キリスト教とイスラム教―どう違うか50のQ&A ひろさちや著 1988/11/15 新潮選書

キリスト教とイスラム教―どう違うか50のQ&A ひろさちや著 1988/11/15 新潮選書






















































「キリスト教において、利子取得が公然と認められたのは、宗教改革以後のことです。十六世紀のフランスの宗教改革者のカルヴァンが利子を公認し、イギリスではヘンリー八世が一五四五年に年10%以内の利子取得を発布しました。ただし、カトリック教会が利子を容認したのは、十九世紀になってのことです。」(P.183)__nota bene!!







Today, there was the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. I will not write about the nature of the "Olympic Games" or the pros and cons of holding it.

I didn't understand why the announcement was made in French, English and Japanese.

Athletes from more than 200 countries and regions entered, but there were some country names that I didn't quite know. There were some country names that I didn't know from the beginning, and there were quite a few countries where the country names changed. It can be independent or divided. In some countries, the king changed the name of the country.

Somehow, my feeling of thinking that "country (nation)" is fixed (or absolute) seems to be Japanese.

It may be different for Okinawans. Okinawa had the Ryukyu Kingdom until the Meiji era, and was under the control of the United States even after the war.

What is our culture?

The date has changed and today is Saturday. It's not natural that a week is 7 days. The Christian era is not natural. But "Reiwa" is troublesome. I wonder if it should be unified in the Christian era.

Although I usually use the decimal system, the clock is 12 hours (24 hours). On a computer, it is hexadecimal (basically "0" and "1", on and off binary). You can do quite a lot with various units.

In sports, I used to use "1 minute 12 seconds 13" as a matter of course, but minutes and seconds are in sexagesimal, and commas and below are in decimal.

The influence of Buddhism and Chinese culture is also great, but the influence of Christian culture is only a hundred and several decades, but I feel that it is absolute, as mentioned above, in Japan. It may be because I think fixedly.

What kind of culture is my culture that uses the Gregorian calendar but does not understand the difference between a priest and a pastor?

To know

To know Japanese culture is to make Japanese culture the "object" of knowledge. Targeting is segmentation.

To know an "apple", you must first distinguish it from others. It is necessary to work from other fruits, fruits from other plants, plants from life, life ... This is the classification itself, and the way it is classified depends on the culture. It may be said that the classification itself is a culture.

By segmenting (distinguishing), you can compare with others. To describe "apples", we use words such as "red", "sweet", and "round", but to do so, we must know "non-red", "non-sweet", and "non-round". Must be. However, after explaining "apples" in this way, I forget the existence of "things other than apples," that is, "things that make apples apples," and think that "apples are originally apples."

The word "Japanese culture" has no meaning unless you know the countries and cultures other than Japan. There is no need for "Japan" or "culture".

The "frog in the well" does not know the "ocean", nor does he know that he is in the "well".

Absolute vision

On the contrary, if you want to know about "Japan" and "culture", you should never look at it. However, I (we) think about myself. I and others, Japan and the world, humans and animals ... I am the most central.

I think there are people who say, "It's natural that I'm the center," and "I'm the subject of recognition." It does not mean "jikochu (selfish)". It is not a matter of "good and evil". It means that I live in that kind of culture. In this culture, you (ego) are absolute. It is a culture that considers other people and other countries (democracy, education, morals, etc.) on the premise of that absolute self. The premise is "affirmation of the ego", such as "do filial piety", "love your neighbor", and "treat for the purpose of others".

Japan has a culture from China called "destructive private service", but it is impossible because if "I" disappears, "public" also disappears.

As mentioned above, if you don't know another country, you don't think about your own country, and you don't even need the word "country", but knowing another country is not always your own country. It is not an absolute view of. Knowing "mandarin oranges" is not the same as looking at "apples" absolutely. There is a "self" as an opportunity to absolutely see your own country.

Western history

Western history is the history of establishing the "ego (self)", in other words, "reason" and "logic", and at the same time, preventing or overcoming the establishment (absolute) of the "ego". It feels like "history of swell". Reason and emotion, logic and ethics, competition and harmony, polytheistic god and monotheistic god, geocentric theory and heliocentric theory, "I am because I think" and "Aim for others" ...

These movements have changed with the local climate and customs that inherited that idea. Desert / seaside, agriculture / livestock, production (hunter-gatherer) / trade, cities and regions, etc.

Desert culture and forest culture. Eye culture and ear culture

I think agriculture was the main focus in central and northern Europe and the Mediterranean coast. Compared to that, I think that the weight of livestock farming was large in the Middle East. The difference also influenced the culture. Classical Greek (polytheistic) philosophy faced a crisis when it encountered a monotheistic desert religion. I think that was the basis of classical Greek philosophy.

And the classical Greek philosophy is forgotten. Along with Christianity in the Middle East, classical Greek philosophy is rediscovered in the West. The classical Greek philosophy, the philosophy of Platons and Aristotle, originally had an element of "I (ego)", so I was able to accept Hebraism. In fact, as mentioned above, the classical Greek philosophy was established while accepting Hebraism.

However, monotheism is not easily accepted. Even in ancient Rome, Christianity was not easily accepted. For agriculture-centered Europe, Christian gods and polytheism coexisted. Even now, in the West (except for the United States), God may still remain in the area (like Japan). Perhaps if the Roman Empire were a little smaller, European thinking would have been completely different.

Europe continues to struggle between ethics and logic from the Middle Ages to the early modern period, and even in modern times (and to this day). It is a conflict between nature and human beings, and between others and self. Nature confronts human beings (although it is oneself, a man, one's own country) as something to be overcome.

