ミシェル・フーコーの思考体系 山本哲士著 2009/03/15 文化科学高等研究院出版局(EHESC)

ミシェル・フーコーの思考体系 山本哲士著 2009/03/15 文化科学高等研究院出版局(EHESC)








新しい思想を紹介する時は、大変でしょうね。それに該当する日本語がないからです。それでも、日本では漢字を組み合わせてなんとか小難しい訳語にしてきた歴史があります(組み合わせるところは、中国語やドイツ語に近いかもしれません)。その小難しさが嫌な若い世代は、だんだん翻訳することをせず、カタカナで発音だけを日本語にする傾向があります。「ディスクール」や「エピステーメ」なんかがそうです。誤訳ではないです。というか、訳していることになるのかなあ。仏教を輸入した中国もそうですね。梵語を中国訳した概念と、梵語の発音をそのまま漢字の読みに当てはめたものがあります。西欧の哲学用語は新しく造られたものもありますが(デリダの「差延 différance」など)、日本語訳では聞いたことのない漢字になっていても、原語は日常的なことばであることが多い気がします(ドイツ語の「Geist」など)。











Foucault's systematic commentary?

I found it by chance in the library. It is a thick book with 530 pages. Of course, it's not thick enough to finish reading just by hunting. However, it is not published by a major publisher, so even if it is a secondhand book, it is very expensive.

I also watched Mr. Yamamoto's Youtube. Like this book, Foucault's thinking system was defined as the "Foucault triangle" of "truth / knowledge," "power / other," and "subject / self."

I have only read a few pages yet, but it seems that Mr. Yamamoto's focus is on "power." Of course, this triangle is closely intertwined and circulates. And, like his recent writing, the "language" related to "self" and "knowledge" is important. Power does not occur without that "self" and "knowledge." But at this point (2008), the author seems to be focusing on power.

Looking at the table of contents, I was fascinated by the final chapter, "Non-Self Predicate Threshold."

Is Foucault's translation terrible?

The author says Foucault's Japanese translation is "terrible." He laments why he doesn't translate when reprinting or quoting (even younger translators these days are excellent). Certainly, Foucault's Japanese translation is difficult. I thought it was the difficulty of Foucault's thought, but it was also due to the translation.

It will be difficult to introduce a new idea. This is because there is no corresponding Japanese. Still, in Japan, there is a history of combining Chinese characters into difficult translations (the combination may be similar to Chinese or German). The younger generation, who dislike the difficulty, tend to use katakana only for pronunciation in Japanese without gradually translating it. Something like "discourse" or "epi-stem". It's not a mistranslation. Or rather, I wonder if it will be translated. So is China, which imported Buddhism. There is a concept that translates Sanskrit into Chinese, and one that applies the pronunciation of Sanskrit to the reading of Chinese characters as it is. Some Western philosophical terms have been newly created (such as Derrida's "différance"), but the original language is an everyday language, even if it is a Chinese character that has never been heard in the Japanese translation. I think there are many (such as "Geist" in German).

The author says Foucault can only be read in the original language. I think so too. But I can't read it in the original language, so I read it in translation. For me, who is not good at foreign languages, it is not that I can read in the original language with a little effort, but that it is "impossible" to read. I think the translation is a co-production of the original author and the translator. Rather, it is the original interpretation filtered by the translator. It can't be helped by the translator's misunderstanding or mistranslation.

The possibility of translation is to think of the possibility of others, and that is the possibility of oneself.

Do you need a manual (introduction book)?

The world is full of manuals. There are also a lot of recipe books. Commentary, summary, index ... Your car also comes with an instruction manual (have you read it?), But it's clear that reading it doesn't mean you'll be able to drive a car.

In the United States, the instruction manual for microwave ovens says "Do not put cats in". It seems that the person who actually put the cat in an attempt to dry it and killed it won the damages trial, saying that it was not in the instruction manual. I think it's such an idiot, but please read the instruction manuals for recent Japanese products (although many of them just have a QR code saying "Please look online").

A manual or introductory book is nothing more than an interpretation of the person who wrote it. This book is not a work of Foucault, but a writing of Mr. Yamamoto's thought using Foucault's words as a material. If you want to know what Foucault is saying and what it means, I recommend reading the original (translated), even if it is not in the original language. If you want to know what Tetsuji Yamamoto thinks, this book will be very useful. "Predicate threshold" and "non-self" can be thought of as "I wonder if Japanese people will go there" when they read Foucault. However, Foucault did not go there for some reason. It may be Foucault's limit in French (SAE, one of the average European Standards, where the subject and predicate correspond well). I think Mr. Yamamoto is thinking in Japanese, so it's easy to understand.

Do you want to read page 531?

If this book is second hand and you can get it cheaply, I would like to buy it (even if you buy a new one, it is a cheap book considering the contents and quantity). However, after reading Foucault's original book, I think I would like to read it in order to deepen it. Also, regarding "predicated Japanese", there is an independent book by Mr. Yamamoto, so I will read that.

Books borrowed from the library have a limited time limit (though few people borrow this book), and you can't draw a line. Just sticking a sticky note makes me angry (laughs). It seems that the sticky note remains and damages the book. For me, this book is not a book I can borrow from the library.



やまもと てつじ 1948 年生まれ。 信州大学教授をへて現在東京芸大客員教授。政治社会学、ホスピタリティ環境学。 メキシコへ遊学、イバン・イリイチのもとで産業社会批判を学ぶ。キューバ、メキシコ研究をフィール ドとするも、『ピエール・ブルデューの世界』、『吉本隆明の思想』につぐ本書で、思想家三部作を完成し た理論家でもある。『ホスピタリティ原論』にて新たな学問設計および環境設計を提起。スイス学術財団 EHESC を樹立、ジェネラル・ディレクターをつとめ、ジュネーブといききしながらの国際的な超領域研究 をリードする。著書・編著は50 冊以上、編集雑誌は100冊以上におよぶ。

人間とは思考する存在である、というフーコーは、すべてが政治であることを《知‐権力‐主体》のフーコー三角形から、体系的に明らかにした。現在を解き明かす、道具箱がそこにある。 著者は、三十年間にわたるフーコー研究から、いま現在を解くフーコー理論を、総合的にあきらかにし、根源的な思想の場を示す。本書を読むことからいままでにないフーコー像があきらかになろう。 統治性、統治技芸から国家論をこえるフーコー、さらに真実を語るフーコー、その政治哲学、そして試験や危険人物、セクシュアリテ、病院の政治といった、個別も明らかになり、自由の自己技術も提示される。後期フーコーからみたフーコーの真髄。



