戦後日本思想体系 3 ニヒリズム 梅原猛編集・解説 1968/08/30 筑摩書房

戦後日本思想体系 3 ニヒリズム
目次 / (0005.jp2)

解説 ニヒリズムの系譜 梅原猛 / p3

I 価値の崩壊とニヒリズム

堕落論 坂口安吾 / p35

白痴 坂口安吾 / p44

トカトントン 太宰治 / p69

焼跡のイエス 石川淳 / p84

II ニヒリズムとは何か

我々にとってのニヒリズムの意義 西谷啓治 / p99

現代とニヒリズム 唐木順三 / p110

座談会 実存と虚無と頽廃 和辻哲郎・務台理作・高坂正顕・西谷啓治 / p114

三つの訴訟状 椎名麟三 / p150

「日本製」ニヒリズム 三好十郎 / p160

III ニヒリズムと人間の立場

焼跡の審問官 竹山道雄 / p179

死について(抄) 竹山道雄 / p200

現代をどう生きるか―往復書簡― 椎名麟三・堀田善衛 / p225

羅生門 脚本 黒沢明・橋本忍 / p242

IV 革命とニヒリズム

永久革命者の悲哀 埴谷雄高 / p287

私と共産党主義 武田泰淳 / p312

暗殺の哲学(抄) 高橋和巳

V さまざまなニヒリズム―死と日常と

二十歳のエチュード(抄) 原口統三 / p337

高利貸となり得ざりし弁明 山崎晃嗣 / p347

死者と生者 伊藤整 / p363

一万人目の男 水木しげる / p375

執筆者略歴・関係年表 / p383






























































Table of contents / (0005.jp2)

Commentary: Genealogy of nihilism Takeshi Umehara / p3

I Value collapse and nihilism

Corruption theory Ango Sakaguchi / p35

The Idiot Ango Sakaguchi / p44

Tokatonton Osamu Dazai / p69

Burnt Jesus Jun Ishikawa / p84

II What is nihilism

Significance of nihilism for us Keiji Nishitani / p99

Hyundai and Nihilism Junzo Karaki / p110

Roundtable: Existence, emptiness and decadence Tetsuro Watsuji, Risaku Mutai, Masaaki Kosaka, Keiji Nishitani / p114

Three proceedings Rinzo Shiina / p150

"Made in Japan" Nihilism Juro Miyoshi / p160

III Nihilism and human position

Burn Inquisitor Michio Takeyama / p179

About death (excerpt) Michio Takeyama / p200

How to live in the present age-Round-trip letter-Rinzo Shiina, Yoshie Hotta / p225

Rashomon Screenplay Akira Kurosawa / Shinobu Hashimoto / p242

IV Revolution and nihilism

Sorrow of the Permanent Revolutionary Yutaka Haniya / p287

Me and Communist Party Taijun Takeda / p312

Philosophy of assassination (excerpt) Kazumi Takahashi

V Various nihilism-death and everyday life

20-year-old etude (excerpt) Tozo Haraguchi / p337

Usury and a good defense: Kouji Yamazaki / p347

Dead and living Sei Ito / p363

The 10,000th man Shigeru Mizuki / p375

Author Biography / Related Chronology / p383

Recycled books in the library

Bath book (book for reading in the bath). I've read it over the years, so the page is crazy.

390 pages in 2-column format. Small type. When I was young, I thought it was a "bargain", but for me now it's close to "torture". (smile)

I am editing Japanese thought after World War II from the perspective of "nihilism". At the time of publication, only 23 years have passed since the end of the war. All the recorded works were written after the end of the war.


It is said that the values ​​of society changed 180 degrees before and after the end of the war. The authors were all born before the war and have experienced war. And each is thinking about what it was before the war and how it changed after the war. Some people are serious and some are at an angle.

The authors are in various positions, such as those who were Marxists, those who were Christians, those who were converted, those who did not. Each had to do a pre-war summary and a war summary.

But it wasn't just the intellectuals who had to do the summarization. If there was a "180 degree change", the people would have had to think about it.

I was born after the war. I grew up in "postwar democratic education." The education taught me that "war is miserable. It should never be done again." At the same time, I was also taught how Japan was before and during the war. My father was born before the war. But I didn't hear about the war from his mouth. Even if I live now, I don't think I'll hear about war. Maybe his father wanted to talk.

I think I rarely heard about the war outside of school and books. When I was little, there was still a talkative old man in my neighborhood, and I talked about "comfort women" like "hero talk." But someday, those who have experienced war have stopped talking about war. I've heard about food shortages after the war.

