〈子供〉の発見 ―グリム・メルヘンの 世界― カール-ハインツ・マレ著 小川真一訳 1984/01/20 みすず書房

〈子供〉の発見 ―グリム・メルヘンの 世界― カール-ハインツ・マレ著 小川真一訳 1984/01/20 みすず書房
"Kennen Sie Kinder ? - Wie Kinder denken, handeln und fühlen, aufgezeigt an vier Grimmschen Märchen", Carl-Heinz Mallet 1980





グリム童話(集)[wiki(JP)](正式名『子どもと家庭のメルヒェン集 Kinder- und Hausmärchen』)

『グリム童話集』(Grimms Märchen)は、ヤーコプとヴィルヘルムのグリム兄弟が編纂したドイツのメルヒェン(昔話)集です。メルヒェンとは「昔話」を意味するドイツ語で、グリム兄弟はメルヒェンを収集したのであり、創作した(創作童話)のではありません。出版は1812年(第1巻)、1815年(第2巻)。日本での『今昔物語』(1120年頃?)と同じですね。










「ヘンゼルとグレーテル」は『図書館の主』でも、「残酷な話」としてとりあげられています。それも面白い解釈でした。篠原ウミハルさんは、この本を読んだのでしょうか。それより考えられるのは『本当は恐ろしいグリム童話 ii』(桐生操著 1999年 ベストセラーズ)でしょう。『本当は・・・』は読んでいんませんが、「ⅰ」を読む限り本書のように深く分析するというよりは、どちらかというと「ホラー話」としてとりあげているのではないでしょうか(それも一つの解釈です)。




シャルル・ペローが1697年に出版した"Le Petit Chaperon rouge"。
昔話研究家のRobert Darnton氏がフロムを批判しているらしいので、たぶん、マレの解釈も否定するでしょうね。




「大半のことが男によって決められ、管理された世界においては、女性が抵抗戦略として、特別の力や能力を発揮するのは、ごく当たり前のことだった。女達のこのような力や能力は、男たちのものとは違うから、男たちはそのようなものを見抜くことも、理解することもできない。」(P.245)__「世の中に女ほどしょうのないものはない。おだてりゃつけ上がり、やさしく言えば図に乗って、小言を言えばふくれる、殴りゃ引っ掻く(叩けば泣く)、殺せば夜中に化けて出る」(5代目 古今亭志ん生『女天下』他)猫や女性には神秘的な能力があります(犬にはない)。本当はないのかもしれません。でも、女性の神秘性というのは「男女平等」社会になれば無くなってしまうのでしょうか。女性のことがわからない私には嬉しいことだと思いますが、ちょっとさみしい気もします(^_^;)。






フーコーの『性の歴史 第4巻』(日本語版)も去年刊行されました(原書は2018年)。まだ読み切っていませんが、「生政治」から第2巻以降のギリシャ時代への遡及は「快楽の活用」「自己への配慮」として「自我」に迫るものだと思っています。そして第4巻「肉の告白」。キリスト教の世界です。私はフーコーが「自我」に至らずに、「自己の自然」にショートカットしてしまったのではないかと想像していますが、精読したいです。










& quot; Kennen Sie Kinder? --Wie Kinder denken, handeln und fühlen, aufgezeigt an vier Grimmschen Märchen & quot;, Carl-Heinz Mallet 1980

Why did you read

Didn't you think, "I found a child? If I didn't find it, I wouldn't be there. How much the birthrate was declining." How do you distinguish between "adults" and "children"?
Few people believe that they will change from "children" to "adults" on their 20th birthday. At least half a century ago, it was few. The law on adults hasn't changed from half a century ago.
Half a century ago, the problem was that the definitions were different by law. Recently, voters have turned 18 years old and the juvenile law has been amended, but just because the definition of the law has changed does not mean that "adults" and "children" will change.
Most societies have a distinction between adults and children. However, I don't think there are many societies that are defined by law as "how old". The boundary may be menarche, familiarity, or initiation (rite of passage). Also, a society may have multiple criteria (such as attending a meeting or getting married). In addition, it is not uncommon for a society to have the right to choose and decide whether or not the person wants to grow up (I think that was the case in Japan as well).
So is the child "discovered"?


