ABC―民衆の知性のアルファベット化 I.イリイチ、B.サンダース著 丸山 真人訳  岩波書店 1991/08/29

ABC―民衆の知性のアルファベット化 イリイチ、B.サンダース著 丸山 真人訳  岩波書店 1991/08/29

"ABC, The Alphabetization of the Popular Mind (1988)"の訳です。













It is a translation of "ABC, The Alphabetization of the Popular Mind (1988)".

It's hard to read, not because of the bad translation, but because of the nature of the original. For one thing, as the translation says, one English word has many meanings. Conversely, there may be several English words that correspond to one translation. There is a Christian term. The terminology such as linguistics is inserted. Well, these are translation technology issues, so it's okay to mention them in translations.

The biggest thing is that they are co-creating. The logic seems to be flowing vertically, it's not. However, it does not mean that they are flowing in parallel. And although the facts are listed and problems are raised, it cannot be said that they have been solved neatly. As a result, the reader will move on to the next chapter with a feeling of haze.

The problem of letters (literacy) is deepened by Barry Sanders and clarified in 1994, "Where a book dies, violence is born." After this, Illich seems to have strengthened criticism of Western logicism such as anti-education and anti-power, such as "meaning of life" (unread). Iriichi was originally a priest, so I can understand the first "first letter", but I was a little uncomfortable (atheist) as a non-Christian. I think this book is a religious book. But even mentioning the history of Christianity is not religious at all. Rather, since Japan has a history of Buddhism, it may be a mistake to talk about Japanese history and culture without the history of Buddhism. I was reminded that the lost Buddhist thought is important. Unfortunately, we rarely learn about Buddhism in school. "Separation of church and state" is good, but I think it is necessary for understanding Japanese history and ideas. Modern uncritical Western logicism and worship of science may weaken the Japanese mind.

The subject of this book is to clarify the situation in which we are placed by re-questioning "letters" and "written words." The world in which the author lives is the world of the alphabet. It's a phonetic character. Since China is a Chinese character culture, it is a world of ideographic characters. Japan is a culture in which kanji (ideographic characters) and kana (phonetic characters) are mixed. Therefore, what is stated in this book is common in terms of "literacy" and "written words", and there is an essence there, but the logic developed in the "alphabet" remains in Japan. not applicable. You have to be careful when reading this book or linguistics book.

Also, be careful about first-person pronouns that are always present in English (Western European languages) and rarely found in Japan. The other day, when I wrote my impressions about "what is a" sentence "", I wrote about "us", but whether or not there is a "subject" in Japanese is another story, "We". Is it a community word, or is it just because English needs a subject (whether "We" has a meaning)? It depends on the content of the utterance and the intention of the speaker. "By using this modern-day , the speaker commits semantic violence. He observes a group of people who make up in a different way than he observes. And thus lead them to silence. ”(P.174)

What is important is the influence of "literacy", but it is important to consider that until modern times in both the West and Japan, literacy was limited to only a small number of people. Most people ended their lives regardless of literacy. Even if you still know the letters, many people don't use them. Nevertheless, the influence of letters has the same influence as literacy through "electronic media". The effect may be greater for people who don't usually use letters. A person who reads a book can "think in letters" and can objectively view and criticize the media (that is, "potential" to objectively view himself and his situation. There is also). Due to the problems of Corona and Prime Minister Abe, it was found that many people cannot see the media objectively, nor can they see themselves and society (politics) objectively. I'm sorry.

Today, the issues of literacy and Western logicism (science) are being re-questioned in various fields. Some of them are called "scientists." Some people call it a "doctor." It can be said that this is a natural tendency in this society with a strong sense of obstruction and no vision (no hope). But it's a tightrope walk. Criticism of Western logicism with a shallow perception can quickly lead to mysticism. We cannot return to the rich oral culture of "literacy". You wouldn't be able to break the electronic media without being influenced by Western logicism (you can spend it without watching it). Many people think that newspapers are absolutely necessary. On the contrary, there are many people who do not read newspapers or books, but only TV (games). Even though I use letters at work. Mysticism and new religions (modern religions in general?) Are also associated with Western logic. It's simply "money." Money is the limit of quantification, and quantification is a characteristic of the literacy culture of abstraction (generalization). When quantification and abstraction are performed, the "quality" that each individual has is discarded. Money hides what it was before it changed (replaced, replaced, replaced). It could have been a "thing", it could have been "labor", it could have been a "crime". There is no such distinction in money. This alone shows how capitalist production styles are closely related to Western logicism.

Standard language (grammatically correct word) is a self-contradiction. This is because grammar is extracted (abstracted) from spoken language, but it is used to create new words. The new word is "modeled on a scientific language for expressing something that never exists" (p.157). Same as Orwell's «Newspeak» ("1984"). It is a means by which the ruler imposes on the ruled and submits (voluntarily) from the bottom of his heart. Modern people are accustomed to speaking and writing in standard language, but behind it (although it is abstract and difficult to verbalize) is a rich oral culture. I have to remember that.

However, about half of the people who are alive now have a TV since they were born, and they grow up with the sound of the TV instead of their parents' voices. It has not gone through the original oral culture. Even if the TV reacts actively, it does not answer. It just runs a "programmed" "program". Recently, I am interested in variety shows, etc., and it is very common to display the "voice" of the performer with decorated "characters". Having lived in a literacy culture, I feel that it doubles the fun. However, it is "compulsion of letters" and a thorough "denial of oral culture".

This book broadly describes the problem but does not describe the solution. "Modern education, and no less, modern communication, jeopardizes literacy, but we find that coercion of literary knowledge is modern. Even if the side effects given to the majority of the people are unfortunate, there is still no last resort other than knowledge of letters to stop the movement to resolve the language into an "information system" "(p.vii). Beginning with the words ~ p.viii), "We sensiblely long for the only silent space that remains open in our judged lives, despite our sadness. It is the silence of friendship. ”(P.174) ends with the obscure word. I think this means that it is difficult to communicate with others while having an "ego" created by literacy culture, but there is only hope there.

The issue was raised. All that remains is for us to put it into practice.



[ ISBN-13 : 978-4000271585 ]

