歴史意識の芽生えと歴史記述の始まり (世界史リブレット) 蔀勇造著 2004/10/15 山川出版社

歴史意識の芽生えと歴史記述の始まり (世界史リブレット) 蔀勇造著 2004/10/15 山川出版社












「記憶」について語るなら、同じディックの作品で、シュワルツェネッガー主演で映画化された『トータル・リコール』(原作の題名は『追憶売ります』"We Can Remember It for You Wholesale")のほうが面白いと思います。










シュメールについては、『シュメル ー人類最古の文明(小林登志子著)』をあわせて読まれると知識が深まると思います。
























「インドで歴史が書かれなかった理由として通常あげられるのは、インド人の「時間意識の欠如」「歴史意識の欠如」である。」「しかし、これは無文字社会の口頭伝承にもみられる現象であるが、ある程度以上の過去は、一挙に日常的な時間意識とは別の原理にもとづく観念体系に飛んでしまうのである。」(P.017)__インド人と話すとよく分かる。そして”No problem"。でも、それはインド人に限ったことではない。1億円と10億円の違い。1年と100年と1000年・10000年の違い。1億年は?










Table of Contents

Memory and history

(1) "History" and time consciousness

(2) Mesopotamia and Egypt

(3) Israel and Greece

(4) Chinese historical consciousness

Memory and history

First, Vermeer's "The Painter's Studio" will be featured (the picture on the cover). The model woman is dressed as the goddess of history. This picture reminds me of Velázquez's "Las Meninas". Velázquez's painting was made in 1656. Vermeer is in his mid-20s. Did he have any influence? In addition, Salvador Dali wrote a work with this painting as a motif.

Next is the story of the movie "Blade Runner". This is my favorite movie. I also read the original ("Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?").

Ryuichi Sakamoto has incorporated the last line of this movie into his song.

"The Vogt-Kampf method is used to test the degree of emotional transfer ability. Identification was devised on the premise that the ability to transfer emotions to others is unique to humans and not to replicants. It is a law. ”(P.004) PCR tests are performed on the premise that the gene for the new corovirus does not exist in normal humans.

The author picks this up because of the relationship between "memory" and "history." It is said that "collective memory, that is, history" has played the role of "the basis of collective identity" (P.006). It is also interesting to emphasize that "it is the memory unique to the person that forms the core of the individual's personality and makes the person the person. The memory of the forged borrowing is also interesting. I can't help but evoke a sense of incongruity. There is anxiety about who I am, that is, an identity crisis. "(Same as above).

Speaking of "memory," the same Dick's work, "Total Recall," starring Schwarzenegger, was made into a movie (the original title is "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale". 😉 I think it's more interesting.

The author seems to take "identity" as a matter of course. But is the "individual identity" or "group identity" mentioned in this book necessary? I read this book because I'm thinking about what it means to make history, or "my own history."

"History" and time consciousness

The author majored in ancient Arabic history. Mesopotamia is a place that may get more attention, including the beginning of the letters (the numbers were not mentioned, but the numbers were used earlier as tokens). Perhaps the author's eyes are on what Western scholars with Christian eyes (often Japanese scholars) overlook.

I was reminded that "time consciousness" differs from region to region. Of course for historians.

I would like you to explain a little more about Kamo no Chomei, "I wouldn't have been to the whereabouts of the river." (P.12). Also, historical consciousness is different depending on the era (I think that it is different before and after the introduction of Christian Western culture in Japan), and even in the same area of ​​the same era, the ruler and the people are not different. Is it? As will be described later, the common people could not read or write, and history was written for the ruling class to justify their power. Shouldn't we think that the common people had a history of the common people?

Isn't it that the common people had the "identity" of the common people? Or rather, I think "the common people didn't need an identity."

When we talk about collective consciousness, I think we need to grasp the relationship between them. The materials for that are provided by folklore. You also have to think about the consciousness of "What's wrong with me?"

Mesopotamia and Egypt

Both seem to have a wealth of literature. I think that the transition of historical descriptions is an easy-to-understand explanation based on materials.

