一流の頭脳 アンダース・ハンセン著 御舩由美子訳 2018/02/25 サンマーク出版

一流の頭脳 アンダース・ハンセン著 御舩由美子訳 2018/02/25 サンマーク出版

この本は"Hjärnstark: hur motion och träning stärker din hjärna"(2016/07/22?)の翻訳です。スエーデン語は全くわからないので(意味はもとより発音もわからない)、英語版"The Real Happy Pill: Power Up Your Brain by Moving Your Body”(2017/09/19)をヒントにするとhjärnaが脳ですね。stärkerはpower upというかstrongerでしょうね。だから、「脳強化:運動が脳をより強くする」くらいの意味でしょうか。[5]英語の「本物の幸福薬」というのはいかにも米国っぽいし、「一流の頭脳」というのはサンマーク出版らしい(日本らしい)ですね。「翻訳協力 久山葉子」は『スマホ脳 アンデシュ・ハンセン著』の訳者です。「アンデシュ・ハンセン」はスウェーデン語読み、「アンダース・ハンセン」は英語読みじゃないでしょうか。ここまで来ると「書名」や「著者名」に「本を売るため」以上の意図を感じてしまいます。


















ここにも男女差別(区別)が現れていますが、それについては『性差別 ーー 男の脳、女の脳』に書きました。








First-class brain by Anders Hansen Translated by Yumiko Mifune 2018/02/25 Sunmark Publishing

Wandering may be a scream in the brain.

This book is a translation of "Hjärnstark: hur motion och träning stärker din hjärna & quot; (2016/07/22?). I don't understand Swedish at all (I don't know the meaning or pronunciation), so if you take the English version of "The Real Happy Pill: Power Up Your Brain by Moving Your Body" (2017/09/19) as a hint, hjärna is your brain. stärker is power up or strong, so it means "brain strengthening: exercise makes the brain stronger". [5] The English word "genuine happiness medicine" is very American and is called "first-class brain". It seems to be Sunmark Publishing (like Japan). "Translation cooperation Yoko Hisayama" is " smartphone brain by Anders Hansen Is the translator. Isn't "Anders Hansen" read in Swedish and "Anders Hansen" read in English? At this point, I feel that the "book title" and "author name" are more than "to sell a book."

How-to book?

Or is it Sunmark Publishing's "Ese Science Book"? I felt that, but it's actually close to a how-to book. However, it is not an Ese science book. It's a science book. That is also a "weakness" common to science books such as this book. That is "the brain is you" (P.304). "" I "is not the brain ," said Markus Gabriel. I have written. Since this book was published a year ago, this text may be conscious of Gabriel's book. It's the difference between a philosopher and a scientist. Hansen seeks human consciousness and behavior from the substance called the brain, its structure, as well as the "substances (various hormones and neurotransmitters)" that move that structure. It is trying to explain "why" in the pursuit of "how". But that's impossible. In the end, it has to be a Christian escape, "God created it that way." Pursuing "why" is the field of philosophy. [6] Certainly, if you give a substance (medicine, etc.) that affects nerves, your consciousness will change and your brain will change. It is certain that parts of the brain and neurotransmitters are affecting function, as damage to a portion of the body impairs certain function (Hansen writes that it compensates for it). And why there is such a function or an organization that affects the function is not "God" but "Why does the brain want you to eat, interact with people, exercise, and have sexual activity? (LF). The answer is simple: from an evolutionary point of view, such behavior increases the chances of survival and passes the gene on to the next generation. Pure biological drive in life is the survival of the gene. To leave, that is, to have children. "(P.106) [7] It is convenient in evolutionary theory. Far from denying God, it goes beyond nature. [5]

Analytic thinking

Science is important and I think it's interesting. However, the author must repeatedly think about the relationship with the whole, such as "Is that all the factors?" Or "Relationship with other influences." And the most important thing is that "the whole is not a jumble of parts". Even if you put together the parts of the brain and add neurotransmitters to them, they will not become the "brain". Moreover, it does not mean that you can create something called "consciousness" or "self."
You can dig the riverbed and lay concrete on it. However, humans cannot undo it. [8] It may be possible to some extent, but the rest is left to the power of nature.
It is controversial whether to think that "it will be possible someday (if science and technology develops) due to lack of human knowledge (technology)" or "the way of thinking is wrong". Let's do it. I was the former when I was young.
However, while I experienced "convenience" and "easiness", it was an era when the problems of pollution, environmental destruction, and global warming became greater. I think we are in an era of rethinking not only analytic thinking but also mechanistic thinking and causal thinking.
So, "We are manipulating the brain, not us. So, in order to strengthen the coordination of each area of ​​the brain, we understand the mechanism of the brain. After that, it is most important to exercise regularly. ”(P.37), it becomes like a“ how-to book ”.