Everything that happens on a daily basis is not just "just", but always rediscovered. For example, in the "new coronavirus" that is reported every day, "mutant species (mutant strains)" have been found (although it is not clearly reported, there seem to be many types), but it is "discovery (rediscovery)". .. The "parents" and "children" in front of you, the "books" and the "bookshelf" are different from yesterday's. Wake up today and "discover" what is there. Of course I am too. It may be a "poisonous insect" (Kafka "The Metamorphosis") (laughs).
By looking at it on the premise that it will be the same as yesterday, I am just trying to stabilize my mind.
By giving a "name" to something, or a decrease, it becomes "existing" with objectivity. The new corona is a good example.
The concept of "children" also changes. It may be that you will be a genpuku at the age of 15, or you will be an adult at the age of 20, and soon you will be an adult at the age of 18. If the truth changes, so does the concept itself.
That is why the child is discovered or rediscovered.

Grimms'Fairy Tales (Collection) [wiki (JP)] (Official name " Children and Family Fairytales Kinder- und Hausmärchen ”)

In fact, I have never read Grimm's fairy tales. Of course, I have read "Akazukin-chan" in different books and picture books many times. However, I have never read "Grimm's Fairy Tales" itself. The difference between Grimm's fairy tale and Aesop's story is still ambiguous (^ _ ^;).
The Grimms Märchen is a collection of German Fairytales compiled by Jacob and the Brothers Grimm of Wilhelm. Fairy tale is a German word meaning "old tale", and the Brothers Grimm collected fairy tales, not created them (creative fairy tales). Published in 1812 (Volume 1) and 1815 (Volume 2). It's the same as "The Story of Old and New" (around 1120?) In Japan.
It seems that it didn't sell very well at the time of publication. The content is folklore, but may have been adapted from the Brothers Grimm compared to Bechstein's "German Folktales", which is mentioned many times in this book. In addition, there are many cruel depictions, and it seems that they have been considerably rewritten in the second and subsequent editions.

Children's "discovery" in modern times

I think Plato (Socrates) found a child. A child as something different from himself. A child who is "ignorant, thoughtless, and easily deceived" (such as "Gorgias") "as an existence". But when Socrates says he "knows what he doesn't know," it seems that there is "nostalgia" for being a child. Returning there, returning to the original state where the soul dwelled to realize oneself, was probably the same as "dying." I think we also have a "longing" and a "hate" for our children.
In order to deny it, we must establish that we are "a child who is different from ourselves." You can identify yourself as an "adult" by completely expelling yourself from yourself.
In modern times, children are rediscovered. It is "confirmed" by law. Therefore, the boundary between "children" and "adults" is set regardless of the person's awareness, hope, developmental stage, and knowledge.
I think, but I wanted to know more about "rediscovering modern children." Perhaps because modern rediscovered children can be used as a "cheap workforce," but I wanted to know more about the logic used there.
That is why I read this book.
That thought was betrayed, but there were many other harvests.
"Discovery of children" is also "discovery of parents" and "discovery of adults". It is also a "rediscovery of children in adults". Since I was also a child, it may be better to say that I remembered my child (remembering is also "rediscovery").

Do you know your child?

The author is an elementary school teacher, but I can't understand what my child says and does. He asks his uncle, a psychiatrist. "Does your uncle understand children?" (P.2), and he hands you "Grimm's Fairy Tales" ("Children and Family Fairytales"). "" This book has everything about children. " Then, the uncle said kindly. "But in your mind, it's almost impossible to find knowledge in a story." ("Preface" P.3) (Terrible joke.) Then, I hand over books such as Freud, Jung, and Adler as "reference."
The author then rereads the Grimm fairy tale from Jung (Freud) ("Introduction to the Method"). And rather than seeing the child in it, he knew, or "discovered," the child.
So, there are a lot of "sexually" explanations, but that's compelling. This is because modern times are a society (Foucault) where "being sexual" is forced .


