神話と意味 レヴィ=ストロース著 大橋保夫訳 1996/12/16 みすず書房

神話と意味 レヴィ=ストロース著 大橋保夫訳 1996/12/16 みすず書房




























1977年12月にCBC(カナダ)のラジオ放送での講話です。『神話論理』(Les mythologiques、この本では『神話論』と訳されています)がフランス語で出版されたのが1964-71年、英語版は1巻目、2巻目が1969、1973年、3巻目、4巻目が1978年、1981年ですので、2巻目と3巻目とのあいだに放送されたことになります(日本語版は2006-2010年)。





"Talking" in "English", Claude Levi-Strauss Primer

Claude Levi-Strauss is a social anthropologist who died on October 30, 2009 at the age of 99. He is a French born in Belgium. He went into exile in New York after teaching in Brazil. He returned to France after the war.

It is considered to be the ancestor of structuralism. I think he is "Saussure + Morse", but I haven't read much of his writings. There is a structure in social organizations (relatives, etc.) and "myths". Even though individual myths and forms of marriage are different, there is a kind of structure at the root of them. Structuralism swept the postwar ideological world (academic society), became post-structuralism, and rushed to Japan. In the process, I think there are aspects where thinking is deepened and aspects where the interpretation is distorted due to popularization. I think the cause was Saussure, Morse, and Levi-Strauss himself.

Saussure did not publish any of his books. He is like Socrates. However, the semiotics he discovered (analyzed) in languages ​​leads to Chomsky's generative grammar as the structure behind various languages. The generalization effort was based on SAE (Average European Standard), but the generalization made SAE an absolute view. Since then, attempts have been made in each country to explain each language with SAE grammar. However, as you can see by reading a few pages of Chomsky, the "exception" comes as soon as you try to grammarize (general structuring). And the grammar keeps getting more and more complicated trying to catch that exception.

The same thing happens in anthropology. The structure discovered by Levi-Strauss is made up of the "exceptions" or "individuality". So, if you try to apply it to all myths, you will naturally be hit by a storm of "exceptions". If you incorporate exceptions into the structure, the structure itself will collapse. Trying to find a structure in myths and social relations, like language, tries to find "something in common", that is, "idea" behind each "concrete" language, myth, and social relations. That is. It is the same as what is called "concept" or "logic". The idea of ​​"desk" and "triangle" does not exist in the real world. You can't do that even if you are told to "draw (find) a triangle". That is why the "idea theory" holds. What Aristotle criticized the theory of ideas was the idea that there was something that wasn't there. Therefore, in order to draw the idea into the real world, we create "possibility", "potential cause", and so on.

Second, you have to "understand" some "items" or "individuals" to find the structure. In order to compare the myths of American Indians with the myths of France and find out the structure, we must understand the words of Indians. For example, Morse calls "gift" "not an" economic concept "." The famous "potlatch" is neither an economic act, a gift, nor a prodigal. It cannot be expressed in French because it is not in France. So I try to express it in various sentences. Describe from various aspects, from external facts (phenomena) to internal emotions. It's like trying to explain an elephant to someone who has never seen it. "Long nose, big ears, squeaking ...", but it is premised that you "know" the "nose" and "ears". Here is another problem. "Nose" is not "nose" in English. The elephant's nose is called "trunk" in English, but it's more like a "trunk". Besides, for some reason, "elephant nose" is "long" in Japanese, but is the tengu nose "long" or "high"? It may be different for older people and children.

I wonder if I don't use it much now, such as "noisy" or "become a tengu". By the way, English-speaking people do not seem to use their noses to express human characteristics more than Japanese. Is "eagle nose" really a feature of "witches"? Pascal's sentence "Cleopatra's nose is ..." is famous, but Japanese and French people will receive it differently. It may have been different in ancient Egypt.

In other words, you can only understand what you feel or experience. You have no choice but to interpret the culture, the times, and the language you are using.

This is a problem with structuralism in general. I think Foucault didn't want to be called a (post) structuralist because he had a question about this "knowledge" (knowledge, knowing) itself.


Levi-Strauss talks about the difficulty of speaking in English. How difficult it is to translate into Japanese that he feels that way between English and French.

