世界一よくわかる! ギリシャ神話キャラクター事典  オード・ゴエミンヌ著、松村一男監修、ダコスタ 吉村 花子訳 2020/07/25

世界一よくわかる! ギリシャ神話キャラクター事典  オード・ゴエミンヌ著、松村一男監修、ダコスタ 吉村 花子訳 2020/07/25
内容の概要は『Char's Galleria』に書きました。










The outline of the contents is "Char's Galleria ”.


Most of the Western names (first names) are taken from Greek mythology and the Bible. You can see from this book that there are many company names and product names.

In Europe and the United States, I don't know these days, but since I was a kid, I've been told about myths. The story of Harry Potter also has a lot of mythical elements. And old stories and fairy tales. When I read this book, I felt that "Grimm's Fairy Tales" and myths had a common idea. Whether you know Greek mythology or not, the fun of watching Western movies may be different.

I don't know the details, but when did many people have a "last name"? It's not that long ago. Many people know that "Leonardo da Vinci" is "Leonardo in the village of Vinci". Even in Japan, it was said that "Noyashichi in the village somehow". "Kimura-san's flower" is not the "last name" of "Kimura". This is Hana from the "house" called Kimura-san. "House" and "last name (last name)" are completely different. The problem with "married couple's surname" is that they are considered the same. It can be said that Japan had a married couple's surname until the Civil Code was established.

Now, what happened to the parents when naming them? Do you refer to the book "Onomancy" now? I think that is also a faith. In the olden days, temple priests, church ministers and priests, and, in time, teachers were the only intellectuals in the village. And they definitely had knowledge of the Bible, Buddhist scriptures, and myths. You might have had some knowledge of historical figures.

Children's names are sometimes referred to as "the first gift from their parents" (although I feel that the first gift is vaginal bacteria and then breast milk). Thinking about your child's "future", you want to give it a good name, or at least not be "bullied" by name. A long time ago, there was a problem that the birth certificate of "Devil-chan" was not accepted. Both "evil" and "devil" are legally recognized characters as personal names. What happened? Did you name it "Angel"? Whatever the name, you may be a strange person because you are a child of such a parent.

I think that "name represents the body" is more influenced by the parents who gave it than the influence that the name has on life. People grow up in their parents and environment. I think that various literatures such as Osamu Tezuka's "Ayako" express this.

In any case, parents can't go home, but their names can go home if they like. There is also a "common name". "Name, emergency name" ("Laozi") The name is not immutable. I think it's better to think about "name is a code" without thinking deeply.


●オード・ゴエミンヌ /著

●松村 一男(マツムラ カズオ)/監修

●ダコスタ 吉村 花子(ダコスタ ヨシムラ ハナコ)/翻訳

今までボンヤリしていたギリシャ神話や登場人物たちが体系的によくわかり、目からウロコがポロポロ落ちること、間違いなし! !
●ギリシャ神話をモチーフにした、現代美術や映画も登場 あーあれが、これだったのか! と発見の数々
●誰かに教えたくなるトリビアがたくさん! !

[ ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-4766134278 ]