75 years after the war, few people have experienced war. You may not be able to hear "personal experiences" directly anymore.

Going to war, discriminating against Chinese and Koreans, let alone "killing people" may have been "I want to blame" for him. At least, postwar society didn't call it a "heroic act."


The war may have been caused by some. However, the war was not carried out by only some people. Many "other than" some of them fought with guns. No matter what he thinks.

After the war, it was said that "100 million total repentance". It is the same as "I'm not afraid if everyone crosses the red light", and because it is "everyone's responsibility", it means "no one's responsibility" and "no one takes responsibility".

Even now, it is said to be a "100 million active society." Is the same.

In Germany, everything was blamed on the "Nazis" (how was Italy?). In the United States, it seems that "heroism" continued after that. Even in the same Europe and America, it differs depending on the region, history, and culture. There is a difference between a "victorious country" and a "defeated country", but it is a "nation", and the people have fought and sacrificed.

How was Japan, which was "catch up and overtake the West"? As the editor says, Japan certainly has a culture and spirituality that is not found in Europe and the United States (though I think that Buddhism and Daojia are dwarfed). It will have a great influence on postwar thought and culture. However, it affected the "appearance of results", and I think that fighting each other with modern weapons has a "common foundation" (difference from Mahatma Gandhi, difference from the Inca Empire). ..

So the question is, "Why can Japan use modern weapons?" After that, I think we can talk about "the victory or defeat of the war" and "the way the results appear."

"Winning or losing the war" has a lot to do with those who have caused the war. It will also have a great impact on the lives (standards) of people after the war. But for those who actually fought, to put it in the extreme, it doesn't matter to those who died in the war. Whether an injured person can get "compensation" or run out of supplies has something to do with winning or losing. But it is not the person who caused the war that makes the supplies.


Similar questions are "Why was it possible to accept Western culture in Japan?" And "Why was the modernization delayed in China, which invented gunpowder? It can also be issued as "Is it done?" Or "Difference between horse fighting and gun corps".

It is also the key to think about why Mr. Umebara "presupposes" why Buddhism became popular in Japan, but Christianity did not.

Culture propagation requires the acceptor to be willing to accept the culture. If there is no intention, it is a Western idea to introduce it by force.

Before the Meiji Restoration, there was no nation in Japan. At least it wasn't a "modern nation." However, after the Meiji Restoration, Japan has accepted the nation (I think there are still some places in China and India that have not accepted it). Because I was willing to accept it. It was not "Society against the nation".

I think there are many people who say that it is the "will of the politician" and not the "will of the people". That is right. But that's why I've accepted the politicians.

I will not dare to mention "what is a (modern) nation" and "what is a nation (people)".

Individuals and Society

In other words, "the will of the nation" and "the will of the people" coexist. Is it easier to understand the will of society and the will of individuals? The two are in conflict. "Society" occurs when "individual" is assumed. I think that (society) appears to deny the assumed individual. Or rather, if you don't deny it, the assumption itself is meaningless. This is because it is not possible to recognize that it is different.

The will is made. What was born cannot understand what was born. Don't let your child understand your parents.

Our existence, mind and body, nothing was made by "self". The body is inherited from parents and grown by nature, and the mind is not what you want it to be. When thinking about something, think in "words". I can't make words myself. It was there from the beginning, and even if you come up with a "new" word, it will not be a "groan" unless it is accepted by society.

The love of parents and children, the love of the opposite sex, the fact that murder is not allowed ..., we cannot affirm or deny that they are socially created. This is because I can only live in today's society in this age. I can't even imagine myself being unaffected by society. It is impossible for "I" to distinguish what "I" thought and what "Society" thought (what "I" made me think). At least it's very difficult.

Father and son

You may not know what you are saying. I don't even know. I don't know.

But I know I don't know. So, like Socrates, I'm listening around. In the book, though. Books provide the material for thinking, but not the thinking itself. However, reading a book requires a way of thinking.

For now, unlike Socrates, I'm not going to be poisoned according to national judgment.

There are many hints. However, I feel that there are more questions than there are more hints. I would like to give some hints and directions to myself when I was young and run away.

There is no "self-sufficiency" (satisfaction) in the world of characters.

But when you were young, you wouldn't listen to me. I myself have prioritized what I learned at school and the knowledge I gained in books over my father's words.

