これからの「正義」の話をしよう――いまを生き延びるための哲学 マイケル・サンデル著 鬼澤忍訳 2010/05/25 早川書房

これからの「正義」の話をしよう――いまを生き延びるための哲学 マイケル・サンデル著 鬼澤忍訳 2010/05/25 早川書房

"Justice What's the Right Thing to Do?"の訳



「価値」を明確に捉えないと、「市場」を考えることはできません。彼は英語圏の人ですから、「value」と「worth」という言葉は知っていると思います。「worth」が「(national) wealth」になるとき(アダム・スミス)何が起こったのか、彼なら理解できるはずなのです。
















「したがって、愛国心に道徳的根拠があると考え、同胞の福利に特別の責任があると考えるなら、第三のカテゴリーの責務を受け入れなければならない。すなわち、合意という行為に帰することのできない連帯あるいは成員の責務である。」(P.302)ーー自己の延長としての他者。   自然が作った自然の一部としての人間<−>自我から始まる自然観


Translation of "Justice What & apos; s the Right Thing to Do?"

It's funny. The example for thinking about "justice" is very good.
Difficult and heavy topics can be felt as fun or familiar.
I didn't intend to read them all, but I was drawn in and read them all at once.
There are keywords such as "justice," "ethics," "morality," "goodness," and "pleasure," but I can't organize them well because I'm afraid. (Lol)
The author and I have different conclusions, but I think it's a good book.

I'm here now

That means that I have myself who speaks Japanese and thinks in Japanese.
We have parents, we have children, we have communities and countries.
When we think about freedom and equality, we cannot think without them. Simply put, you can't think without "Japanese".
Therefore, when considering the "subjectivity" that is the basis of freedom and equality, that subjectivity and consciousness are based on them. "I" does not exist independently, but is a product of a long history.
I am " raised " by my parents in history and the environment.
Plato and Aristotle certainly took up "individuality" and "consciousness." However, I think that "individual" is an individual or consciousness that is "connected to the whole."
However, the philosophy that followed seems to have considered the individual, consciousness, and ego that were "separated from the whole." Isn't that one result Kant? Take out consciousness only consciousness and think. I think it is Descartes's "I think, therefore I am" that arrives at the point where I thought through it. In a sense, it's "giving up." "I think, therefore I am" is the same as saying nothing. It must have been a premise, not a conclusion.
The author writes what seems to be a conclusion, but it is hard to say clearly. Relativize the ego for the reasons mentioned above. I do not affirm or deny.
And it does not break the premise that "justice" exists. I do not deny that there is a market. There is also a nation.
The nations of Plato and Aristotle are "city-states." The population is about the current local government or less. It is completely different from the modern nation.
It is a nation where direct democracy is possible, and in a sense, it is an expansion of the "Dunbar's number". It is very difficult to think of a modern nation based on it. [1]
You cannot think of a "market" without a clear understanding of "value." He is an English-speaking person, so I think he knows the words "value" and "worth". He should be able to understand what happened when "worth" became "(national) wealth" (Adam Smith).


The recognition of "subjective" is the occurrence of "objective". Subjectivity arises when we touch "objective".
When you first come into contact with the objective, for example, when the "parent" recognizes that you are "different from yourself," you occur. It is the moment when we are separated from the "whole," "wrapped existence," and "nature."
I think the resistance to that is "puberty" or "rebellion." Eventually I realize that the resistance is wasteful. One form of that resignation is "I think, therefore I am."
But that "separation" does not succeed. Because "I" does not exist independently. So philosophy seeks throwback. After Descartes gives up, philosophers continue to look for adjustments and compromises between the "separated self" and the "bred self." It is Kant who pursued the "separated self". And the "bred self" tries to come to terms with the words "treat for the purpose of others".
Hegel positions the "bred self" as the "history of consciousness." By relativizing it as history, we assimilate the subject with history, that is, "nature."
But that doesn't work either. As a result, it becomes "will to power" and "nihilism" (Nietzsche), and must become "absolutely contradictory self-identity" (Kitaro Nishida) or "forgetting existence" (Heidegger). They are "realistic resignations" while watching the virtual "spiritual pleasure".
Puberty lasts forever, unless you abandon the "separated subjectivity." The same is true of politics when asking "what is justice". This is because I have no choice but to think about myself and " others as objects ".