Folktales are handed down. To pass on is just reproduction. But it's not a simple reproduction.
The words and contents should change little by little according to the person who speaks and the times. To remain (leave) means to change and not change.
A modern society that believes in change is actually a society that does not change. Not only does the social system remain the same, but the truth is that it does not allow it to change.
Printing technology "fixes" the story. Only that interpretation changes. This book may be one of them.
Music and theater are also fixed to CDs, DVDs, BDs, etc. Modern society is to fix everything and commercialize it. The story, the music, and the play will change every time they are told, played, and performed. By changing, it is always new (not old). And in the process, some are thrown away and some are newly added. By metabolizing, the whole thing is maintained.

Mass production, mass consumption society

In modern society it has fallen. It is a society that constantly releases new products and always makes old (existing) ones old and thrown away. The process of "using" is neglected there. Rather, "using" appears as an obstacle to that process (reproduction process). The shorter it is, the better it is. You don't have to. It's just a necessary evil. Both things and people are made to throw away. That life itself is a necessary evil.
Naturally, existence and life (living) are neglected there. Only the whole process is real, no truth is needed. It is a society where only temporary elephants (symbols) walk alone. The "digital society" is a world where only "symbols" (also called information) wander.

" Library Lord "

This book features four volumes, "Hansel and Gretel," "Red Head," "Cooling," and "Goose-Ban Girl."
"Cooling" and "Goose-ban girl" didn't know the story.
"Hansel and Gretel" is also mentioned as a "cruel story" in "The Lord of the Library". That was also an interesting interpretation. Did Umiharu Shinohara read this book? More conceivable is " Really scary Grimm fairy tale ii (Kiryu Misao, 1999 Bestsellers). I haven't read "Actually ...", but as far as I read "i", I think it's more of a "horror story" than a deep analysis like this book (it). Is also one interpretation).

"Hansel and Gretel"

"They sometimes lie. Like any child. Most parents know that, but only a few parents lie (FF) to their own children. I believe that I will not do that for a limited time. ”(P.42-43) __Monster Parents, isn't it?
"Gretel finally discovers a loving touch with the masculine. This masculine is, of course, what she should be given and what she needs. Relationship with her father. In, she can now develop her strengths and abilities as a woman, while Hansel also needs a great deal of male and rival fathers. He can measure his strength on the basis of his father. And by looking at his father, he knows that he is not necessarily the greatest, best, and strongest man. He will suffer extra damage in the future due to his pleasure-seeking egoism. You have to realize your limits so that you don't have to suffer. ”(P.96)
"I was doing this job and I fell in love with these two kids asexually, and now I can understand parents, especially mothers. I've learned a little about witches. I was happy with the ending of this story. It's a good ending. ”(P.97)

"Red head width [wiki (JP)] "

Published by Charles Perrault in 1697, "Le Petit Chaperon rouge".
"They are surprisingly" frigid "to their parents' moral views. Pretending to be obedient, they do what they want to do. But they do so, as in the case of the red hood, not because of malice, rebellion, or stubbornness, but rather because they are innocent. However, in such cases, they seem to take it for granted that they do not feel guilty or have any doubts. (LF) Some fathers will be terribly despaired to see such "woman morals". But daughters shouldn't expect understanding. Because men usually don't understand how women behave like this. I don't understand because fathers of the opposite sex and not young do not know such a behavior. (P.129) ___ It is very sinful to be innocent. Does the girl "really" not know? I do not know.
"But if the children didn't stick their heads in everything, and if they were always well-behaved and obedient, they wouldn't have their own experience." (P.138) __Experience It is action-based. I don't think an actionless experience, or "virtual experience," is a "real" experience. I think it will become clear in real-life encounters.
"From the perspective of a werewolf, after all, the red hood is too young and smells green. The wolf still needs parents, and the wolf says," Sexual activity is a wolf (man) eating a woman. It will take some time before we can get rid of the misunderstanding that it is. (P.139) __I'm a lolicon, but how old is Akatobuki-chan? (Lol)
Old-fashioned researcher Robert Darnton seems to have criticized Fromm, so maybe Male's You would also deny the interpretation.