In Belgium (Belgium), where Levi-Strauss was born, French, Dutch and German are the official languages. Of course he would speak English, and as a cultural anthropologist he would have been proficient in the various languages ​​of Native American Indians. To know a language means to know its culture (idealism). As mentioned above, translating between different languages ​​is difficult. But you can feel it. Rather, he can know his own language by knowing other languages. He also knows what he is looking at by knowing another language.

If anyone sees the same thing, they will think they are seeing the same thing, but that is not the case on a daily basis. When two people (or more) are looking at the same landscape or photo, they sometimes point to "Oh, that (this)!". If you are told, say "what?" And look for "it". I couldn't see it until then. When I was watching a commercial the other day and said, "This is that girl," his wife says, "This is OO." After that, we investigated it, and it was actress 〇〇. However, I still look like Mr. XX no matter how many times I watch the commercial.

In the above-mentioned "Language and Culture", there was a sentence that Westerners "depict human character with their jaws". Even though Japanese people sometimes use "eyes", "lips", and "nose", they don't often use "chin" (since Antonio Inoki became famous, his chin means "fighting spirit". It looks like).

There is a joke that "British thinks while walking, French thinks and then starts running, Spanish thinks after running". I do not know. When I say that, I just wonder if that is the case. I have no European friends and have never lived there. I don't understand French or Spanish at all. There is something I can only think of as a "European". The differences will be noticeable because they are similar cultures. I think Kanto people and Kansai people are somehow different, but can foreigners understand that? Thinking is stipulated in language, culture and climate (environment / nature).

There are "differences" that you notice because they are "same" and "differences" that are difficult to understand because they are not the same. By understanding myths beyond language, you can see "structure", but that understanding is an understanding that applies to the "structure" (or logic) of your own language. There is a saying that Japanese is applied to Western linguistics to the mistakes that linguists invade "unawareness". Then, they say, "The subject of Japanese is hidden (represented) in the predicate" or "because it is an environment-dependent language, it is omitted." The "subject = predicate" structure is nothing more than "Western logic" in "Western language".

I think it is necessary to express Japanese in "Western linguistics" as a "means" for overcoming "Western logic" after being "aware", but "Japanese is logical. I feel that there are linguists who say, "Japanese is logical," in order to dispel the "inferiority" of "not."

The same is true for anthropology. When interpreting other cultures in Western logic, it is interpreted based on the "superiority complex" of the "West". Words such as "savage" and "savage" have been used in anthropology. There are many criticisms of this, but even if we paraphrase "developing countries" as "developing countries" or "developing countries," the sense of superiority does not loosen at all.

In Western logic, I'm afraid of things I don't understand. You have to explain everything with your own logic. It is an obsession from "I want to understand" and "I want to know" to "I have to understand" and "I have to know". "Science" was created by that obsession. The joy of "knowing" and "discovering" something may be "a sense of relief" and "a sense of security" that "there is one less thing I don't understand."

The discovery of "structure" is the "sense of security" that Western logic inevitably brought about. So structuralism quickly circulated in the West.

I'm afraid of dogs. I'm scared of barking and I'm scared of being bitten. I also hate shaking my tail. I love cats. I like places that don't flirt with people. So, I'm very happy that the nego is coming up, but on the other hand, I think, "You, that would be different." It probably comes from my own personality. Other than that, dogs and cats aren't scared. I'm more scared of humans (especially women) than that. I like and dislike plants, but I'm not afraid. For some reason, "ghosts" are very scary.


Another feature of this book is that it is "spoken".

I think that "speaking" or "listening to" is very important for anthropologists. This is because anthropology is to "write" what is not written (this is probably the difference from archeology. Levi-Strauss's main book "Mythology" is exactly "μύθος" and "λόγος". Is the relationship). In this book, there is a book written by an American Indian chieftain. I think the patriarch was worried about how the act of "writing" was different from his own thinking.

Levi-Strauss often uses the term "undeveloped people", but since it is an unfair name, let's call it "non-literal people" here. I think the presence or absence of letters is the real factor that distinguishes us from those people. "(P.20). that's right. It is Western civilization to understand in letters.