"Love is a poetic expression of libido" (Ryunosuke Akutagawa), but it is a desire to be united with the opposite sex (although it can be of the same sex). It is a desire for unity with nature, for the object to cease to be an object, and for "the ego to disappear." But the separated self interferes with it. As a result, we see the opposite sex "as an object" and "as a thing". You see it as "what you can own" and " he (she) of me ". It can be "comparable" and, in some cases, "quantified".
Being able to quantify and digitize is the reason why "encounter apps" can be created.


Affection for children is also a desire for "unification" and "nostalgia" for what is separated. [2]
From the separated self, it will look like "my ** thing".
The same is true for my body. It looks like "mine" and "my property". By doing so, the child or one's body becomes "things that can be bought and sold" and "things that can be exchanged for money." You can also be a surrogate mother, buy and sell organs, and wage labor.

Black companies

The self tries to remain the self. Your body is yours forever. No matter how hard the labor (wage labor, office workers), you have to manage yourself. You can't run away. From work, tomi, and pleasure. In other words, from myself.


The self becomes a slave of the ego.
Modern slavery is an extension of ego slavery.
At the time of Aristotle, the ego was still in the self. His natural science also looks at nature from that perspective. The idea for slaves is the same. The idea of ​​war is the same. The view of the nation is the same as the view of politics.
I think my view of murder and my view of suicide were different.

Religion (God)

What happens to the "raised self" that the ego has abandoned? It becomes God as "beyond the self" and "beyond humans."
The ego-based god is completely different from the gods before it. Religions after Christianity assume such a god. It transcends nature.
Since it is the abandoned self, it conflicts with the self. You can't come to terms with it. It is "faith" that tries to come to terms with each other.
The "morality" that is supposed to be the self is also in conflict with the self.
Whether or not to come to terms with it is a matter of "politics and religion," "politics and morality," and "politics and justice."

Let's talk about "justice" in the future

If the ego is separated from the self, that is, if it is separated from others, the self is not complete.
Therefore, "Consideration of morality is not a lonely task, but an attempt that society as a whole should tackle." (P.41)
"Let's talk." That's right. I think there is no other way but to continue the "dialogue" that Socrates started.
However, keep in mind the "bred self".
(I want to read "This is ethics from now on.")