I haven't read it, so I didn't understand it.
"That's horrifying. Hans was out of the house to experience the emotion of" forgetting me. " He has forgotten me now. The unknown power of feminine things is challenging Hans. In the face of that power, he can no longer be locked in his shell. He is upset from the bottom of his heart. "He took the last step towards maturity. He became an adult. He escaped from the narrow realm of childish selfishness and faced the" doo "and against the" others. " I can now confide in my heart. If you don't let your child experience _ chilling, you can create a person who can't break the shell and is trapped in selfishness. The richer the material, the more difficult it is to experience such an experience.

"The Girl Who Turns the Goose"

I didn't know this either.
"So this queen has no drawbacks. Instead she may be a little dull and boring, but her carelessness is hardly a drawback. Unreliability or weakness is a decisive strength. And it's very helpful in gaining the affection of men. Many men, who are said to be strong, love the opposite (weak) but very dislike competing, so they are women. I rarely evaluate the intellect of. ”(P.228) __Is this a sexual harassment expression? It seems to me that it has the essence of discrimination against women.
"In a world where most things are decided and controlled by men, it was quite natural for women to exert special powers and abilities as resistance strategies. Women's powers and abilities. Because they are different from those of men, men cannot see or understand such things. ”(P.245) __“ There is nothing in the world that can't be helped like a woman. Go up, get on the chart if you say it gently, swell if you say a little, scratch if you hit it (cry if you hit it), and it will turn into a ghost in the middle of the night if you kill it. " Ability (not in dogs). It may not be true. But will women's mystery disappear in a "gender equality" society? I'm glad I don't know about women, but I feel a little lonely (^ _ ^;).
"A good, flawless girl like a princess will not be able to survive in a world where she has to protect herself and survive herself. Therefore, in order to survive, she needs the characteristics and abilities of her waist. But such a trait is unpopular only when it manifests itself in its own form. When wrapped in, controlled and covered with feminine elegance and wisdom, it is barely noticeable. We should know that there is definitely a trait. Moreover, we need to bury the legend about weak (female) sex at all costs. Women are by no means weak. What? Even women can be as harsh as their maids, reckless, and strict if they need to. ”(P.257) It's discriminatory, even if it's not contempt. But equality does not mean "same." It is "equality" because there is a "difference". If it is "same", there is no question about "equality". Men and women are different. Japanese and Americans are different. Born in Hokkaido and born in Okinawa will be different. Born in Yamanote and Shitamachi may be different. The difference is not the difference between "good and evil" and "up and down of value". You are different from me.

"Equality" or "ego"

