ソクラテスの弁明 Ἀπολογία Σωκράτους プラトン全集 1 田中美知太郎訳 1975/07/25 岩波書店





でも、欧米人には同じ言葉なんですね。文化の違いでしょう。NEWYORK timesでは森氏は"he apologized the next day"(次の日謝罪した)とあります。これは「次の日弁明した」と同じ意味なんでしょうか。まあ、「謝罪する」というのは日本語でも「悪いと思ってる」とか「反省している」という意味ではないと思いますけど(笑)。[2]


















余談 キリストについて


"Where did such an illness come to Plato, the most beautiful being of ancient times? Did that evil Socrates corrupt him? Socrates is the seducer who corrupts the youth. Wasn't he worthy of a poisonous cup? "(Nietzsche's" Higan of Good and Evil " [1] )

Socrates's defense to this question. He was charged with this very suspicion. Nietzsche's question was 140 years ago. The stage of this story is 2200 years ago

What is a excuse ?
"Excuse" sounds like an "excuse", but it is also "Apology" in English and "apology" in Japanese. In Japanese, the two are completely different words.

But it's the same word for Westerners. It's a cultural difference. In the NEW YORK times, Mr. Mori says "he apologized the next day" (he apologized the next day). Does this mean the same thing as "I justified the next day"? Well, I don't think that "apologizing" does not mean "I think it's bad" or "I'm reflecting on it" even in Japanese (laughs). [2]

Did Socrates spoil the youth
Socrates has been charged with two charges. One is that "youth was spoiled". The other is "blasphemy of God (spreading evil gods)".

He was told by the god of Delphi (Apollo) that "nothing is more wise than Socrates," so he should ask various people (philosophers, doctors, engineers, etc.) to confirm it. I will. So, he says, if I'm different from them, it means "knowing" that "I don't know." It's "ignorant wisdom."

It's hard to say "I don't know". That's why I just do "Knowledge". I think there are times when you just want to look good and times when you have to say that from a standpoint. No one knows everything. [3]

The excuse, the explanation, and the "excuse" that seems to be a boastful story make the jury angry.

Socrates is pretty bad. I know he is smart, but he repeatedly says, "I heard the voice of God" and "I obeyed the voice of God." I think he really heard. Perhaps there were few people who could hear the "voice of God" at that time. I think the people were jealous of him and made a fool of him. For self-defense. [4]

Relationship between Plato and Socrates
Plato is a rich bonbon. I think Socrates is the son of a craftsman. Of course I can imagine. [5]

Socrates is poor and has no money to pay fines. He doesn't want to pay because he thinks he's not guilty. Even after he was convicted, he said, "A meal at the National Guest House is suitable for my sentence."

There is no doubt that Socrates was smart. In this excuse, he repeatedly says, "I heard the word of God" and "I obeyed it."

He says, "I can only pay one muna." I don't know how much it will cost in the current Japanese Yen. 1 Muna is 100 drachmas. There is a theory that one family could live a day with one drachma, so it's 100 days worth of money. But this means that even if you pay a fine, you have no money.

Then Plato and his friends say, "We will do it too." The amount that the disciples give is 30 Muna. It's about 8 years worth of living expenses. I think he didn't understand Socrates' feelings at all.

Socrates didn't care about the sentencing because he thought he was innocent (or rather, he thought he would be guilty but he couldn't help it). "I may be convinced when it comes to deportation, but I'm not going to stop the dialogue," he says. So he was sentenced to death.

What did Plato do
I think he believed in Socrates, but he didn't believe in "Socrates' innocence." He often refers to Plato as an "idealist," but he tried to solve it with money. Don't you think he is realist and profane?

I think Socrates didn't want that. He wasn't philosophizing for money (so he was poor), and living was dialogue. He lived with his own thought, "I don't know about death, because I've never died." He is much smarter than Plato.

Perhaps Plato was looking at Socrates with the same eyes as those who complained. Perhaps his respect for Socrates was self-denial, self-defense, and the flip side of contempt for himself.

He rubbed his sins on Socrates. That's why he had to be alive.

Socrates's death must have liberated Plato and plunged into despair. To escape from it, he built an academia (there was enough money to build it). He raised a student (disciple).

If Socrates was guilty, it would have created such a disciple (he was good enough to write a book that would be read until 2500 years later, but did not understand or misunderstood his teacher). Isn't that what it means? [6]

The Death of Socrates
Socrates came to help his disciple "let's run away", but he drank a poison cup and died (which is not in this book). I was prepared for death before I went to court. Because God didn't stop going. But perhaps there was regret in his heart that was not understood by the people and "give up" that was not understood by the talented disciples.

Digression about Christ
"A model death like Jesus" (Nietzsche'Antichrist') Jesus Christ also said, "It is clear that the small cult of the apostles did not understand the most important point." Masu (same as above). Then I think it was the same as Socrates. Jesus may have imitated Buddha in his birth and Socrates in his death. He didn't run away knowing that he would be captured and killed. He may have given up on the incomprehension of his disciples.

[1] ニーチェ全集11 信太正三訳 1993/08/05 ちくま学芸文庫 P.13
[2] 私は外国語が苦手なので"I'm sorry."が「(私が悪いです)ごめんなさい」なのか、「(私は悪くないけど)残念です。お気の毒に」なのか分かりません。
[3] 「完璧な人間なんていない」「人間は完璧じゃない」。昨日観たドラマで、前者の台詞がありました。この二つは違いますよね。前者は「完璧(全能、完全)」というものがあって、それは理想で、目指すべきなものだけど、そういう人間はいないということです。後者は人間というのは完璧(完全、全能)な存在じゃないけど、人間以外には完璧なものがある(いる)、という意味です。
[4] ニーチェも若いことから幻覚に悩まされていました。そしてあっちの世界にいってしまいました。ハイデガーも若い頃の神秘体験が思索のきっかけのようです。
[5] ちなみに、プラトンはプロレスラーで「プラトン」はリングネームだという説もあります。
[6] プラトンが後世にどんな影響を与えたのかは皆さんご存知のとおりです。でも、「〈原因〉とか〈結果〉というものを、ただ純然たる概念としてのみ、いいかえらば記述や了解のための便宜的なフィクションとしてのみもちいるべきであるであって、説明の具にしてはならない。」(ニチェ『善悪の彼岸』前掲書P.47)このことは別稿にします。


