金閣寺 三島由紀夫著 (1956年)1984/08/01 ほるぷ出版社(日本の文学84)

金閣寺 三島由紀夫著 (1956年)1984/08/01 ほるぷ出版社(日本の文学84)青年の「心」














三段階 弁証法
官能 美と現実 肉(体)と精神
青年 人生
文化主義 文化国家



Youth "heart"
This work makes the heart of a young man "beautiful" and "character". I think many people struggled with the separation of "I" and "other than me" (parents, school, nature and even their own bodies) during adolescence. It is the dissociation between the bloated "self" and the "relatively smaller" "surroundings". Even your own body is not free and you are left with yourself.
For that reason, thinking and reality are separated. Mishima beautifully depicts it in beautiful sentences. However, what Mishima is asking is that "beauty". "Does beauty really exist? Can it be or can it be?"
Fantasy (fantasy, dream, imagination, thought, idea, thought, thought ... or memory. I think Mishima uses it properly) and Kinkakuji in reality (existence, existence) It always depicts the divergence, the divergence between beauty and reality. Mishima continued to see the possibility of "bridging" between thought and reality in Mishima's text, that is, "characters." That is why Mishima's writing is "beautiful."
It's the same as a genius painter and photographer creating the "beauty" of a work. Some people say that it has "beauty" that goes beyond the subject. For example, is a "landscape painting" more beautiful (possibly) than a real landscape?
Is the "girl" with make-up more cute (beautiful) than the real (no makeup?) Girl? (Lol)
I think it's cute. Of course, there are good and bad makeup. However, if you make up according to the "manual", you can become a cute girl ( timely ).
The current "mass production girls" is a typical example. And when you take a picture, "an app that makes your eyes bigger". Originally, I'm not good at distinguishing people (it seems that what I see is different from others), so when I look at such pictures, they all look the same. Is it because it is already an "old man"? Can young boys today find a difference there?
Then, does "beautiful woman (pretty girl)" "exist"? I hope there is a timeless "beauty". "Beauty as a concept".
Some people may say that there is "Mona Lisa". I like "Mona Lisa" (although I haven't seen it in person), but what about you guys? Is "Mona Lisa" "beautiful"?
People who can say "Beauty changes with the times" do not need to read "Kinkakuji". "At the time of construction," Kinkakuji was beautiful, but now you might think it's different. What Mishima wanted to write was "beauty that transcends time and space." In German philosophical style, it is "beauty as a concept (essence) and its phenomenon form".

Structure of Kinkakuji Temple
Kinkakuji is the "Hosuiin" on the 1st floor, the "Shione-do" on the 2nd floor is the Shinden-zukuri style, and the 3rd floor is the Zendo Buddhist-style "Study summit".
It seems that humans like the "number" of "3". "2" is in nature. There will be many languages ​​that only have "1, 2". "3" is a special number. It is the number of ego's leap (takeoff) from nature.
From Aristotle's logic (syllogism) to Hegel's dialectic of "positive, anti-go", the basis of logic is "3".
Still, one-story and two-story are normal, but three-story and above are special. "3" and above does not matter whether it is "10" or "100". Rather, "1 to 2" and "2 to 3" are "qualitative changes." "3" and above are only quantitative changes.
To give a familiar example, one person finds a spouse and becomes a married couple. Only when you have a child will you become a "parent". After that, no matter how many children you have, your "parents" will not change (laughs). If you have grandchildren, you will become "grandparents", but that means that your child has become a full-fledged child, which is not as much a change as having a child.
I think the first floor of Horyuji Temple is "childhood", the second floor is "youth (adolescence)", and the third floor is "adult". That's why the main character, Mizonokuchi, aims for the 3rd floor. One of the ways is to become a Buddha and to gain enlightenment (Is it "opening up"?). Entering the religious path and "faithing". But Mizonokuchi couldn't settle for it. It is manifested in his expectations and despair (disgust) for the old master. The old master also embodies another road leading up to the 3rd floor-which is also the way out from the 2nd floor.
Mizonokuchi finds the way in "Gargling". Few people can reach the 3rd floor alive (without becoming a Buddha). That is why Kinkakuji has a gargling dynasty "to break that equilibrium." Most people go through a road that shouldn't exist in front of the building, a road that most people "forget" (pretend to be invisible) for its apparent existence. "Adults don't tell me." I have forgotten (pretended). And tell the child the "ideal (idea)".