For Sumer, see "Sumer-The Oldest Civilization of Mankind (by Toshiko Kobayashi)" I think that reading will deepen your knowledge.

Israel and Greece

Israel is monotheistic and Greece is polytheistic. I think of it as a "desert religion" and a "seaside religion." Japan is originally polytheistic. Buddhism Hinduism is also polytheistic. China is also polytheistic (or rather, in the author's words, there is no concept of God). The Greek gods are very human, but the Hebrew gods are transcendental. Since I created the world by myself, I think I had to be transcendental.

However, I think that other than Japan (I don't know Japan well), Israel, Greece, India, and China have changed their rulers as historical facts, and the people have moved from other regions. The person who came. If humanity originated in Africa, people from any country are people who have migrated from other regions or their descendants.

Chinese historical consciousness

In China, various thinkers emerged during the Spring and Autumn Annals Warring States period. Confucius and Laozi are the ancestors of the two major tides. I haven't read "Theory" or "Laozi" properly, but I don't think it's as different as it is usually said. In modern times, I think that the difference is the degree of the company's synchronization, which is good, and the people who are not thinking about getting ahead because they are not thinking about getting ahead. I think there were different philosophers in China, just as there were different philosophers in classical Greece. I think each of them deepened their thoughts on one reality.

What Laozi, Confucius, Socrates, Buddha, and Jesus Christ have in common is that they already had "letters" (highly systematic), but did not write their own books. .. I think they would have studied in books and knew the power of letters. But they didn't write (though they did, but maybe they didn't remain). I suspect that they were at a loss between the charm (magical power) of the letters and the dangers they had. In other words, there was a sense of crisis about the danger that ⟨I (ego)⟩ has, the ⟨existence⟩ itself, being separated from being as it is, and the "anti-naturalness (that we consider nature as an objective)". I think it might be.


There is no "identity crisis" where there is no ego. "With letters" means "with ego". Looking at the described event of history in the presence of letters is nothing more than looking at the past (history) from the present perspective. Islam and Christianity are sibling religions. I'm in conflict now. We are in Christian culture. The "Year XX" and "Year XX" written in this book are clearly proof of being in Christian culture, aren't they?

But it's convenient. In the history of Japan, the names of cases such as "Taika Reform" and "Kyoho Reform" are used in the Japanese calendar, but the year is remembered in the Christian era. That is easier to understand. The year Socrates died and the year Mohammed received the revelation are remembered in the Christian era (Christ history). It's possible in Greek history and Islamic calendar.

I don't think convenience is bad in itself. Unless you are a historian, you don't have to remember. It's too much to remember. Why are there too many?

Information accumulates every day. We take it for granted or unavoidable. And I think it's "not bad" or "good". In fact, information is lost every day. Like the android memory of "Blade Runner" that appeared at the beginning of this book, human memory disappears with death. The words disappear as soon as you speak (the conversation between the government and business leaders seems to disappear soon, and not only that, the words the government said to the public a week ago. Seems to disappear).

The cause is clear. Because it piles up. In other words, unlike the spoken words, the recorded words (things / things) remain. Naturally, it exceeds the limit that one person can remember. History is exactly the described, objectified and targeted event (fact).

Think about food and appetite (think of it as what you need to maintain and grow your body). If you don't have enough food, you will eat up and die. If you have too much food, you will not be able to eat it and it will rot. Or it causes indigestion. It can be said that human beings have been suffering from indigestion due to the imbalance between information and memory (wisdom to live) since the creation of letters.

⟨Excerpts and memos⟩

"One means" event itself "and the other means" description of event ". The former may be paraphrased as "history as existence" and the latter as "history as record / description". However, regarding the latter, researchers in a non-literal society have argued that past memories preserved by means other than letters should also be regarded as "history." (P.008) __ I want to know the document.

"In the former sense, everything in the world has its own history. After all, what happened and what exists is history itself. It is an amorphous thing that can be called chaos. Like Buddy's memory, it will eventually disappear. To prevent it, it is necessary to objectify and describe it. Only then can history in the latter sense be established. " (Same as above) What does it mean to "objectify / target"? It is the outbreak of the subject. You should ask the matter itself.

