世界史の針が巻き戻るとき 「新しい実在論」は世界をどう見ているか マルクス・ガブリエル著 大野和基訳 PHP新書 2020/02/28

世界史の針が巻き戻るとき 「新しい実在論」は世界をどう見ているか マルクス・ガブリエル著 大野和基訳 PHP新書 2020/02/28


















宝くじに「当たる」とかベンチャー企業が「儲ける」とはどういう意味でしょうか。宝くじで7億円儲けるのは、大多数の宝くじ購入者が「少しづつ」損をしているからです(かならず儲かる胴元、「〇〇銀行」は存在します)。ベンチャー企業も同じです。ベンチャー企業が儲けるためには損をする人がかならずいるのです。「無」から「有」は発生しないからです。労働価値説は無から有が発生するという仮説です。価値は労働力とそれを使用することによって発生します。今生きている人の「生」そのものから発生するのです。でも、それだけではありません。労働は既存の価値、つまり過去の人の「生」も保存するのです。本来はそれは公<共>財(Common wealth)となるものです。労働は、それに価値を付け加えます。その価値は本当に「無」から生まれたものでしょうか。それは人間が「生きる」というのはどういうものかにも関わっているのですが、それを資本主義的(経済学的)には「価値を生み出す」としか表現できない(数量化できない、貨幣に換算できない)のです。










It is not specified when the interview will be held. That alone makes me feel distrustful of this book.

I've read some of Gabriel's writings, but I often don't understand them. Of course that is my lack of study. This book is also easy to understand, but it is full of contradictory content. There are some places where I think that the translator attracted me to translate this, so I would like you to publish the original text (English).

For example, Gabriel says "Trump is right", which is "correct because Trump is speaking according to American society (the system of pursuing profits)" and "the person named Trump is right". It can be inferred that this is not the case, but if you do not read it properly, you will misread it as "I support Trump (neoliberalism)." If he thinks so, I think it's nothing more than acknowledging the existence of "Trump" and "neoliberalism" as a "fact." That is the basis of the "new realism". "Fact-finding" and "value (good and bad, right and wrong) judgment" are different things.

If you read this book with that as a premise, you will get a lot of things.

In Chapter VII "Crisis of Representation", the words "wrong idea" that "the normativeness of representation is in representation" and "the image has no internal attributes such as good or bad in nature" , It will be a reference when thinking about the current "deep fake". However, that alone cannot reach the root of "deepfake."

In Japanese, a photograph is written as "copying" "true" (in Chinese, "lighting piece"?), But is that true or true? If the photo captures the truth, you don't need a "photographer". Since the dawn of photography, photography has the skills of photographers and the accompanying effects. The photographer handles everything from the production of the space to the production of the subject. Also, in development and enlargement, we will make it closer to what you want to express, which is more suitable for customer needs by technical processing. Originally, photography is different from reality and facts. Simply put, photography has its essence and appeal in that it cannot express reality 100%, and at the same time it can add something that is not reality. Have you ever seen a photo of a beautiful landscape and thought, "It's completely different from the photo" when you go to the site? On the contrary, there are many charms that are not shown in the photos. I think most people will take some pose when they are usually told to take a picture. Whether it's a smile or a bitter face. It's about directing yourself.

The effect of the belief that the photo reflects the truth is enormous. For example, photos of the criminal and the victim. The criminal uses a "scary" face photo and the victim uses a "smile" photo. (If you can't prepare it and use a "laughing" snapshot of the criminal, you'll be criticized. Therefore, a photo of the criminal's "scary" face will be made and distributed until it's done. It seems that the criminal's "photo" is no longer published. However, the video seems to be published, but that is also suspicious. At least until convicted, it is not a "criminal" but a "suspect" "defendant" So I think it's a good idea to publish your name and photo just because you were arrested. It's the same as gossip magazines and Netouyo.)

I love Kanna Hashimoto. From the time I saw that "one in a thousand years" photo. But I thought it was great as a work, and I didn't think the photographs portrayed all of her. As an actress, she has a nice face, but she doesn't (not shown in the photo). If an actor or actress appears in a "good work" and plays a "good person", the actor or actress is also considered to be a "good person" and becomes popular. Even today's people still have reason, so when I say "that's not the case", I often get a reply saying "yes", but even though I have never met, "no, absolutely Some people insist that they are good people. " It's an image crisis, isn't it?

Markus Gabriel says "the exception is in the case of art," but I don't know how he distinguishes between "art" and "non-art." In the first place, paradoxically, photography, movies and television are at the forefront of literacy culture. It is the opposite of oral culture. It is not the difference in cognitive ability that it is difficult to establish photography and film culture in a cultural area without letters. The recognition method is different.