Recognition or action
Two friends, Tsurukawa and Kashiwagi, are "ideal" and "reality," respectively. And I know that the ideal is a "profane person". It is Tsurukawa who chooses to die for "love", "desire, profane".
And Kashiwagi said, "I wanted to let you know. What changes this world is recognition." (P.380), while Mizonokuchi says, "It transforms the world. Is an act. That's all. ”(P.381). It's like a Marxist. Did Mishima have that in mind? He was as knowledgeable as he was, so he must have been conscious. Now (this world) is not "the end of everything". It is "the prehistory of mankind" and "the end of childhood".
There is a theory that Marx is locked in the 19th century, but it is too narrow. I think it must be properly positioned in the history of Western philosophy and regarded as one of the polar regions. I think I found a young Hegel and took over.
Changing the world with cognition is a dark side where philosophy tends to fall. It is the denial of cognition itself, the path from reason to madness, the path to religion. That may make him easier. You can also assume that it has become easier. But the reality doesn't change (although the reality is always changing). Mizonokuchi couldn't do that. He couldn't forgive him. He "was thinking all the time." "I think my long and careful preparation was just for the final recognition that I didn't have to do ___ action. (LF) Look. Now action is for me. It's just a kind of surplus. ”(P.453).

Body, sex
And Mizonokuchi ignites the "three-story structure", thinking of eliminating Kinkakuji itself. It tried to eliminate "self (self / ego)" as "object (objective / object / reality)" at Kinkakuji Temple. If you think only about "recognition", just like Tsurukawa, you die (suicide) and you lose the Kinkakuji Temple (I also bought sleeping pills and knives). But Mizonokuchi didn't think so. So he had no choice but to "act." Not as reason (spirit, ego) but as flesh (body).
The body appears many times in this novel. At first, it comes out as a way to isolate and independence of one's body and consciousness that "barks", but soon it becomes "sex" with the reality of "a good child". The enlargement of the ego overlaps with that of puberty. Therefore, it is "raw = sex = sensual". Living itself is "eros" and "sensuality", so I would like to deny it, but it is impossible. It is unacceptable because it puts the profane thing (raw) in the same line as Kinkakuji as "sex (female)" and also makes the Kinkaku profane. Therefore, desire is blocked by Kinkakuji with women.
Your body itself becomes a secondary thing. "I was hungry" is written several times, but there is no feeling of sadness towards women or Kinkakuji.
Women are "reality." In the sense that it is "sexual" and "out of reach", it is more "holy" than Kinkakuji. That is why she can only approach Kinkakuji by giving up. In that sense, it can be said that Mizonokuchi values ​​"recognition" rather than "action."
What did Mishima think about masturbation? It is a sexual relationship with one's own body that is left over. It is an obvious "act". It seems to be written in other books.

