エレファントム 象はなぜ遠い記憶を語るのか  ライアル・ワトソン著 福岡伸一, 高橋紀子訳 木楽舎 2009/6/25

エレファントム 象はなぜ遠い記憶を語るのか  ライアル・ワトソン著 福岡伸一, 高橋紀子訳 木楽舎 2009/6/25







The sound that surrounds the natural world. Some are audible to humans, others are inaudible. So the animals are communicating. Communication between species and communication across species.

And not only the sound but the smell. The scent that spreads in nature. It continues to smell not only living animals, but also the skin of dead animals (which peel off in large quantities every day). I don't think it remembers the morphology of animals, but when I think about it, there is romance. The hypothesis is also a romance. I think scientists may have more romance (dreams). It's hard to verify that, but I think it's important to work for it.

The scene where an elephant and a whale are talking is moving. Shinichi Fukuoka, who saw it in Ito Jakuchu's "Elephant Whale Folding Screen," is a stone's throw.

Another subject of this book is environmental issues (nature conservation issues). Humans forget that they are part of nature and are indifferent to the disappearance of animal species, but science has not found out what the consequences are. I think most of the recently reported "natural disasters" are "man-made disasters." Shave the mountains and cover the roads with asphalt. That alone increases the probability of floods and landslides, but if it makes it impossible for animals to live, it will not enrich the land or trample it. That further increases the probability of a disaster. If you destroy the nature of your wildlife habitat and build a house there, wildlife will naturally come to your residential or farmland in search of food. It is natural.

This book encourages reconsideration of the importance of having romance and the relationship between humans and nature.


Lyall Watson(ライアル・ワトソン)


エレファントム 象はなぜ遠い記憶を語るのか  ライアル・ワトソン著 福岡伸一, 高橋紀子訳 木楽舎 2009/6/25 [拡大]

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4863240155 ]