<< Writing >>


"Nietzsche says that branding existence in generation is the work of the greatest will of power." (P.6)

"Heidegger thought. Until now, existence has always been equated with existence in Western philosophy. Why? It has been seen from the aspect of all existence until now. That is to say, the existence has been understood until now, centering on the things that are always in front of the eyes, and this thing, the thing that is always in front of the eyes, is forever. The existence of such eternity was the standard for understanding the existence. ”(P.10) __I think it started with the misreading of Platon and Aristotelis.

To have one human being as a god, especially the head of state as a god, which was the most underdeveloped religion in religion (FF), but of such an old god It was the request of the modern nation that demanded reconstruction. I think that the Japanese faith was lost by making one person who has various shortcomings a god, and by imposing such faith on the whole nation. Apparently this god is not too worthy of his authority. If this god is not a god and no other god is more than this god, isn't all gods empty? The faith of the present God plays a role in caricature of all religions. (P.14-15)

"Poor psychiatry added to precision technology. It is a big mistake to think that human education can be done with this." (P.15)

"I think that the idea of ​​the emperor system was rather the ancestor who killed various old values ​​of Japan. The Japanese have been nihilism of such values ​​since the Meiji era, that is, Christianity from Europe. It seems that he was not strongly aware of the nihilism (FF) while experiencing the double death of the gods, who learned only modern civilization without learning, and at the same time lost faith in the indigenous gods of Japan. "(P.15-16)

"Originally, the Japanese were believers in many gods. The gods die gradually. The death of the gods who die gradually does not give as much impact as the death of one god. Moreover, these gods The death of was unable to reveal its deep "nothing" due to the presence of a false god. (P.17)

"But, in fact, this European civilization already had a great emptiness inside it. Nevertheless, the godless European civilization as a whole is a god. Such a comedy It was the historical fate we played. ”(P.18)

"European nihilism was that the eternal existence created by Greek philosophy and Christianity began to be exposed to falsehood." (Ibid.)

"Like Buddhism, Daojia will also have one nihilism. It may be closer to the nihilism of value than the nihilism of existence. The feeling that everything is empty, Buddhism And Daojia give to the Japanese. (LF) Therefore, nihilism as a matter of existence is the most understandable idea for the Japanese. The conclusion that Europe reached by skepticism about eternal existence is us. Is very close to the world view that has been around for a long time. Emotionally, the Japanese are in Etos, where it is easy to understand the nihilism and existenceism of this existence. (LF) The truth that human beings die is It must be new from the tradition of European existence theory, but it is a matter of course from the tradition of Japanese thought. Is natural. Yes, there is nothing after death. Because we are heading for an empty future, we are also in nothingness. There is. ”(P.19)

"In order for value nihilism in the European sense to be possible, it is first necessary to unify the values.

"Made in Japan" nihilism

"Therefore, I can't stand the rational and logical pursuit. Therefore, it is impossible to destroy it by rational and logical means, and I will continue to live forever. And I will live forever. Even if it continues, it does not produce anything. In other words, this kind of nihilism is born from lack or thinness of vitality. (LF) Real nihilism is completely different from that. This is of vitality. It is born from excess and overflow. It has energy in itself. It can be a motive for various actions. The emptiness is a vacuum that can be created just before the explosion. The explosion does not stop until the object is thoroughly dressed. " P.170)

"Zain and Zollen must be resolved in an instant. If they are not resolved, they will refuse any other solution--that is, towards a greater affirmation ( FF) It's a deep unconscious will. ”(P.170-171)

"Therefore, nihilism is a general term for the revolutionary spirit in childhood." (P.171)

"Because the turmoil of the world that surrounds us has never subsided in the war during this time, our sixth sense feels that it is likely to become even bigger and more intense. Body. ”(P.173)

Burning Inquisitor

"After all, for humans, there is no choice but to love it like a great inquirer and deprive it of freedom, or to think of freedom without loving it like Jesus. . ”(P.184)

"Idealism thus saves the human spirit from collapse, but it has a very different point from its predecessor's belief in God and humans. It was created by politics. It is a 100% political tool, it deals only with humans as a group, and it forces humans under its control with the merits of organization and modern civilization. "(P.195) )

"Anyway, the ostensibly mood of society as a whole-the most responsible for this is journalism-if it is possessed by an idealism, the ruler grabs it and drives the motives of society. You can turn the ship in the direction you want. "" However, no one can stand against the frightening of the masses in the name of the masses, that is, the masses have become weaker and stronger. If we can permeate and control the organization, the masses will become totally powerless and powerful, and the plural will be equal to the singular, and we can use that power at will. "(P.197)