Disease determination

For the disease, refer to " Infectious disease does not exist ". I want it, but I never say, "Doctors are" somewhat prone to HIV. " Either you are infected with HIV or you are not. (LF) But there is some tendency for ADHD, isn't it? " I think it is strange to say something like "(P.104). [2]


"There is no center of consciousness. Consciousness is in the developed network constructed by each region of the cerebral cortex, and the frontal lobe including the territory (FF) area that controls various perceptions (vision, hearing, etc.). It is thought that this is the result of the cooperation of the temporal lobe. ”(P.111-112) It seems that something is explained, but it is not explained. It just seems to say, "The brain is a complex related black box."
Without defining consciousness, dopamine and choletizole only explain the resulting phenomenon. Therefore, words such as "The brain does not control you. You control the brain through your own actions" (P.121) are new religions or brainwashing schools. It sounds like a new religion.

Brain cells are new lifelong

It may or may not be. If other organs, such as the skin, are damaged, they will regenerate. It even regenerates teeth (although permanent teeth do not regenerate).
The author says that the measurement of the C14 radioisotope generated by the nuclear test revealed that it is reborn, but I do not understand the logic. Since the elements in the body are replaced in a few months, is the amount of radioactive isotopes the basis for new birth? I feel that the same thing can be said for the soil part of the body.

Commonly known?

"Why is this (why exercise is good for brain activation and regeneration, prevention and improvement of depression ... quoted) not generally known? The reason is that exercise has an effect on depression. As in the case of, this is one word. It is "money." "Unlike medicines and supplements, computer games, and cognitive training, activities like play, walking, and running are inexpensive, and there are many great benefits" incidentally "that no supplement can match. "(P.258) Certainly, the power of pharmaceutical companies is strong. Right now it is being proved.

Children and foreign languages ​​

The author says, "It's a great (or rather the only) opportunity for a child to truly master a foreign language, including pronunciation" (P.260). I am writing a separate article on this.

The incidence of "dementia" has been reduced by 40%

"A few years ago, I discovered that conscious walking every day can reduce the incidence of dementia by 40% . . ”(P.271)
It also improves "blood pressure," "blood sugar level," and "inflammation in the body." "" (P.273).

Is "exercise" all-purpose?

"The best exercise method to reduce all" disease risks "" "Prevent cancer" "Blue zone" (longevity area)
"Exercise is the key to keeping your body away from illness in your daily life." (P.278) "Exercise" is a panacea, isn't it?
"There are six rivals that have been kicked down." "And only we," Homo sapiens, "have survived. (P.284)
" The most important task of brain cells that first appeared on the earth was to move the organism ." (P.288) Even plants move. For each generation, as a seed.
As Merkel says, if "freedom of movement is the basis of freedom", then freedom and "individual" people should be reconsidered from that point of view. At the very least, it may be logical that freedom is linked to survival. [3]
"When I asked the Hazza people to live with a pedometer, the man was walking 8-10 kilometers a day 11,000 to 14,000 * * (Women are a little less than this). It can be considered that the ancestors of human beings who were hunter-gatherers were also walking as much. "(P.291)
Gender discrimination (discrimination) also appears here, but regarding it, " Sex discrimination --- Men's brain, woman's brain ".
The author says that the human brain hasn't changed from 10,000 years ago. 10,000 years ago is the Neolithic era when farming began. Hasn't the brain changed since then? I have also believed in the theory that carbohydrates, bakery pasta and rice are bad for you. However, it is unbelievable that the internal environment has not changed for 10,000 years. Even in the last 100 to 200 years, human beings have responded to or are unable to respond to major changes in the environment. But what about 10,000 years?
"The body is not keeping up with the changes in lifestyle." (P.296) [4]
In order to store plenty of energy, the brain commands "eat it right away" . (P.295) "Flat it right now. If you leave even one, someone will take it. Maybe you won't get anything to eat tomorrow. So nourish it now. Save it ”(P.296) It's the same as“ smartphone brain ”.
But is that really the case? It's a kind of skepticism, a sexual misconception. Certainly science has that aspect. "Social Darwinism" also arises from it. However, there is a theory that humans (and some monkeys) "pick (catch)" their prey and food. Isn't the sacrifice to God one of them? If so, life preservation with anxiety and personal ownership may be cultural.