Do not open, do not enter
The body attacks Mizoguchi's spirit many times. It was Kinkakuji that helped or stopped each time. Now, when the Kinkakuji is set on fire, the Kinkakuji will no longer come to help or stop (here, fairy tales may come to help. Some readers expect that. Maybe, but it actually burned and I think it had to burn). Mizonokuchi escapes from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor. That is exactly the road that Mizoguchi himself took. Then, Mizonokuchi escapes to the 3rd floor. The act of "escape" has already suggested Mishima's (Mishima's own) defeat.
The "escape" will be documented later by Akira Asada (or by Doulouse). "Escape" is decorated with "Escape". And in recent years, it has become "escape shame".
And the door of "Study Top" on the 3rd floor, "Door of Overcoming the Ego" will not open. At that time, what attacked Mizoguchi was probably his own "meat = raw" counterattack / return in the form of "rejection of Kinkakuji". I think he regained his "life" by being rejected by Kinkakuji. And the "recovery of sexuality" that has disappeared in the Yukaku, neither dream nor reality, will be pursued.
It does not say that he passed "gargle" when he escaped. That may not be a problem. Because Kinkakuji itself (main body) was destroyed, there is no longer a symbolic meaning of its accompanying "gargle". Besides, he became aware of "flesh (body)".

How evil is possible
What would happen to Mizonokuchi if he entered the summit and survived?
Have you become like a Buddha, a saint, or a hermit? He may have become. But at that time, he might be "invisible" from the public eye.
Or, after escaping the fire at the "Study Summit", he may have returned to the "ground (this world)" through the "gargle". At that time, he would have become a "hero (passionate)" and an old master (Zen, religion, harmonious human being, real ideal, compromised human being). To a human being who has failed dialectical promotion. Isn't that the very thing (essence) of "doing evil"? Good is possible only when the concept of evil is "enabled".

What survived / survived
Adolescence is a life-and-death battle. Youth is bluer than pink, as the Japanese indicates (some people may have been pink, in any case, "what you think of later"). Only those who survive it and those who survive can become adults.
It begins with being aware of your ego, away from the sense of unity with the world (sense of unity with your mother). Then, after an adult rite of passage, you become an "adult". How long has it been since adult initiation was stopped in Japan (it is clear that the coming-of-age ceremony has nothing to do with it)? Isn't it about half a century to 100 years? In rural areas, youth organizations (such as the "Youth Group") have survived until recent years.
Youth group is an autonomous organization based on knowledge and experience. "Crawling at night" is not only "flirtation" but also the sexual activity of young people, and the youth group was involved.
Few people know it anymore. The number of people who know the war (Pacific War) is decreasing. Those who have experienced it remember it. The memory is reproduced. It remains (sustains) by being reproduced. As it is reproduced within itself, it is also reproduced among others. In any case, the memory disappears with "death" (I think). Since it is a reproduction (remake), it can be "always changing". You may have experienced that "history" changes as the number of people who have experienced war decreases.
I think many people think that their memory will not change. However, it is constantly being reproduced while being re-evaluated by the environment (including experience) at that time. There will be nothing that will not be reproduced. It survives for generations because it disappears.
"Immortal things can be destroyed" means that things that are constantly changing cannot be destroyed. For example, you can kill an "old master". But someone will be an old master instead. Although it may be "Mizoguchi". However, Kinkakuji, which is considered immortal, can be "destroyed".
There is a "record". "History" begins when it remains as "characters". In the past, it remains as documents and books, and now as "digital data".
Many books have been lost. How much "digital data" will remain? In fact, like (?) Memories, only the reproduced ones remain. In the old days, penmanship, then printing, and copying digital data. Nothing remains that was not reproduced. That's notable for digital data. Floppy disks can no longer be read. Many early CDs, whether music discs or data discs, are disappearing. Since the hard disk has a predetermined number of storage and playback times (made and used on the assumption of failure), it is always replaced with a new one (and one with a large capacity). Data that was not "migrated (copied)" at that time will be lost. Technology to restore lost data (not just recovery, but technology to supplement lost parts with algorithms. Deepfake technology is also that. But it is just created data, and the original data "itself" It is not ". It is made" arbitrarily "by the algorithm), but the technique is used in a way that is convenient for those in power at the time, just like writing and copying.
History is just a concrete abstraction, and letters are just a concrete abstraction. Books that don't sell will never be masterpieces. (Nothing remains-especially in a digital society)

