声の文化と文字の文化  ウォルター・J.・オング (Walter J. Ong)著, 林正寛,糟谷啓介,桜井直文訳 藤原書店 1991/10/31


"Orality and Literacy:The Technology of the Word, 1982"の訳です。







古本中心(新刊本は買えない)の私にはよく分りませんが、この2〜30年で言語学は進んだのでしょうか。『「文」とは何か 愉しい日本語文法のはなし』を読むかぎり、進歩しているより退化している、あるいは迂ってしまっているように思えるのですが。


It is a translation of "Orality and Literacy: The Technology of the Word, 1982".

Somehow, the title of the Japanese version is easy to understand, but it seems confusing. Why did you apply the translations of "culture" to "culture" and "civilization" to "civilization"? "Sentence" is a product of the culture of letters, isn't it? Spoken sentences are only recognized by studying written sentences.

There are various books on oral art and the thoughts of people who do not know letters (anthropology such as Marinovsky, linguistics such as Levi-Strauss, structuralism, etc.). However, I don't know a book that is drawn so easily. Growing up in literacy culture, I don't know completely.

It's nice to explain that letters are the change from hearing to sight of words. Place words in the visual space. You put it outside of yourself. Hearing surrounds you and goes inside you. You can only see the surface, not the inside. Also, you can only see the "front". Although it is not an example of this book, anatomy is the consciousness of looking inside with the outside.

There are many other things I learned from this book, but I can't write them all, so I'd like to add them gradually (I'm reading the second time).

I feel a little weak about the meaning of electronic media, but it is very meaningful to read as a compilation of theories about letters at the end of the 20th century. However, the description of how letters affect modern society, which the author only suggests and does not extend, may be beyond the scope of this book as an academic book.

A few years after this book, "ABC-Alphabetization of People's Knowledge" and "Where the book dies, violence is born" will be written. This book is also very useful for understanding those books.

I'm not sure that I can only buy used books (I can't buy new books), but has linguistics progressed in the last 20 to 30 years? As far as I read "What is a" sentence "? A fun story of Japanese grammar", it seems that it is degenerate or bypassed rather than progressing.


Walter Jackson Ong SJ (November 30, 1912 – August 12, 2003) was an American Jesuit priest, professor of English literature, cultural and religious historian and philosopher. His major interest was in exploring how the transition from orality to literacy influenced culture and changed human consciousness. In 1978 Ong served as elected president of the Modern Language Association.


[ ISBN-13 : 978-4938661366 ]

