シュメル ー人類最古の文明 小林登志子著 2005/10/25 中公新書

シュメル ー人類最古の文明 小林登志子著 2005/10/25 中公新書

この本の最初に年表が載っていて「紀元前八〇〇〇 新石器時代」「農耕開始」「最古のトークン」「七〇〇〇年後半 最古のスタンプ印章」とあって、その後に「○○文化期」が三つ続きます。そして「三二〇〇 ウルク古拙文書出土」とあります。
















"Sumer" or "Sumer"

Civilization started from here. So-called "Tigris Euphrates civilization".
In fact, even if there was a civilization before that, there is no way to confirm it if there are no traces left. Stone tools and earthenware are traces, but it seems to be a civilization that there are "characters", so it means "oldest character = oldest civilization". Therefore, a culture without letters (although it is a contradiction) is not called a civilization. [1]
There may have been "characters" before that. But if it doesn't remain until now, it's not a civilization.
In Sumerian culture, letters were written on clay tablets, so it remains to this day. The turtle shell script also remains. Egyptian papyrus remains.
It seems that ancient Greece also wrote in papyrus, but is it still there? As far as I know, Plato's writings have been copied and remain, and the originals will not remain. Even if it is a culture, it means that there is no evidence as a civilization. [2]
There is a chronological table at the beginning of this book, which says "800 BC Neolithic", "Farming started", "Oldest token", "Late 700 BC, oldest stamp seal", and then. Three "○○ cultural periods" continue. And there is "320, excavated from the old Uruk document".

What are characters?

In that sense, does it mean that the beginning of civilization began around 3200 BC, when the oldest letters remain?
The question here is, "What are letters?" There doesn't seem to be a clear definition in this book. "The oldest known character at present is the pictograph around 320 BC, which is said to be the Uruk ancient character." (P.34)

"Emoji" and "Picture"

Lascaux's mural painting is said to have been painted by the Cro-Magnon Man 40,000 years ago. [wiki] [wiki (JP)]
The oldest cave paintings are the Lapa Siega Cave, Martra Vieso Cave and Altares Cave in Spain, which are dated to about 64,000 years ago. [wiki (JP)] [3]
What is the difference between "picture" and "rakugaki"? It's clearly different from "accidental wounds". There is something that says "I drew it intentionally." So I don't think it's necessary to distinguish between paintings and scribbles.
For example, when a branch of a tree (grass) was broken, it may have been accidentally caught and broken, or it may have been intentionally broken for some signal (such as a mark on the way back). Why don't you scratch or pattern the stone with something else?

"Mural" and "Emoji"

"The Sumerians thought that letters were born from the need to write letters." (P.33) In other words, the difference from spoken language is that the intention (intention) exists beyond time and space. .. From that point of view, the difference between murals and emojis is whether they can be carried around.

Paintings and characters

There are many cultures that convey intentions through knots of strings. I think this can also be called a "character". However, strings and the like weather faster than lithographs and clay tablets, so it is difficult to survive over time. The difference between Greece and Egypt is the difference in climate (humidity), and it may be that papyrus remains.
It is said that the oldest invention of humankind is a strap that carries a baby, but unfortunately no strap remains.
They are a socially inherited culture. The words are the same.
In that respect, letters are different. Because it survives beyond society. It is also independent of words. This is because even the lost words can remain.
It's external. So to speak, it becomes another nature. The tools that remain are the same. Even if it is no longer used (even if it is no longer necessary to use it), posterity can reproduce its purpose and method of use.
Modern (that is, posterity) people may try to reproduce with techniques such as painting, architecture, and weaving. Build a ship with reeds.
However, what you should always be careful about is that you are looking over there with your own eyes (thinking). It may be interpreted in a way that is convenient for you. [4] [5]

oldest characters

I think there are many cave paintings that have not been discovered yet. I don't even know if one day suddenly someone started painting.
It seems natural to think that the change from accidental scratches to paintings and from pictograms to letters gradually occurred.
However, characters dislike "intermediate" and "ambiguity". It is natural because it is an indication of intention and intention. Laws and quantification cannot be ambiguous. [6]
The reality is analog, often unclear, or unclear. Therefore, all the calamities that come from the letters are caused by the letters themselves (you can also see the feeling of seeking the cause behind the letters). [7] [8]

