019/04/20 創元社


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私たちは「武力・軍隊」だけでなく、武器の所有を禁止されています。アメリカでも銃規制の動きは幾度となく出てきますが、それはアメリカ人が「銃」で「自由と民主主義」を勝ち取ったという思いの中で、なかなか実効性を持ちません(『大澤真幸THINKING「O」第16号 コロナ時代の哲学』参照。)多分それは『構成的権力』(『構成的権力―近代のオルタナティブ』ネグリ)の問題と結びついていて、この本に欠けている視点の一つです。




Really it was interesting. I can't stop reading even if I try to quit. Can someone make it a drama or a movie? It's just like a novel.

I don't know the author at all. I can't read the historical documents used in this book, and I can't judge their authenticity. I trust that the quoted text exists. In " Masachi Osawa THINKING" O "No. 16 Philosophy of the Corona Era ", this book Was introduced, and I was fascinated by the fact that "Tatsuki Minobe was against Article 9" and read it.

Constitutionalists, pro-constitutionalists, "imposed theory" ... Various things are said about Article 9 of the Constitution, but the author states in various documents that it is clear that it is "imposed by GHQ". It is reproduced. "Which of the pressed or pressed sides needs the" pressed "principle more? Is it my own? That is the question here. (P.19) "One is to put Article 9 of the Constitution in parentheses, and even without it, I want to be able to think about peace and the Constitution." (P.22) "As another, I would like to put "small things" with the same weight next to "big things" such as Article 9 of the Constitution and what is the most important thing for Japan today. I want to secure the style of thinking about Article 9 of the Constitution in everyday clothes and in the mood. "(P.23) is the purpose of this book. "The existence of the" Peace Constitution "may weaken our thinking about peace, which may be the end of the story" (P.13).

There are words I have never heard of whether Article 9 of the Constitution is "just abandonment of war" or "abandonment of special war". According to MacArthur Note, "the war for self-defense is also abandoned", and "reservation of reciprocity" (P.147) (P.147) in Article 11 of the Italian Constitution and Article 24 of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany. As long as the country abandons the war, which is a restriction of sovereignty, neither the country nor the abandonment of the war) is a "special abandonment of war".

The author wrote, "Isn't it really more important for us to just abandon war than to abandon a special war?" (P.154) "Restrictions on sovereignty (abandonment of war) are It must be done under the "principle of reciprocity" (P.157). The "special war abandonment" is like "the enthusiasm for self-sacrifice of the Kamikaze attack". When taken, they will fill the emptiness of the lost "national polity" in their minds. (P.189)

Article 9 of the Constitution is always bundled with Article 1 of the Constitution, that is, "the continuation of the emperor system."

In order to use it for governance without indicting (immunizing) Emperor Showa, it must be "formally amendment from the Constitution of the Empire of Japan by the emperor's own initiative" (P.227). It must include the sovereignty severance and change ”(P.228), which gives rise to the“ revolution in the legal sense ”, that is, the“ August Revolution ”theory of Toshiyoshi Miyazawa. "The current Constitution adopts popular sovereignty, but this merely declares the consequences of the conversion of sovereignty following the acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration, and has no emergent meaning." That's why. Tatsuki Minobe did not follow this Miyazawa theory. He maintained his scholarly attitude, "Rather than following the trends of the masses, we are in a tense relationship with them and will stick to them forever" (Takaaki Yoshimoto, p.245).

However, in reality, sovereignty has shifted to the Emperor => Occupation Army => People, which is a clear fact.

"Abandonment of absolute war" is based on the "principle of reciprocity" and consists of entrusting a part of the state power to the "United Nations". However, with the outbreak of the Cold War and the Korean War, it became virtually difficult for the United Nations to have UN forces, and Article 51, "Right of Collective Self-Defense," was added to the Charter of the United Nations. The term "right of collective self-defense," which I often hear these days, was not a coined word for dispatching the Self-Defense Forces, but a concept under international law. As a result, the "Japan-US Security Treaty" was justified and Japan's "occupation state" continues to this day. (Many Americans still think so.)

The process from the end of the war to the revision of the Constitution, the conclusion of the Japan-US Security Treaty, and the conclusion of the San Francisco Peace Treaty is described in chronological order (although it may be difficult to read some parts before and after).

The author may not be a historian. The profile also says "literary critic". It's interesting how the bold titles in each section look like the text (that is, they look like emphasized letters). In addition, the characterization of characters such as MacArthur and Emperor Showa is detailed. History is depicted as if it were driven by "the qualities of a person in power." (For example, if you compare the pacifism of Article 9 of the Constitution with the figure of Emperor Showa, a nihilist who does not trust it at all, the former "empty ideal figure" emerges "(P.323). And the story of MacArthur who wanted to be president.)

But is that so? In that regard, the story of American capital, which is (believed to be) the true background of this book, does not come up. Of course, there is no talk of Japanese conglomerates. Is it the qualities of the person who moved the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Japan? If Shigeru Yoshida wanted to "open up Japanese workers," would Japan have become a socialist country? Does that mean that Shigeru Yoshida didn't think so?

It is the relationship between the individual and society. It's so difficult that it's not easy to write.

Individuals make society, but there is no individual without human society. Individuals cannot live or grow without the influence of society. You may "need qualities" to become the President of the United States or the Prime Minister of Japan. But I don't think what the president or prime minister speaks is "qualities."

The author seems to think, "Everyone will protect himself when he is about to be beaten. He has the right to defend himself." (I can't find the corresponding page. I was in trouble). In order to waive the right to self-defense (a part of the right to the state), it is necessary for each country to delegate (delegate) that right to an organization such as the United Nations. For example, we are banned from violence. It is protected not only by the basic human rights of the Constitution but also by laws (legislation) such as "injury crime". And when it is broken (likely), violence called a police organization (administration) is activated. The resulting trial (judiciary) is also held. The three rights (whether separated or not) guarantee the right of self-defense that we have abandoned. (When it becomes dysfunctional, it becomes extreme self-protection and self-defense. Surveillance society is also born from it. Individuals are forced to become "strong". Health and sports are encouraged. (^_ ^;)))

We are prohibited from owning weapons as well as "armed forces". Gun control movements have appeared many times in the United States, but it is not very effective in the thought that Americans have won "freedom and democracy" with "guns" (" Masachi Osawa THINKING "O" No. 16 Philosophy of the Corona Era ".) Maybe it is" constructive "Power" (" Constructive Power-Modern Alternatives " It is one of the perspectives that this book lacks, linked to the problem of Negri).

On top of that, I think we must continue to ask how "real democracy" without the military and police and "a world without the strong and the weak" are possible. "Absolute war abandonment (not just abandonment of war) is ideal and fantasy, so it is realistic to amend the constitution to have an army and defend itself. Because Japan is an independent nation." Or "US military base Even if there is, it would be nice if the United States could protect it. Because the paths of Japan and the United States are almost the same, "or a kind of resignation can be considered. But then, "strong and weak" and "winners and losers" will never disappear. Why don't you think about "fighting" and "protecting" again? I think so because I am a "weak" and "loser". It is taken for granted that drawing conclusions is correct. But nowadays, I think it is necessary to keep thinking (like "Bartleby") without making a conclusion (until you die) instead of drawing a conclusion easily, though it is a "difficult thing".

Whether you are a constitutional amendment, a guardian, or not interested in Article 9 of the Constitution, this is definitely an interesting book to read.





9条入門 (「戦後再発見」双書8) 加藤典洋著 2019/04/20 創元社 [拡大]

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4422300580 ]