Science shows "latest conclusions at the moment"

"If you just sit down, you can't survive. The reason why many modern people suffer from mental and physical illness is the contradiction between the" brain "and" our environment. " (P.297)

Suggestion of Hippocrates, the father of medicine

I think we all knew that exercise had a positive effect on the brain in the past, but in 200 years (FF) I think we've forgotten it altogether. (LF) " Walking is the best medicine for humans ". ... the words of Hippocrates. (P298-299)
I don't know how long the ancient Greeks were walking. It's a city-state. Many of the people who actually worked were slaves. Plato has the image of a "bookworm". (Lol)

Finish reading

Before reading this book, we recommend that you read "Smartphone Brain". Then, if you read this book, you will deepen your understanding of "smartphone brain" and the meaning of "exercise". You can find out what kind of exercise you should do and how much you should do in "Smartphone Brain", and this book has a little more detail.
I hate what is called "exercise" (meaning to move the body) (^ _ ^;). But recently, due to the influence of the author, I moved my body several times. I feel very comfortable, my head is refreshed, and I think my depression and neurosis (including numbness and tremors) have improved. I haven't done it since then (^ _ ^;).
That raises questions. I found that exercise is good for my brain (including my body) (maybe). So why can't I exercise even if I think so? Some people take medicine instead of exercise, some take supplements, and some change their diet. Why don't you say "I want to do it"? Why doesn't the brain, which hasn't changed since 10,000 years ago, tell me to exercise? I couldn't find it in this book. It's strange to say, "I should exercise." You can eat potato chips without being told that you should eat them. Is it a social or philosophical issue, not a science issue? Is it a matter of "money" that the author says?
It seems that the brain commands "move" whether the person with ADHD moves or the person with dementia wanders. The problem may be the way society is that keeps those people from moving.


アンダース・ハンセン(Anders Hansen)
カロリンスカ研究所(カロリンスカ医科大学)にて医学を、ストックホルム商科大学にて企業経営を修めた。現在は精神科病院に上級医師として勤務するかたわら、多数の記事の執筆を行っている。2014年刊行の著書『HALSA PÅ RECEPT(健康の処方箋)』(カール・ヨハン・スンドベリとの共著、本書の前著)は、8か国で出版が予定されている。

神奈川県生まれ。訳書に『紙 二千年の歴史』『紙と人との歴史』(共訳、いずれも原書房)、『ソマリランドからアメリカを超える 辺境の学校で爆発する才能』(共訳、KADOKAWA)がある。


★異例中の異例! スウェーデンで圧巻の大ベストセラー! !
世界を席巻する、最新データ・極秘リサーチ満載の本書がついに邦訳! !






[1] 精神科医と哲学者だから、お互いの本を読んでいないかもしれません。
[2] 新コロを見てみよ。HIVを例に出すことがPCR検査と関連していておもしろいです。
[3] 濃厚も、牧畜もしない民族、種族は「自由」をどう考えているんだろう。
[4] 「新しい生活様式」
[5] ちなみに、著者の名前も去年翻訳が発売された「スマホ脳」では「アンデシュ・ハンセン」とスエーデン読みにしています。紛らわしいです。日本語で検索していたら両者は結びつきません。
[8] 『トータリズム』[wiki(JP)]を調べると音楽用語が出てきました。ミニマル・ミュージックに対立する言葉のようです。音楽のことは分かりませんが、ミニマル・アートは好きです。徹底的に要素を絞っていって一部に光・視点を当てること。「本質」を探る行為ですよね。でも、その「一部」というのはそれだけで「作品」つまり「全体」をなしているのです。それ以上突き詰めれば「つくる」という行為そのものを辞めざるを得ません(デュシャンのように)。「アトムάτομο」を分解することは可能かもしれませんが、そのことそのものには意味がありません。新しいアトムを作る(考え出す)だけです。例えば、一つの「机」を分解することは可能ですが、そこにあるのは「木片」であって「机」という概念が失くなってしまいます。


一流の頭脳 アンダース・ハンセン著 御舩由美子訳 2018/02/25 サンマーク出版 [拡大] 一流の頭脳 アンダース・ハンセン著 御舩由美子訳 2018/02/25 サンマーク出版 [拡大]

一流の頭脳 アンダース・ハンセン著 御舩由美子訳 2018/02/25 サンマーク出版 [拡大]

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4763136732 ]