Whole and part. General and special.
The whole is not a set of parts. The part is also one whole, and the whole is also a part of the other whole. It means that a group of individuals is not a society. Mizoguchi's anxieties, worries, happiness and unhappiness, on the one hand, also arise from the gap between Mizoguchi's perception of the self (self) and the object (human relations, society).
If you focus on the part (special), you will be "selfish". "Self-sacrifice" is the flip side of the same thing. If you focus on the whole, it becomes totalitarian, but in many cases, "self" is not included in the "whole". It's the same as thinking about "thinking about others," "thinking about class," "thinking about society," and so on. Kant's idea of ​​"treating others as a purpose, not as a means" is also an ego-centered idea, and in the end it is only one means.
The whole and the part are unsolvable as long as you admit "self". As far as I know, its buds and establishment are in ancient Greek philosophy. Plato lamented that Socrates (an individual) was sentenced to death by Police (a society) and died obediently according to it, but there is a recognition of original sin (300 years when Jesus Christ was born). That was before). Plato responded to society with an "ego." Since then, Western society fused with Hebraism is "history corresponding to society with ego (with logic)". There is no absolute reconciliation there. Various thoughts, philosophies, politics, religions, sciences, etc. emerged depending on how to make a "reconciliation". Sometimes they seemed to stick together, separate, and develop, and sometimes they seemed to decline. However, as long as they are not absolute reconciliations and can only be compromises, we will come across places that cannot be traced further, such as "axioms" in mathematics. The same is true of "I am because I think". Although it is the ultimate thought, it is also a "give up" and "give up". Mizoguchi's "relationship between cognition and action" cannot be explained logically. It's beyond logic.
In syllogism, it is possible to continue with B for A, C for B, and so on, but the first choice of A is before logic. ("The Dignity of the Nation" Masahiko Fujiwara)

Before, during, and after the war
NHK's "100 Minutes de Meicho" featured "Kinkakuji" (that was the reason I decided to read this book). I watched the first night and the rest after reading this book.
The lecturer is Keiichiro Hirano. He said that Mishima, who survived the war, tried to blend in with the postwar society, but was critical of the unscrupulous nature of the postwar society. I think he also said that it was a 180-degree value shift after the war (I remember it).
Certainly, Mishima went through the war during his adolescence. Same as Mizonokuchi. It seems that Mishima was also stuttering when he was young. This is also the same as Mizonokuchi. Mizonokuchi is Mishima himself rather than the Kinkakuji arsonist.
By the way, was the defeat a "180 degree value shift of thought"? To put it the other way around, was Mishima's idea of ​​the emperor system a retrospective? I don't think so. The former is a fact and the latter is a hope.
The former has the clear fact that most of the people accepted it (lived). There is a theory that "culture propagates only where there is a basis for accepting it" (although it is suspicious). If so, it was because of that foundation that the Japanese accepted the postwar value. The defeat is not a break, but a series. Most of the things, such as the Constitution of the Empire of Japan and the parliament under it, the "universal suffrage" election system, the chaebol, the private ownership system such as land ownership, the media such as newspapers and radio, etc., existed before the war.
They are all the result of character culture. Of course, "science" is also. "Obvious things" such as "objective view by ego" and "nature, others, and society as objects" are "characters", "objectification of self", "visualization and standing of voice" It is the result of "transcendence of time and place" (each contains the opposite relationship; the predicate makes the subject exist). The social changes brought about by literacy are incomparable to the value shift of defeat. The social change brought about by colonization is devastating. The American Indians and the Ainu people are typical examples, but the tragedy is still unfolding every day in South America and Southeast Asia.

