日日是好日―「お茶」が教えてくれた15のしあわせ 森下典子著 飛鳥新社 (2002/1/18)




序章 茶人という生きもの
第1章 「自分は何も知らない」ということを知る
第2章 頭で考えようとしないこと
第3章 「今」に気持ちを集中すること
第4章 見て感じること
第5章 たくさんの「本物」を見ること
第6章 季節を味わうこと
第7章 五感で自然とつながること
第8章 今、ここにいるということ
第9章 自然に身を任せ、時を過ごすこと
第10章 このままでよい、ということ
第11章 別れは必ずやってくること
第12章 自分の内側に耳をすますこと
第13章 雨の日は、雨を聴くこと
第14章 成長を待つこと
第15章 長い目で今を生きること








Encounter with a good book changes your life. This book may be one such book.

For your own record, I will list all 15 chapter titles.

Introduction: the living thing called the tea master
Chapter 1 Know that "I don't know anything"
Chapter 2 Don't Think About It
Chapter 3 Focusing on “now”
Chapter 4 What to see and feel
Chapter 5 To see a lot of "real items"
Chapter 6 Taste the Season
Chapter 7 Connecting with nature through the five senses
Chapter 8 Being here now
Chapter 9 Leaving time by nature
Chapter 10 It means that you can leave it as it is
Chapter 11 Parting must be done
Chapter 12 Listen to yourself
Chapter 13 Listen to the rain on rainy days
Chapter 14 Waiting for Growth
Chapter 15 Living the present in the long run

These are chapter titles, but the text does not explain this title. All that is written is what happened to the author and what she thought. And when I read the text and review the title, I think "I see." I think, but I understand that it is not something that can be explained in words.

Therefore, looking at only the title, the sentence seems to be "conservative" "reaction" "right-wing", but in reality, it is "innovative" that overturns the common sense of today's society. It is the contents. You'll find out what you're seeing and not seeing, how many of them you have that make you harder to live and justify your current society. When Nobunaga Oda, who loved tea, took power, I felt why he had killed Sen no Rikyu.

I want everyone to read it, so I won't write anything radical. No matter how busy people are, I would recommend it to busy people, but I think it is important to spend 1-2 hours a week facing yourself and nature. To learn tea, you need at least a cloth and wrapping paper. Only the cloth may be used. You don't have to go to the mountains or go to the sea. (If you can't afford the tuition, but you can't afford it, let's borrow a book from the library and read it. It may be enough to read this book several times. There is also a paperback book.)

I quote the one sentence that is also written on the cover of the cover.

"There is a constraint and inconvenience that pushes people into competition in the school education that values ​​individuality, and there is a great freedom to accept what the individual is in a cramped tea ceremony that is bound by strict conventions.・.
What on earth is real freedom?
What were we competing with in the first place?
The goal of both school and tea is to grow people. However, there is one big difference. It was that school was always compared to "others," and tea was compared to "me before yesterday." "

By all means, please watch the movie. The director Tatsutsugu Omori who made this book into a movie is wonderful, and the movie is well done.