"Unless the existence is inferred through materials other than written materials, these unknown" histories "are almost nonexistent from the beginning. Therefore, what is passed down to posterity through the described history is an imperfect past with many deficiencies. (P.009) __I wrote it as a matter of course, but the meaning of "existence" is ambiguous. We should ask why we cannot completely describe "existence".

"Therefore, even if" history as existence "is objective, there is no guarantee that" history as record / description "is objective" (P.010) __. Description to do. "

"Although real events have complicated and versatile aspects, once they are fixed by letters, they are restricted by the viewpoint and skill of the writer, and one side. It often becomes a target and lackluster. ”(Same as above) Entanglement with the identity of the writer.

"India has a prosperous urban civilization, and although it has letters and records, there was no culture of history before the influx of Islamic civilization. Needless to say, this is ahead. In the sense that there was no "history as a record / description" mentioned in the above, there is no doubt that "history as an existence" has existed in a fine form from ancient times in India. (LF) A similar situation is actually seen in neighboring Iran. The reason why most students who aspire to study Sassanid history, which is significantly behind the history of Rome and Byzantines of the same period, is frustrated is that there is no "history as a description" left in Iran during the pre-Islamic period. It is thought that this is the reason. In this respect, the ancient Indian and I (FF) orchid civilizations had different characteristics from other ancient civilizations. Fearfully, it seems that the common sense of "time" among the so-called Aryans would have been different from other peoples. (P.011-012) __ "Civilization with history / Civilization without history" (Chikuma Shobo) Library

"Circular time and linear time"

"A calendar" was created by dividing "circular time" into days, weeks, months, seasons, and years. (P.014)

"On the other hand, a calendar era was devised to measure the length of" linear time ". "(same)

"The usual reasons why history was not written in India are the" lack of time consciousness "and" lack of historical consciousness "of Indians. "However, this is a phenomenon that can be seen in oral traditions of non-literal societies, but in the past beyond a certain level, it jumps to an idea system based on a principle different from everyday time consciousness." (P.017) __It is easy to understand when talking to Indians. And "No problem". But it's not limited to Indians. The difference between 100 million yen and 1 billion yen. The difference between 1 year and 100 years and 1000 and 10000 years. 100 million years?

"As we have seen, there are differences in traditions from region to region, and the process leading to the emergence of historical consciousness and the beginning of historical description is not necessarily continuous, but the ancient Orient civilization as a whole. There is no doubt that it has created a culture that describes and compiles the past. The various aspects of historical consciousness that can be seen there can also be regarded as the prototypes of posterity. "(P.051)

"Old Testament"

"According to historian RG Collingwood, the clear general tendencies of ancient Greek thought were not only unfavorable for the growth of historical thinking, but also completely anti-historical. According to the metaphysical idea represented by Aristotelis, what can be a genuine recognition object must be unchanging and eternal, and what changes is originally recognition and proof. It is impossible. Greek thought makes the following two distinctions in the way of thinking according to this flow of Ronri. One is the original knowledge "epi-stem". The other is "doxa," which is translated as "cowardly." (P.067) __ Plato's theory of ideas

Herodotus and Thucydides

"With this, apart from Greece, Jewish and Christian historical consciousness is born from the historical culture of the ancient Orient, and it is basically inherited by Islam. I was able to do it. ”(P.076)

"In other words, the idea of" road "is not a cycle / regression, but a one-way but" endless "idea of ​​time, so to speak. Seems to exist. (P.082-083)

"But at least among intellectuals, the Last Judgment and the setting of a transcendental kingdom of God, etc. For the Chinese, the "road" was a homogeneous, empty flow of time that swept away everything and relativized all values. (P.083)

"Practice the rules of" Rei "every day based on the principle of" Rei ", even if the flow of time is worthless and empty as it is. That is, through the act of protecting ethical and political order, we can make it valuable at each point in time and establish order in this world, which is chaos as it is. (P.084)