Long puberty
It is difficult for those who have once left the earth and those who have lost their unity by looking at nature objectively to return to their original state. That's the biggest factor that makes us think we can't go back to our children.
But we want to get back there. Not because we are part of nature, but because we are nature.
Mizoguchi (and maybe Mishima) is attacked, and the "flesh" that tries to counter it with Kinkakuji always tries to invade the spirit. While resisting it, they are always living in "puberty." As literacy becomes more widespread (99% literacy is not noticeable, but it's a decisive lie), more and more people will continue to live in "puberty" until they die. In the big picture, the West since ancient Greece (which has spread globally) has always been "adolescent history (= letters)".
Recently, I had the opportunity to read Grimm's fairy tales. Fairy tales (old tales, fairy tales) are oral culture. There are "things that catch people's hearts" that cannot be explained by character culture (logic). It has been handed down because of that. It has something in common with Kunio Yanagita's "common sense". That "something" is at the source of creating "character culture." Without it, the "culture" itself would disappear. There is a basis for both literature and art. There is a basis for "beauty" and a basis for "good and evil".
I watched some serial dramas today as well. I've been limiting myself lately, but I've seen some. And I often cry. It seems that tears become more brittle with age. Every show, whether it's a police drama or a romance drama, repeats the same subject. of course. Love, sex, crime, etc. haven't happened recently. There will be no major changes in love and good and evil that have been talked about since ancient times. But I cry every time. Half a year ago, I didn't see an actor (actress) who was in another love with another opposite sex. There is the acting ability of the actor, the performance output, the good script, the props and props, the CG and the music, and various elements. However, the excellent script does not say "Do you have a love affair?" You don't fall in love with logic. Love is "planned to be done". The signal is fixed, such as being attracted to casual gestures or falling in love at the moment of staring at each other. Regardless of the script or direction, the script or direction is there to emphasize the signal, but in the background there is "something" that goes beyond logic and flows to people. On the contrary, without it, no matter how good the script is or how good the production is, the work will not be possible.
It's just a variation on how to draw that "something" well and effectively in various characters and in various situations.

Mishima's genius
It seems that some people find this book difficult. I didn't even want to read Mishima's novel, which was (believed to be) a nationalist and committed suicide. I felt like it would be difficult. But when I read it, there is nothing difficult. It's like a light novel with a lot of kanji (the book I read was a modern kanji kana sentence, and most of the kanji had furigana). There are more than 400 pages, but I read them all at once.
Mishima aims to be aesthetic and devotes all his craftsmanship and knowledge to that end. However, aiming for "beauty" itself is a "symptomatology of adolescence." And I think he didn't try to wake up from that aesthetic frenzy. Mizonokuchi thought "to live". But it's not a determination for a lively, "adolescent-like" life.
"A cigarette in another pocket touched me. I smoked. I thought I'd live, as people who take a break after work often think so. . ”(P.463)
Maybe Mizoguchi's words are not a lie. But that life is neither adolescent nor childhood. However, it is not an adult's life. So to speak, he is a "give up" and "halfway" student. In a sense, he is a student who gave up more than an old master, like an old master. Can Mizonokuchi live on that road? He wanted to live. Both Mizoguchi and Mishima.
The feelings of the young man leading up to that point are beautifully depicted. The "real reason" for that feeling is not written. He may have written it. But it's not written. It's the same as not writing "cause of falling in love" as "endrophin" in a romance novel. Readers can sympathize because they don't write. There is a novel to be read there.
Mishima is by no means flirting with the masses. It is because he is a genius who expresses without trying to express. Sometimes it looks like it's flirting in some respects. I thought the second half of this book was "not beautiful" compared to the first half. I thought it was because Mishima's brush got on and my desire to write became bloated.
The soft landing from the world of ideas (the world of fantasy) to the real world may be comparable to Haruki Murakami. Haruki Murakami seems to prioritize the collection even if he sacrifices the story when it is difficult to collect the discomfort. As a result, the story is out of control, but that is the after-reading lingering peculiar to Haruki Murakami. It's an indigestion-like ending that seems to evoke the reader's imagination and prevents it from happening.
I love Haruki Murakami. He is probably the only writer who has read most of the novel.
Compared to that, what Mishima looks like is its sincerity. Perhaps he was genius, mediocre, and sincere to his life.