The word itself is the "abstraction of reality." What is expressed in words is a part of reality. Not all of reality can be expressed in words. However, when listening face-to-face, you can comprehensively judge the other person's facial expressions, speaking style, gestures, and the situation in which they are being spoken, and supplement the words with the experience and knowledge of the listener. However, as soon as it becomes a "letter", it exists independently of the writer (speaker), time and place. There is no facial expression of the writer or the situation in which it was written. I can guess that. The existence of photographs and movies is due to their separation from reality and the present. It is an integral part of the character culture.

You can't get rid of fake photos and fake videos. Because it has something to do with the essence of photography and video. It can be said that it is the essence itself. If it causes damage, you should criticize it. But what really should be criticized is the illusion that movies and videos represent "facts" and "reality." Everything is "made (created)". The illusion is the same as saying that "all novels are true (writing the truth)" is a mistake. Even novels and Van Gogh's paintings are not completely unrelated to reality. However, it is not a "as is" drawing of reality. That is the reason for the existence of novelists and painters.

If you want to see the truth and facts, you have no choice but to go to the scene. It seems that the development of science and the development of globalism have expanded our knowledge and awareness, but that is an illusion. Our cognitive power is always present and limited. We can only see "before". You may be able to see "behind" in VR at the same time (though it is an operation to visualize what you cannot see), but you can still see only the surface of things. If you want to see the inside, you have to turn it over, tear it up, or turn "inside" into "outside" as an X-ray. ("Sound" has no surface or interior. If you study music theory, you can enjoy music more deeply, and if you study linguistics and languages, you can understand the content of the story and foreign languages. But.)

We cannot escape from the character culture. Therefore, you cannot escape from images and videos. But there are some things you need to know. Written, images and videos are not the exact facts (revealed, represented, revealed). Being creative while always being part of reality. In order to know the reality and facts, it is necessary to actually see, hear, and study (enrichment of information). Knowing that, it is important to say that "Loch Ness dinosaurs" and "unicorns" "exist" (new realism). It expresses the freedom and abundance of human thinking. That is the (place) basis of the meaning of human beings living (richly).


He doesn't really appreciate Marx (Karl Marx. His Marx is not his last name. He has a different spelling. The etymology may be the same), but it comes from his point of view. His writings reflect many of Marx's narratives as well as the history of German (Western) philosophy (German idealism represented by Hegel). It seems that Marx is understood by the term "materialism", but I think it comes from several books centered on capitalism. As he thinks, capitalism has succeeded in portraying capitalism. Because it is in the same position as capitalism and is written in the same language as capitalism. But that description is self-contradictory. The more we argue in the same language as capitalism, the more the contradiction of capitalism is drawn, its existence is not absolute and it cannot be helped to collapse (it cannot be said to be "self-destruction"), workers (of capitalism). Term. Translated well, or different from the original. In the real world, it is inevitable that the poverty of the non-productive class (poor class, proletariat) will increase relatively and absolutely. Is stated.

Whether the "labor theory of value" is correct is still under debate. Some say it's "wrong," while others say it's just a hypothesis. In the natural sciences, if you can explain reality well by setting a hypothesis, that hypothesis is considered to exist. Like ether. Then, if the hypothesis is denied and an alternative explanation is possible, the hypothesis is discarded. Many people still do not know that "light is a wave and a particle", and ether is alive (I recently saw the theory that ether is responsible for memory and information transmission). ^ _ ^;))). Even if the labor theory of value is a hypothesis, it portrays capitalism well, and ultimately the capitalist society itself is denied (or dialectically "sublimated").

So the debate "Does value also exist in socialist society (or communism for some)" is meaningless. Because the premise is denied. (Value morphology is very important because it explains how human "life" is treated in a capitalist society and how "human relations" appear, but what it is. Thinking that it also applies to society is capitalist thinking.)

What does it mean to "win" the lottery or "make money" for a venture company? The reason why you can make 700 million yen in a lottery is that the majority of lottery buyers are losing "little by little" (there is always a profitable body, "○○ Bank"). The same is true for venture companies. In order for a venture company to make a profit, there are always people who lose money. This is because "nothing" does not change to "yes". The labor theory of value is the hypothesis that something comes from nothing. Value is generated by the workforce and its use. It arises from the "life" of the person who is alive now. But that's not all. Labor also preserves existing value, the "life" of past people. Originally, it is a common wealth. Labor adds value to it. Is its value really born of "nothing"? It has something to do with what human beings "live", but it can only be expressed capitalistly (economically) as "creating value" (cannot be quantified, converted into money). I can't).

(It is clear that a "supply and demand curve" that quantifies desires is meaningless to explain a capitalist society, because demands and desires are "made". It does not explain a capitalist society. It's a hypothesis to explain "markets", but even if modern markets are capitalist, they are in different dimensions.)