As long as there is an "ego", it has to be "aware". It is very difficult to return to the pre-ego state after that "self-consciousness". Many people don't go any further, saying, "I can't throw away my ego."
But what if that "ego" creates science and technology, a capitalist society, and causes environmental destruction? For example, pro-nuclear and anti-nuclear groups speak the same language. The word "science". Proponents say "there is no evidence of an impact (on the human body or the environment)" and opponents say "there is no evidence of no impact" or "there is evidence of an impact". As a non-scientist, I (we) cannot judge "which is right". All you can do is "Which one do you trust?" Most things can only be "believed (sensitivity)" apart from "understanding (logic)".
I don't think that is the "reason (logos)" that the "ego" is aiming for.
It is this fact that Western philosophy has been struggling since Socrates (Plato). And I have found something that seems to be a conclusion for each philosopher.
For example, Descartes said, "I am because I think." In other words, after all, it is a state of resignation after making a detour saying "I kept thinking, but I (ego) is thinking". That's what the modern people mentioned above think.
Heidegger probably aimed at the reason why Socrates died, that is, "a sense of unity with police", dumping himself into society, uniting himself with the society that gave birth to and nurturing himself, and returning to nature. (It had an experience called "El Aiknis"). It is not difficult to imagine that it is easily linked to "Nazi (totalitarianism)".
I disagree with their idea. And I don't want to waste their thoughts.
In a society where science is predominant (believed to be), only "words of science" are valid. Therefore, we must overcome science in the language of science. The word "should" is powerless in front of "ego". Rather, it is "should" be helpless (^ _ ^;).
There are endless possibilities (although at most 2500 years).
And the possibility lies in the fact that "we are alive". We're not machines, computers, or AI (although we continue to be impossible to keep going, like the "Digital Agency"). Even if we don't like it, we are with the "body". We are "body" and "natural". You can only be "ego" and "scientific" by continuing to forget or ignore that fact.
I feel that women are closer to "self-nature." This is because I think there are moments when you have to feel "your own nature" such as menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth. It may mean "feel the woman in me", which is the same as "feel the man in me".


"Postscript" is written by Bruno Bettelheim. He seems to think that he is a comrade who follows the same path, although he disagrees with Male.
"We do not take the freedom that is carried to us on the silver tray as freedom, but rather as humiliation." "The freedom that we obtain without fighting weakens our self-esteem. Freedom is not experienced as freedom without strong self-esteem. Because of the vast space of freedom given to children today, we need a chance to evacuate to the imaginary world of old tales. For example, children will fight true freedom in a dispute with a dangerous opponent. ”(P.265)
"Those who cannot draw conclusions from their own observations must rely on the conclusions of others." (P.270) __ I think there is something in common with my idea above.

40 years

It has been 40 years since this book was published. During that time, various situations have changed. Freud-Jung's "generality theory" is being criticized. At the same time, it is also true that the description in this book has taken on a "sexist aspect".
Speaking of 1980, Foucault's "History of Sex" Volumes 1 and 2 and 3 are just in the middle of publication.
Foucault's "History of Sex Vol. 4" (Japanese version) was also published last year (original book is 2018). I haven't read it yet, but I think that the retrospective from "biopolitics" to the Greek era after the second volume approaches "ego" as "utilization of pleasure" and "consideration for self". And Volume 4 "Confessions of Meat". It is a Christian world. I imagine Foucault did not reach "ego" but shortcut to "self-nature", but I would like to read it carefully.
At that time, Foucault, whose every move became news and ran around the world (the momentum to drop birds), is hardly talked about now. I wonder why.
Fewer and fewer people have been friends with him. Does that mean I can't eat at Foucault anymore? Perhaps society is running out of room to accept Foucault. I want young people (?) Like Yasuyuki Shinkai, the translator of Volume 4, to do their best.


The world where ~Hara is scared is nothing but the world of "alternate monitoring". Did that reduce the number of victims? As the number of harassments increases, so does the number of victims. Like a PCR test. (Lol)
"Sexual harassment" "Power harassment" ... In one article, " 39 harassment " There seems to be. (Lol)
"~ Hara" may be saving the voices (non-voiced voices) of "vulnerable people" such as women and young people. But I don't think most of them were made by the vulnerable person. I think it was made by someone in a "strong position" in the media.
Anyway, "the sexual harassment should be eliminated **" is powerless to the "ego". It has power only as "social pressure". "Peer pressure".
"Gender equality" and "nature maintenance" as faith or morality are powerless in front of capital. No, I would rather support the capital. You can tell just by the fact that CO2 emissions are "commodities". It seems that "eco" is now even becoming an "essential characteristic of a product". And "sterilization" "antibacterial" "virus removal", all are products. If they are really "necessary" for everyone, they should be ** should be taxed before the "vaccine". (Lol)
"Should" does not eliminate or stop "~ hara" and "environmental destruction". "Why" -I think it is necessary to ask (even if it is a little troublesome) why harassment and environmental destruction are occurring (there is a tendency that "history is inevitable". History is inevitably linear. There is no evolutionary timeline or purpose, it is just "faith"). Even if only the smoke (result) is extinguished, if the fire source (cause) is not extinguished, smoke will forever rise in various places. Eternal "whac-a-mole". It's fun as a game, but it's tiring. You should unplug the game console.
Actually, I would like you to ask the "causal relationship itself", but for the time being, as long as it is limited to "scientific discourse", I would like you to recognize the causal relationship and "pursue the cause".


