今昔物語集 (1〜5)  新日本古典文学大系 佐竹昭広、小峯和明、森正人校注 岩波書店 1996-1999 












I didn't want to read "Konjaku Monogatari" separately, but I wanted to investigate the relationship between the development of "literacy" culture in Japan and Western logic, so I read it diagonally.

As you can see in this book, Konjaku Monogatari has particles such as particles such as "ni, te, su" in katakana (National Treasure, Konjaku Monogatari Collection (former collection of the Suzuka family, Kyoto University Digital Library)). ). Until the Edo period, I was shocked to think that intellectual men were reading and writing in "Kanbun". For example, "Kojiki" is written only in kanji, and most of the women's literature called "The Tale of Genji" of the same period is written in hiragana (some kanji).

Therefore, I wondered if the story had the original Chinese text, and when I copied it, it was shaped like a "read-down text." Of course, the story of India and China has the original text, which was written in Chinese characters and probably came from China, but I do not know the author and I do not know the intention that the story was written in the past, but the author / editor There is no doubt that he is an intellectual, and if so, I felt that it was natural to write in Chinese. If so, in order to translate the tenseless Chinese into Japanese, the interpretation of the person who copied it comes in. It may even differ from the very meaning of "now is old". In addition, there are many expressions of kanji that do not correspond to Japanese, such as "impossible su" and "poor mu".

There are many places where volumes, person names, and area names that are not written in old and new stories are blank. The prevailing theory is that it was to be filled in later (it was not clear when I wrote it, but I will write it when I understand it). If so, I thought it might have been a draft before it was written in Chinese.

However, it seems that such a Kanbun reading sentence was widely used as the writing style (practical writing style) of informal documents at that time (it seems that it was often used among monks, so the author may be a monk. In terms of content, it seems that the legitimacy of the imperial court at that time is written in an easy-to-understand manner at the same time as the Buddhist mission, but since there is a story that does not belong to either, it seems that there are thoughts and hesitations of the author and editor.) I came to think that either one is fine. Also, there is a story that the tense of Japanese at that time was not clear yet, so I think it is not necessary to stick to Chinese writing.

So how has the literacy culture in Japan developed? It is said that there were no characters in Japan until the kanji was imported (although it may be different). And there were various ideas to express Japanese in kanji. In order for a culture to be imported, there must be a foundation (foundation) for accepting that culture. Therefore, Japan had that foundation, and there may have been letters there. At least, with the introduction of Buddhism, Kanji became established as an official document of Japanese Buddhism and the imperial court. And there was the invention of kana as one of the ideas to express Japanese in kanji. It cannot be said that I tried to express the spoken language at that time in written language. Spoken and written languages ​​can be different, and it is better to show the authority of Buddhism and the imperial court. I don't know what the common people spoke at that time, but I think it was a different language from Miyanaka (I just feel it). Even now, the words spoken by the ruling class are like Japanese, and they are not understood by the common people. (Lol)

Anyway, at that time, only a few people knew the letters, and most of them seemed to be in a rich oral culture (which continued until the end of the Meiji or Edo period). Masu). The culmination of that one remains under the name "Konjaku Monogatari". In oral culture, tense makes little sense. The tense was established in the Middle Ages, and I think that is a major turning point in Japanese culture. It is a divergence between oral culture and literacy culture, and I think it is the origin of Japanese logic.

And that became the basis for the import of Western culture in the early modern period (Chinese culture would have been given a unique interpretation of Japan). Western logic was accepted in Japan in a unique way. It became clear in the Meiji government's "reproduction industry" policy. Capitalism does not develop by denying the local culture, but inherits the local culture while (violently) forcing Western logic. Japan has the development of capitalism peculiar to Japan. The intention of the business world to deny while using it is still continuing. And the final stage of that movement is the corona wreck. Workers are essential to capital and at the same time want to stay away from them (just as the existence of slavery was the biggest problem for slavery). The Japanese government has restrained workers from uniting due to the dismantling of trade unions and prevented people from gathering under the Spy Law and the Anti-Terrorism Law. At the same time, we have created a society in which surveillance cameras and other devices monitor each other. With the spread of television and personal computers, oral culture (which is the very foundation of the community) was in jeopardy. And finally, he created the corona sword to "physically" break the connection between people.

It doesn't matter if you believe in the new Corona. The important thing is to find out exactly what is lost. With it, the post-Corona world can be reconstructed. If you can't find it and blindly believe what the government and the media say, you'll end up with an unimaginably horrifying society after Corona.


