マルクスのために ルイ・アルチュセール著 1965 河野健二他訳 1994 平凡社ライブラリー

マルクスのために ルイ・アルチュセール著 1965 河野健二他訳 1994 平凡社ライブラリー


「pour Marx」は本当に「マルクスのために」なんだろうか。フランス語はわからないが、「マルクスについて」くらいの意味なのではないか。






Sun Jun 23 14:46:09 2002


It was difficult and I didn't understand at all. It was a waste of time.

Is "pour Marx" really "for Marx"? I don't understand French, but I think it means something like "about Marx".

Certainly, the publication of the "Kyotetsu Draft" was shocking and had a lot of influence on me. I can understand the attempt to recapture the late Marx with the early Marx. No one can think like Marx.

However, emphasizing the "disconnection" between the early Marx and the late Marx is a necessary step, but as with the attempt by the late Marx to recapture the early Marx, the next need exists throughout the early and late stages. It is to explore the central point of Marx's thought.

However, they too are necessary for understanding Marx's individual, and there is no need to look further in Marx's literature. The necessary words can be created by the person who writes the text and the person who speaks. If you can't do that, the quote from Marx is of no value.

Multi-layered determinism may be interesting to connect with Gramsci's theory in practice. But in itself it just says that things are determined by a number of factors.

Also, I may read it someday, but for now, I'll leave this kind of book to scholars.

Sun Jun 23 14:46:09 2002



「pour Marx」は「マルクスに捧ぐ」という意味であろう。

Tue Oct 20 00:09:00 2020

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4582760613 ]