To live
Did Mizonokuchi reconcile with reality (life)? I think Mishima wanted to reconcile while writing this novel. And, I felt like I was reconciled with Mizoguchi. That's why I made Mizonokuchi say "Let's live". I think that was also Mishima's feelings. However, Mishima is sincere. The voice is lethargic and powerless. He wasn't reconciled. He just wanted to think he was able to reconcile. Subsequent fate represents that.
Many geniuses thought and couldn't reconcile. It's the same mathematical and philosophical challenge. The answer seems likely. Might happen. The thought (belief) that there will surely be. It's the same as thinking that it actually exists because it has a name. You give a name to something that actually exists, not the name that makes it (Nominalism. In fact, the name makes things. The name "mountain" is united with "sora" and "earth." It separates the "mountain" from the chaotic nature, but it is "recognizing", not "creating a mountain"). I have already mentioned that I do not think the answer is possible. This is because it is impossible for the ego to overcome it. As long as the ego exists, the object exists. The ego and the object, the thought and the reality always exist as "different things".
When you are conscious of "mountains", "mountains" will not disappear anymore. Humans can and have gone by shaving "mountains" and breaking individual "mountains". But the "mountain itself" cannot be eliminated. The same is true for "ego". Individual "ego" can be eliminated (killed). However, the "ego" itself cannot be destroyed.
So what you can do is make a compromise. It is to give an advantage to either recognition or action depending on the situation. That's what the old master was doing, and Mizoguchi, who hates it, was also doing it.
You have to enter the world of religion in order to aim for the unity of the ego and the object without being able to come to terms. Or it is to set the "upper (person, thing)" of the ego (and the object) other than God and Buddha. To establish a transcendent as a mediator. I think that was the "emperor" for Mishima. So it's not nationalism, militarism, or fascism. But I think it's just shelving the problem. It means to put the problem on hold. Therefore, each person under the emperor remains in conflict "including Mishima." In everyday life, the conflict is usually won by reality and body. That is why humankind survives in a world where adolescence continues.

We know the fate of Mishima after the writing of this book. It seems that Mizoguchi should read this book knowing that Kinkakuji was set on fire and his fate after that. Therefore, the reading is naturally different from the reader when this book was published. Even so, "Kinkakuji" continues to be read because, as I wrote at the beginning, the conflict of "adolescence (adolescence or rebellion)" that everyone experiences is beautifully depicted in beautiful sentences. .. Some people read it nostalgic, while others think, "No matter how old I am, I haven't changed." What you can continue to read is a "masterpiece". As long as "human adolescence" continues, I think it will continue to be read.
As an aside, last year was 50 years after Mishima's death. Therefore, it seems that Mishima's works, including "Kinkakuji", have attracted attention again. There is a site called "Aozora Bunko" where volunteers are online for works whose copyright has expired. "Aozora Bunko" seems to have recommended the onlineization of Mishima's works in anticipation of copyright expiration, but with Japan joining the TPP, copyright protection has been 50 to 70 years after the author's death. .. As you all know, this is a law that the United States has just reached to maintain Disney's copyright. 20 years left. When Mishima's copyright expires, I'm not alive.