The theory of capital also describes factors that improve productivity other than the labor force itself. For example, collaboration. But Marx makes a clear distinction between it and value-creating labor. Collaboration and changes in organic composition (such as automation) do not create value. In fact, a "workerless factory (company)" is ideal for a capitalist (financial capital is close to that), but such a factory (company) cannot be the same as a "perpetual motion". If you want to deny the labor theory of value, you have to prove that you can create such a company (a society consisting only of such companies).

The mercantilist view that relationships with the outside world make a profit is also meaningless. As mentioned earlier, the outside must be internalized if it wants to have a relationship (in this case the inside and the outside are the opposite). With or without that kind of consciousness. The boundary (limit) between the outside and the inside changes depending on the way of thinking. Even if you think about yourself, where are your boundaries, whether your body is inside or outside, your computer, your home, your community, your country, your entire planet ...

It may seem that capital creates the outside and profits from it, but by creating a market or a factory there, it becomes the inside. However, it destroys the community and incites hostility, creating borders to hide it and creating racism and sexism within it. Create a market or factory and create something to counter it. And it is the basis of forced consumption (forced demand) of armament and war.

As mentioned earlier, Western logic is closely related to the essence of human beings having words. When it becomes text, photographs, and images, it becomes objectively independent (objectified). Objectification is a prerequisite for control. Then, by applying a make-up called "dehumanization" to it, control is established. Mind and body, humans and nature, masters and slaves, capital and workers, territories and colonies, Germanic and Jews, own and other peoples, inside and outside the tribe (community), in sync with oneself The person who gives me and the person who thinks differently from me ... It is necessary to dehumanize the latter in order to control the latter and fight (kill, destroy) for it. There is no outside in capital. We take in the outside and constantly create division and dehumanization inside while keeping it inside. What used to be "discrimination" will be changed to "discrimination". In part, it is possible to think of the outside as a source of profit. If you consider only the holding company as the inside, you can say that the outside (or owning the stock itself) is the source of profit. One could argue that land ownership is profitable from the outside (or from itself). But it is clear that it does not explain capital (the entire capitalist society). It is a violation of the rules to bring the outside to explain the profit generation inside the capital. (Lol)

"Dehumanization" and "objectification" cannot be quantified. Collaborations and communities cannot quantify themselves. It's not capitalist logic (the results can be quantified). It is "metalogic" for capitalism. Capital quantifies it and tries to internalize it, which creates the "real outside" of capitalist society.

Modern economics cannot be understood without understanding mathematics. I'm not good at math. However, even if economics now looks like a mathematical formula, its premise and grounds are arbitrary. Therefore, it is not possible to depict the present society properly. It's just making nothing out of nothing. Or, to put it better, it just "manipulates" and "converts" from Yu to Yu. It cannot explain "capital" forever. This is because capital must generate profits as if it were "as if" nothing were produced. And that profit is dominated by "accidentality". Or it can be said that it is dominated by the "invisible hand." It's the same. Because it is "invisible". When you can't see it, everything is "accidental" and "inevitable." Both can be considered. Adam Smith, who said the "invisible hand," had its basis in the labor theory of value. However, in modern economics, we have not found anything that can be called a basis other than the labor theory of value. But you can't justify it like Marx (if you know it, you can't). Because it determines the collapse of capitalism.

This year's Nobel Prize in Economics has been announced. Milgrom and Wilson's "Auction Theory". I don't know the details, but it seems to be the redistribution theory from existence to existence. Unless you profit from nothing, if someone makes a profit, someone just loses. It doesn't matter if one individual (or one company, one municipality) makes a profit. Redistribution must be done democratically and equally, and I think that increasing the wealth of society as a whole is the problem that economics addresses. I don't think that no matter how much the theory of the transfer of wealth from an individual (company) to an individual (company) and the transfer of wealth from the outside to the inside is good for humankind.








第1章 世界史の針が巻き戻るとき
第2章 なぜ今、新しい実在論なのか
第3章 価値の危機――非人間化、普遍の価値、ニヒリズム
第4章 民主主義の危機――コモンセンス、文化的多元性、多様性のパラドックス
第5章 資本主義の危機――コ・イミュニズム、自己グローバル化、モラル企業
第6章 テクノロジーの危機――「人工的な」知能、GAFAへの対抗策、優しい独裁国家日本
第7章 表象の危機――ファクト、フェイクニュース、アメリカの病
補講 新しい実在論が我々にもたらすもの

世界史の針が巻き戻るとき 「新しい実在論」は世界をどう見ているか マルクス・ガブリエル著 大野和基訳 PHP新書 2020/02/28 [拡大] 世界史の針が巻き戻るとき 「新しい実在論」は世界をどう見ているか マルクス・ガブリエル著 大野和基訳 PHP新書 2020/02/28 [拡大]

[ISBN-13 : 978-4569845944]

