クリトン 希 Κρίτων、英 Crito プラトン全集1 田中美知太郎訳 1975/07/25 岩波書店














彼は天才なんでしょうか。それとも「狂って」いたのでしょうか。彼は「ダイモーン」の声を聞いた、それに従った、と言います。それだけなら狂気、狐憑きかもしれません。でも彼にはちゃんと自覚があったのです。自分の信念と、理解されないだろうということの。それは狂気でしょうか。彼の孤独感(P.404- 田中美知太郎)、天才であるがゆえの孤独感が、他人との闘争的・攻撃的な対話に向かわせたとも思えるし、理解してもらいたいがゆえの「ダイモーン」話だったのかもしれません。当時はまだ、人々の間で神々の存在が前提されていましたから。



Socrates is in prison after his sentence. The death penalty is about to be executed tomorrow (the day after tomorrow).

There comes Critton, who bought a jailer (I think Socrates came with a "click"). Critton is Socrates' best friend.

"Please run away," says Critton. "I wish you could persuade me," Socrates said. This does not leave the decision to Critton. Socrates's feelings are fixed. I just want to see it in Critton.

Almost Socrates develops his own theory by himself, and he is complacent (proudly) saying, "You can't persuade me." Critton is reluctantly convinced.

Under national law, Socrates married and had children. He didn't go, even though he had the option of going abroad. He was tried and found guilty under the national law. Nevertheless, fleeing is unrighteous (injustice) to national law. "You obey the words of us, the ones who supported you" (P.149). In other words, the state (polis) / national law and the citizens are united like a parent-child relationship, or live there. The idea is that a kind of consent (contract) has been established (P.145).

Socrates has a young child, "Your acquaintances will take care of you if you leave for Thessaly, but will you take care of you if you leave for the world?" Hearing the voice of the nation (national law) (P.146), both my wife and child die. Leave it to his friend.

What do you think. Yoshinobu Kusakabe says, "I can't forgive such inhuman things" (laughs).

Sacrifice his wife and children for his own thoughts. It's also modern. I was worried about it when I was young, so I can understand Socrates's feelings.

However, for Socrates, "death" is physical death, and the soul interacts with old people (Homer, Hesiod, etc.) in the world. Yoshinobu Kusakabe says that Socrates had "death" but no "death consciousness". There may have been "individuals", but as if there was no "individual awareness".

Socrates says, "This is just what a few people think, and in the future it will remain a minority opinion" (P.137).

If this was Socrates's words, not Plato, he knew that Socrates was "not understood." Of course, also for Critton. And to the citizens who sentenced him to death.

It can be said that it is a kind of giving up. That may have created a more aggressive and one-sided story of Socrates than "Socrates's Justice". What Plato would not have understood I wrote before . It wasn't understood by Critton either.

Is he a genius? Or was he "crazy"? He says he heard and obeyed the voice of "Daemon." That alone may be crazy and fox-possessed. But he was aware of it. His belief and that he wouldn't be understood. Is it crazy? His feeling of loneliness (P.404- Michitaro Tanaka), the feeling of loneliness due to being a genius, seems to have led to a struggle and aggressive dialogue with others, and I want him to understand it. It may have been the story of "Daemon". At that time, the existence of gods was still premised among people.

This story continues with Paidon. This is the story when Socrates dies.