"In order to sum the tastes, we need to measure them on a single scale. The concept of Bentham's utility provides one of these common currencies." (P.57)
"Mill can distinguish between high-quality pleasure (FF) pleasure and low-quality pleasure-that is, he believes that he can evaluate not only the quantity and size of desire, but also its quality. I think we can make this distinction without relying on moral concepts. ”(P.72-73)
"One is the question of how free the choices we make in the free market. The other is the question of whether there are virtues and higher quality that cannot be bought with gold, even if they are not evaluated in the market. There is. ”(P.135)
"According to Kant, all human beings are worthy of respect, not because they own themselves, but because they are rational beings who can reasonably reason. Humans are free to act and choose. It is also an autonomous existence. ”(P.141)
"When I get a can of sprites (or pepsi or cork), I'm not free to act, I'm submissive. I'm reacting to desires that I didn't choose. I'm doing it. "(P.143)
"The moral requirement to treat personality as an ultimate goal, not just a means, also limits the way we treat our bodies and ourselves." Because humans are not things, we cannot control ourselves. Humans are not their own property "(P.170)
“There is a tendency to disagree about the essence of cheerleading.” (P.240) ――Cheerleading is not a sport. There seems to be an international competition now, but the essence is discrimination against women and sexual expression. It's no wonder that men's cheerleading doesn't see the light of day.
"With the birth of modern science, allies who see nature as a meaningful order have disappeared. Instead, nature has come to be understood as a mechanism and to be seen as governed by the laws of physics. Interpreting natural phenomena in relation to purpose, means, and end result has come to be regarded as an anthropomorphic view because of ignorance, but despite such changes, the world has a purposeful order and purpose. The tendency to see the whole as a whole has not completely disappeared, and that view persists, especially among children who should be educated not to see the world that way. ”(P.245)
(Aristotle) ​​"Nature does not create waste. Unlike other animals, humans have linguistic ability. Other animals can express pleasure and pain by crying. However, human-specific abilities The language is not just to express pleasure and pain, but to determine what is (FF) justice and what is wrong, and to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. Humans do not silently grasp such things and then apply words. Language is the medium through which we identify and ponder goodness. "(P.253-254)" Politics Gaku ”
"The moral burden of historical injustice committed by the previous generation" (P.276) --- Not only the past people, but also the sins committed by oneself in the past
"For Aristoteles, making a judgment about justice is based on the purpose (telos) or nature of the thing in question." (P.280)
(McIntyre) "As such, I have various debts, heritage, legitimate expectations and responsibilities from the past of my family, my city, my department (FF) tribe, and my nation. It is inherited. They are given to my life and are my moral starting point. There are some parts that give my own life moral traits. ”(P.287- 288) "Because the story of my life is always embedded in the story of the community that is the source of my identity. I am born with a past. So, in an individualistic way, self from that past What I try to separate is to distort my current relationship. "(P.289)" An era without morals "-I was brought up by my parents in that (this) society ... about identity Needs consideration. Keigo Okonogi. Homeland love.
"Therefore, if we consider patriotism to be morally grounded and to have a special responsibility for the well-being of our compatriots, we must accept a third category of responsibility: solidarity that cannot be attributed to the act of agreement. Or it is the responsibility of the members. "(P.302) --- Your own Others as an extension. Human as a part of nature created by nature <-> A view of nature that begins with the ego
"Attribution comes with responsibility. If we are not willing to accept the responsibility to carry on the story of our country to the present and remove the moral burden that accompanies it, we cannot really be proud of our country and its past." (P. .304) --Who is the German who left Germany?
P.313 Aristo Teresu-Individuals connected to the whole and pieces separated from the whole
(Kennedy) "Even if we act to eliminate material deficiency, there is a bigger challenge. It is the fight against deficiency of satisfaction ... (Mom) We are all suffering from it" (P.337). )
(P.340) Surrogacy, testing, prison privatization, civil rights buying and selling-air and water have no value (was not). Value is a representative of unification
(P.342) The wealthy people leave the public facilities and become lonely-I grew up in the open space (in the park). <-> I grew up on TV
Guin "The Wind's Twelve Direction" "People walking away from Omeras"


マイケル・サンデル Michael J. Sandel
1980年代のリベラル=コミュニタリアン論争で脚光を浴びて以来、コミュニタリアニズムの代表的論者として知られる。主要著作に『リベラリズムと正義の限界』、"Democracy's Discontent"、"Public Philosophy"など。





1人を殺せば5人が助かる状況があったとしたら、あなたはその1人を殺すべきか? 金持ちに高い税金を課し、貧しい人びとに再分配するのは公正なことだろうか? 前の世代が犯した過ちについて、私たちに償いの義務はあるのだろうか――。




ハーバード大学史上空前の履修者数を記録しつづける、超人気講義「Justice(正義)」をもとにした全米ベストセラー"Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?"、待望の邦訳。

[1] 間接民主主義や多数決は民主主義ではありません。それを基にした選挙制度で出来上がっている国家は民主主義国家ではありません。
[2] 父母に対する愛情も同じです。

これからの「正義」の話をしよう――いまを生き延びるための哲学 マイケル・サンデル著 鬼澤忍訳 2010/05/25 早川書房 [拡大] これからの「正義」の話をしよう――いまを生き延びるための哲学 マイケル・サンデル著 鬼澤忍訳 2010/05/25 早川書房 [拡大]

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4152091314 ]