The child lies. Adults also lie. There may be a "difference" in that lie. "Lies for people", this is also true for children. Lies are the beginning of "self-defense," or "ego." A lie for others is also a lie that does not destroy the world that surrounds you (and protects you). Nature doesn't lie (although it's hard to show the essence). A child wants to be an adult. For adults who are sexually, empirically, and knowledgeably omnipotent. It was a father and a mother. But his father and mother have replaced schools, cram schools, tutors, and lessons. Fathers and mothers are no longer omnipotent, nor are they wrapping and protecting themselves. Simply a weak and "dirty" being. After all, if you don't have a piece of paper called a bill, you're weaker than yourself. The piece of paper is stronger than my parents (^ _ ^;). Your child will be aiming for a piece of paper, not your parents. (Lol)
I am protected and wrapped. I am being raised. You cannot grow up unless you abandon yourself. And "society" and "my body" that force me to throw away. It is a body that has been "excessive" since it was born. In many ways.
I will think and overcome various barriers with my own power. That experience. A gradual, all-unknown qualitative wall. Overcoming that, I gradually grow up to be an adult. That is the subject of fairy tales.

Laid-Back Camp △

The original is Afro [wiki (JP)] 's manga, animated. It has been made into a drama. It's a story about a high school girl camp.
It's not a harsh camp because it's about Laid-Back Camp. It is a camp in the suburbs where "the radio waves of mobile phones can reach" and there is a convenience store if you go a little. An adviser teacher of the club (did you become a club activity?) Comes with you (although you can't rely on it at all after drinking alcohol from daytime). Even in such a camp, various unexpected things (or rather, I don't think I'm expecting much (^ _ ^;)) occur. But that's the real thrill of camping. The "real feeling" that something was achieved or not achieved by oneself. And touching nature. It's an artificial place called a campsite, but you can see "real" mountains and lakes, and at night you can see "real" stars.
(Detailed separate article)

Is it dangerous to live?

Today's adults try to keep their children away from "dangerous things" as they did and because they didn't. It doesn't let you "experience". Experience is evil and I don't want to have "hard", "disgusting" or "dangerous" eyes. But neither my father nor my mother are at home for work (“Gender Equality Society”). There are no grandparents due to the nuclear family. It is money to say things there. Then, buy a lot of "safety goods" and wear them for children. Children can't even run. (Lol)
Do adults go to work because they want to "participate" in society? Children don't know. In fact, even adults don't know. "I'm desperate to get a job." I'm betting on life and death (gambling. There are many losses). "Why" is a question that should not be asked. The child's question, "Why?", Should be "disgusting" and "treated." We hate the question "why?" It's a long time ago. I don't think he (she) hate the question "why?"
Children gain "existence" by being established as "another being" with us "adults". But children are our past and our present. It is both an external being and an internal being. The contradiction lies in the "self" that has left the "(natural) existence". Children embody that hard-to-wipe past (and present). [1]
A fairy tale is a "pipe" that connects both worlds. Isn't it something that guides children to this world and also shows the charm of that world?
I think this book expresses the charm of the latter while writing about the former.

[1] わたしたちは「育てられた」、そして大人になっても「育てられている(自然と無関係では存在し得ない)」存在です。


(FF) 改頁
(LF) 改行

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4622011958 ]