For Islam, nature confronts human beings, but I think that nature was not something that could be overcome. No matter how much I don't like it, I imagine that Islam had to coexist with nature (God).

Another "natural"

The author's intention is "For one thing ... many of the things we take for granted are just" natural "adopted by Western = Christian only . It's just that. (LF) The other thing is ... it will be the same after all, but there is another "natural" in the world. "(P.192-193).

And I think it's successful enough. I think we see the Middle East War as a "distant event." And I think that our "natural" is the only absolute "natural".

I don't think "you should have a global perspective." I can't quite agree that "Japan has an island nation". Japan has its own culture and may have its own ideas. And for that purpose, it is necessary to look at the "natural" relative to each other. In order to know Japan, it is necessary to examine each and every one of the "natural" things.

I think this book is a very good book to notice. It's an old book, but I recommend it.


"Religion" Latin "religio", "religo" (reconnecting) "" Religion "is (LF) --- reconnecting God and humans" (P.22) "In Buddhism" "Religion" does not mean "religion" but means "religion-the ultimate truth that cannot be expressed by language" and "teaching-teaching expressed by language". "(same)

"Islam has a mandate idea that everything that happens in the world and human actions in the past, present, and future are predetermined." (P.26)

"Teach me how to hold a brush" (Quran 96: 4)

"The Quran also treats Jews and Christians as (LF)-"People of the Book" (LF) to distinguish them from other religions (eg Buddhism). .. In other words, it is said that Islamic beliefs should be forced on Buddhists who are idol worshipers, but the people of the Book do not necessarily have to abandon their beliefs. (P.37)

"In Islamic thinking, all of your property is obtained by the grace of the God of Allah, so it is best to give it to those who are in need of life. It will be "good deeds" in response to the grace of God. However, there are not only such "good deeds" but also "obligatory" alms. In Islam, it is called "Kiyoku". (P.147)

"--There is a obligation that those who have it give to those who do not have it. (LF) --- Those who do not have the grant from those who have Right There is. ”(P.148)

"Giving before the other party requests is the giving of" good deeds ". "(same)

"Christianity does not preach" obligatory "giving because it emphasizes the inner mind rather than the superficial act. At the same time, Islam is rather a religion of the community-as explained in the church section, in Islam, the community is called "umma" -but Kiris (FF) To religion is an individual religion. Islam. (P148-149)

"In Islamic society, a woman's body is considered to be an aura (shame) except for the wrist and face, and the aura must not be shown to adult men other than her husband and family. The interpretation of "shame" is different, but it is the same in every country that "shame" should not be shown to another man, and Islamic society is no exception. "In the Quran, the face is not aura, so it is not necessary to put on a veil. This custom is said to be pre-Islamic." (P.156)

"I think Islam's view of women is basically gender equality. Of course, boy equality is different from women's rights theorists in some countries, and the division of roles between men and women. It goes without saying that it is a thing after acknowledging that (FF). "(P.157-158) __ is subtle.

"The right to divorce is granted to both men and women for obvious reasons. Three divorce declarations formally establish a divorce, but for men a relatively large economy They are subject to a burden. At the time of marriage, they contract an amount of a deposit called Mahr. This deposit is paid from the male side to the female side before marriage, but at the same time, Mahr is paid at the time of divorce. I also decide. This divorce mahr must be paid at the same time as the divorce is completed by the divorce declaration. This amount is set to a fairly high amount, so this money is regrettable or there is no money It is said that there are many men who cannot divorce because of (FF). ”(P.160-161)

"Christianity sees children as weak and imperfect. That is why they receive special love from God." (P.161)

"It seems that discipline is important in Christian education. The fact that a child is incomplete is, so to speak, at the animal stage, in order to make it human. You need a whip just like a trainer trains an animal. After all, Kirst religion is a religion of the herder race. "(P.162)

"There is no clear provision in the'Quran', but according to Islamic law, it is said that he reached the age of majority at the age of 15" (P.163).

"Pascal, a French mathematician, physicist and philosopher in the seventeenth century," bets "to know the Christian" God "in his book" Pensées. " Says that you need. In other words, "whether God exists or does not exist" cannot be determined by our reason, so we bet on either. (P.179) "No, I think it's a spirit that is familiar not only to Christians but also to Jews and Islam, a spirit of monotheism." (P.180)

"But no matter how good the method was devised, the result was that Muslims were far behind in commerce, and to make Jews a monopoly on the financial industry. It has become. ”(P.182)

"In Christianity, interest acquisition was publicly recognized after religious reform. Calvin, a French religious reformer in the 16th century, officially recognized interest, and Henry VIII in England. Promulgated interest acquisition within 10% per year in 1545, but it was not until the nineteenth century that the Catholic Church accepted interest. ”(P.183) __nota bene! !!

"Among the nomadic peoples, there are sayings such as (LF)" The strong ones nomad and the weak ones cultivate "(LF). Nomads despised farming. Therefore, Islam, which was originally a nomadic religion, had little idea of ​​"hard work" as a virtue. (LF) Because diligence is a virtue in agriculture. In agriculture, the more you work, the more income you earn in principle. (P.185)

"In early Islam, visiting graves was prohibited in principle." (P.187)

"This is associated with the belief in the resurrection of the body. However, it seems that cremation has gradually increased in Christian countries since the 19th century when burial in church graveyards reached its limit. . ”(P.188)

"For one thing ... many of the things we take for granted are just the" natural "adopted by Western = Christian __. .. (LF) The other thing is ... It will be the same in the end, but there is another "natural" in the world (FF). (P.192-193)


[ ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-4106003516 ]