Remaining beyond time and space

"Although paper's dominance as a writing material remains unchanged, many records have been stored on CDs and floppy disks since the end of the 20th century. They can record much more information than paper, but fire. If you encounter a fire, you will not have a record of your computer or floppy disk, but you will still have a clay plate. "(P.51)" Beginning with the Schmel people's urban nation at the end of 4000 BC How long would it take to rigorously read and reproduce the first-class material, the clay plate document, to recreate the whole picture of the ancient Orient history that ended with the fall of the Akemenes dynasty? It's a daunting story. " (P.52) [9]
What does it mean to "remain" and "remain unchanged"? In modern science, it is said that substances are constantly replaced in the human body to form the whole (" Dynamic equilibrium ”). The molecules and atoms that make up stones and sand will also be replaced (always replaced with the outside world). Matter, especially life, exists by interacting with and changing the outside world.

The beginning of culture, society and history

From the decipherment of "clay tablet reading", various things at that time are known. Relationships between men and women, the beginning of women's writing, schools, law, war, ... It's also very interesting to read (I'm not good at horizontal names, I can hardly remember people. I'm just confused) (^ _ ^;).
I think it will be very interesting to read for those who are interested in history, those who are interested in novels, and those who are interested in law. I think the author's literary talent is amazing.
But they are from the "modern eye". There is no way to know what people at that time thought.
I don't really know what they thought about killing people in war, sacrificing God, or dying from the death of their master. What we know or try to understand is what we see today. But there is no other way. What do we think Rather, it's just what each individual thinks about himself.
However, we can consider what others (past, future, present) are thinking at the same time as what we think, and we will have to continue our efforts to do so. ..
I thought so strongly.




[1] これ自体が文字文化の優越化で、差別意識だと思います。
[2] 「写本」というのはおもしろいです。日本でも写本として残っている本はたくさんあります(『今昔物語』とか)。それぞれ、写本によって異なるところが必ずあります。書き写すときに書き間違えたり、書き写した人の考えで訂正、加筆したり。でも、文字や言葉というのはむしろ変化することによって生き残っていくのではないでしょうか。わたしは、むしろそうやって変化しながらその時々残ってゆく記録の意味が大事なような気がします。記憶も同じです。記憶は『変わらない』のではなく、何度も思い出す、つまり再生産されるものです。再生産されないものは残りません。再生産されたものはその度に変化を受けるのです。
[3] 「7万3000年前、今日の南アフリカにあたる地域に住んでいた初期人類が、石の表面にハッシュタグ(#)のような印を描いた――模様が描かれた石を発見した国際考古学チームは、石に描かれた赤い模様は最古の絵画だと主張する。 」(「ネイチャー」)
[4] もちろん、研究が進んでひっくり返る説もたくさんあります。
[5] 「他文化」「他民族」「他人」等についても同様です。
[6] 「デジタル化」、つまり白黒を付ける(「0」と「1」にする)というのはまさにそれです。
[7] 「恋文(ラブレター)」の楽しさともどかしさと難しさもここにあります。文字の始まりが手紙であったことは面白いです。
[8] 「言葉」も意思(意図)を正しく伝えているか(伝わっているか)どうかはわかりません。ただ、言葉が文字と違うのは、発せられた状況や、言葉の調子、身振りなどと総合してとらえることができるのが文字と決定的に違います。「犬!」という言葉は、状況によって「かわいい!」とか「キツネじゃない」とか「危ない、逃げろ―」とかの意味になります。だから、ラブレターにも伝わらないもどかしさがありますし、面と向かって言葉で伝えたほうが、誠意(真意)が伝わりやすいということがあるでしょう。
[9] 粘土板もいつかは壊れます。風化することもあれば、戦争で破壊されることもあります。紙は粘土板より風化や火に弱いです。水(湿気)にも弱い。フロッピー・ディスクやCDは消えることが前提ですから、一種の時限爆弾のようなものです(笑)。

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4121018182 ]