Saussure divided the language into "lang" and "parole". "Lang" is "structure" and "parole" is "concrete" and "individual". But what is Lang made up of? Derrida called it "Parole and Ecriture". "Spoken language" and "Written language". It is easy for Japanese people to understand that there is a clear conflict, but it is difficult for Westerners to understand (I feel that Japanese people are becoming more and more written). This is because "λόγος" is a "(spoken) word" and at the same time "logic" and "reason" (although it would be easier if "μύθος" is a "spoken language" and "λόγος" is a "written word"). Written language is suitable for SAE (Average European Standard Language). That is because it is the objectification of spoken language (objectification. It can be called "alienation"). Spoken language has only "speaker" and "listener", but written language produces "writer" and "written thing". It gives birth to "subject" and "object". That is, the subject and the predicate. I don't know if that linguistic structure produced the letters or if the letters produced the linguistic structure (probably the former), but I think the letters form the logic.Japanese without a subject is not logical. That logic is "Western logic", that is, "SAE itself".


This is a lecture on the radio broadcast of CBC (Canada) in December 1977. "Mythology" ( Les mythologiques , translated as "mythology" in this book) was published in French in 1964-71, and the English version was first and second volumes. The eyes are 1969, 1973, the third and fourth volumes are 1978 and 1981, so it means that it was broadcast between the second and third volumes (Japanese version is 2006-2010). ).

Since it is a lecture for the general public, nothing difficult is written. However, since he is speaking, the essence of Levi-Strauss's thinking is spoken there. He wants you to read each book about each concept. At that time, as a "reader", I think it is very important what kind of "standing position" he is in.

By the way, Derrida's "About Grammatology" and "Ecriture and Differences" were published in 1967, and Foucault's "Words and Things" was published in 1966.

It was a time when the Western "reason" swayed by Auschwitz began to walk again from anguish. I think that it was France because of "victim awareness". I think that what Adorno et al. Discussed from "perpetrator consciousness" was "logically" close to the consciousness of the "100 million total confession" Japanese, but I think it was heavy. Is it a relative hatred? Rather, I feel that the French philosophy that asked the "main-customer structure" itself matched the Japanese culture "beyond logic."


Claude Levi-Strauss
著書『親族の基本構造』(番町書房 1977-78、青弓社 2000)『人種と歴史』(みすず書房 1970)『悲しき熱帯』(中央公論社 1977)『構造人類学』(みすず書房 1972)『今日のトーテミスム』(みすず
書房 1970)『野生の思考』(みすず書房 1976)『神話論理』四部作(『生のものと火を通したもの』『蜜から灰へ』『食卓作法の起源』『裸の人』邦訳全5冊、みすず書房 2006-10)『仮面の道』(新潮社1977)『神話と意味』(みすず書房 1996)『構造・神話・労働』(みすず書房 1979)『はるかなる視線』(みすず書房 1986・88)『パロール・ドネ』(講談社 2009)『やきもち焼きの土器つくり』(みすず書房 1990)『遠近の回想』(共著、みすず書房 1991、増補新版2008)『レヴィ=ストロース講義――現代世界と人類学』(サイマル出版会 1988を改題、平凡社ライブラリー 2005)『みる きく よむ』(みすず書房 2005)『ブラジルへの郷愁』(みすず書房 1995、中央公論新社 2010)『サンパウロへのサウダージ』(みすず書房 2008)『月の裏側』(中央公論新社 2014)他。









(P.46)__感覚の表現としての比喩。比喩=>非言語的思考 なぜ心に届くかの理由


「その基本構造はおなじです(FF)が、細部の内容は同じではなく変化します。そういうわけで、これは一種の”ミニ神話”と言えましょう。」(P.55-56)__黒人には黒人のDNAがある=>黒人のDNAがあったら黒人 論理的飛躍

「しかしそれは閉鎖的体系のなかにあり、その点で歴史とは対照的です。歴史はもと(FF)より開放的な体系ですから。」(P.56-57)__全体性を失っている=>レヴィ・ストロースが前半でいっている「世界を知る形」 自我・自尊心がある文化が他の文化を蔑視し、憧れる理由