⟨Write out⟩
"I couldn't help feeling dissatisfied and frustrated with the idea that beauty already existed in my unknown place." (P.36)
"This attitude is natural as long as I believed only in visible beauty." (P.43)
"Tsurukawa's kindness taught me the discovery that I could still be me by subtracting stuttering from my existence." (P.46) __ Then, what is that "I"? ??
"If you think only about beauty, human beings will collide with each other without making the darkest thought in the world." (P.83)
(The defeat) "It wasn't liberation. It wasn't liberation by any means. It was nothing but an immutable, eternal, resurrection of Buddhist time that blended into everyday life. (P.118) __It is delicate. The question of what religion is (what is Buddhism).
"I can thus define (FF) the annoyance about" love "in the world in one word. It's a nuisance that the tentative elephant tries to connect to the reality. (P.180-181)
"It should be so, the neat form of the chrysanthemum is made by tracing the desire of the bee, and the beauty itself has blossomed toward the premonition, so now is the time. Is the moment when the meaning of form is brilliant in life. Shape is the mold of life that flows without shape, and at the same time, the flight of life without shape is the mold of all forms of the world. " (P.279)
"But that, too, because of the narrowed shape of the third layer of research, the reality once confirmed collapsed, and in that dark and glittering era, ( FF) It is supervised by a high-ranking philosophy and is subject to it. ”(P.447-448)
"The architect wasn't satisfied with the fear alone. He overhanged a modest cleansing resembling a fishing hall to the west of the Hosuiin. He had all the aesthetic power to break the balance. It was as if I was betting on it. ”(P.448) __Beauty and reality. Metaphysics of beauty. Whether to look at beauty or reality (nature) above.
"It was the details, the whole, the Kinkaku, and the night that wrapped the Kinkaku." (P.449) __The whole and the part. A mystery that cannot be solved logically.
(P.450) __ Infinitely increasing (or retreating, declining), quantifying. Those that cannot be quantified are diffused. Disclosure of emptiness. Disclosure / presentation / explicit / realization / demonstration of beauty (or concept) = art. Present what cannot be presented. There was no art or literature before the letter.
A concept that can be written. Conceptualization can only be done with letters (or words).
Beauty (the concept) must be in reality, not in reality. (It must not be.) That is why it is mysterious (it takes on mystery).
"Isn't my long and careful preparation just for the final recognition that I don't have to do _? (LF) Look now. Acts are just a kind of surplus for me. ”(P.453) Recognition and Action, Recognition and Reality
Is the ideal woman (male) possible?
(P.438) Depiction from thought to phenomenon (reality). Difference from Haruki Murakami.
Thoughts go beyond reality. It exceeds. It is natural that there will be no society without a mechanism to control it. The existence and role of the emperor.
"I thought I'd live." (P.463) __Last sentence. Reconciliation with reality (life)? While writing this novel, Mishima thinks he wanted to reconcile. And he felt reconciled. But I couldn't reconcile. Subsequent fate represents that. Many geniuses thought and couldn't reconcile. It is the same mathematical and philosophical challenge. The answer seems likely. Might happen. The thought that there will surely be. It's the same as thinking that it actually exists because it has a name. Names are given to things, not names to make existence (Nominalism. In fact, names make things. From nature, where the name "mountain" was united with "sora" and "earth" The "mountain" is separated and becomes independent, but it is "recognition", not "making a mountain"). So I don't think there is an answer. This is because it is impossible for the ego to overcome it. The ego exists no matter how far you go. As long as the ego exists, the object exists. The ego and the object, the thought and the reality always exist as "different things". Aiming for the unity of the ego and the object must enter the world of religion. Or set the ego (and the object) at the top. That was the "emperor" for Mishima.

Run away-Run away
The body that escapes is me
Nature and ego
Three-step dialectic
Becoming a child, an adult, and a member of society. To get a job.
Third floor structure and gargling
Sensory beauty and reality Meat (body) and spirit
Youth life
This world
Culturalism Cultural nation
Existence condition
Mishima flirting with the world
Can I live? -It's only a half-hearted life-The way of life of an old master
Inside and outside world
Mishima wasn't saved either
It looks like a genius to express without trying to express
Genius and mediocrity. There is no doubt that he was sincere.
I wanted to live, I was alive, I survived
The fundamentals have not changed before and after the war-differences from the colonies

Individuality and emotions. Makeup = mask. Why can we read emotions where there is no individuality? Is ego and emotion different? maybe. Not only Japan (Noh masks). Western masquerade. Can you read your emotions by hiding your "face"? mask. New coronavirus.


