アイス・プラネット 2001独 ウィンリック・コルベ監督

アイス・プラネット 2001独 ウィンリック・コルベ監督












If I thought it was English like colonial English, it was a German movie.

I haven't watched it properly (just let it flow), but it's a work that combines "2001: A Space Odyssey", "Aliens", "Predator", "Star Trek", and "Star Wars". I aimed for "good points", but I think the other party was too big. Well, it's hard to find a new genre in science fiction, so it's safe to say that there are no other factors.

An old scholar says, "My research has created a mass murder weapon. I can't face people." It's the same as Nobel. The commander protects the scholar, "Without the invention of the doctor, I would not have won that war." This war is a "war between the federal government and the business alliance." I don't know which one won. In any case, it is a war between humans.

The war that Nobel was thinking of was probably a "human-to-human" war. According to Wikipedia, "For Nobel, it was expected that dynamite would be used in war, and rather destructive weapons would act as a deterrent to war, but in reality, the spread of high-performance explosives led to war. The image of "merchant of death" was widespread in the world because of the intensification of the war "(Wikipedia" Alfred Nobel (1833/10 / 21-1896 / 12/10) "). It's a story in common with "nuclear deterrence."

So, "Nobel became concerned about the evaluation after death," he wrote in his will about the establishment of the Nobel Prize. I'm sure Nobel was thinking about "peaceful use" of dynamite. Many people still advocate "peaceful use of nuclear weapons." People say, "The atomic bomb is useless, but the nuclear power plant is OK." Nobel might have thought, "You can't kill people, but it's okay to break mountains or dig tunnels."

I'm sure you didn't think about the animals in the mountains or the creatures in the ground. I think the idea of ​​"the same creature" is thin in Western Europe (Western Europe). Recently, from the viewpoint of "environmental protection", movements such as "animal welfare" have been reported in Japan, because it is news that is easily accepted by Japanese people. The idea of ​​"a tiny insect and a five-minute soul" is also found in India, the birthplace of Buddhism (Jainism, etc.). However, apart from Buddhism, I feel that there has been such a tradition since ancient times in Japan (I just think so, there is no basis).

Whether or not the Japanese will win the Nobel Prize is a topic every year. Last year, Kazuo Ishiguro was excited about the award, but he is not Japanese.

The Academy Awards are also a hot topic every year, but they are "Hollywood" awards. There are some embarrassing awards such as the "Japan Academy Prize", but Charles Chaplin won the Academy Prize in 1973. Find out why.

I think there was a pantheistic indigenous religion in Western Europe, but after Christianity was spread by the Roman Empire, it was called a human being with "reason", a god beyond reason, and other (creatures) without reason. There are only divisions. Blacks and yellows were not included in "humans" because they were considered irrational "barbarians" and "savages (those who have not yet been enlightened and have no reason)". I don't think that is one of the reasons why the atomic bomb was dropped on Japan.

I love Haruki Murakami. But I don't want Haruki Murakami to win the Nobel Prize. I'm wondering if Westerners can understand the delicate feeling of Haruki Murakami. (Lol)


製作:M・G・コンフォード[wiki(JP)] ヘンドリック・ヘイ[wiki(JP)]
SFX: ジョン・シュラッグ[wiki(JP)]


