福岡伸一、西田哲学を読む 生命をめぐる思索の旅 動的均衡と絶対矛盾的自己同一 池田善昭、福岡伸一著 明石書店 2017/07/07

福岡伸一、西田哲学を読む 生命をめぐる思索の旅 動的均衡と絶対矛盾的自己同一 池田善昭、福岡伸一著 明石書店 2017/07/07











I read it twice, but it's difficult. Get confusing. I'm curious (^ _ ^;). It turned out in Mr. Ikeda's words that Kitaro Nishida's thoughts were very interesting (Nishida did not read). Due to the nature of the dialogue, I understand that the story does not proceed systematically unlike the book, but I think that is the cause of the confusion. At the end, each one is summarized, but that alone is not enough. Nishida's various terms, "absolutely contradictory self-identity," "formation of historical nature," "undivided subject," "pure experience," "awareness," "actual intuition," "reverse limitation," and "many (one) self-denial." "Taiichi (many)" "Absolute present" "Place" "Field" ... I think we have to sort out which terms (concepts) they are used in.

For example
1. Logic (meaning about the order and system of knowledge. Logos and Physis, outside and inside, contradiction, movement and stillness, existence and existence / nothing / existence)
2. Nature (living things and inanimate objects, time and space, things and things, past and future and present, causality and simultaneity)
3. Life (synthesis and decomposition, individual and species, entropy and negative entropy, life and death, wrapping / wrapping, inside / outside, order and destruction, "advance" / creation of time)
4. Human beings (consciousness and unconsciousness, self and others, subject and object, study of integration, essence and phenomenon)

I added 1 to 4 in the scene (dimension, level). I'm going to line up from abstract to concrete. The terms (concepts) in parentheses are the terms (concepts) that will appear there. The terms that are connected by "to" are almost contradictory. The reason why there are many "3, life" is that the subject of this book is "what is life". Rearranging these terms gives the content of this book.

What Mr. Ikeda wants to say is that the central concept in Nishida is "absolutely contradictory self-identity" and "formation of historical nature", which is the definition of living things. It is the same as Mr. Fukuoka's concept of "advance", in which synthesis and decomposition occur at the same time, creating dynamic time. Science has replaced time with space and statically interpreted dynamic things with words (reason, logos). Then, the existence of Physis will be lost. This is a criticism of anthropocentrism, but it is "words" that criticize it, and it returns to "logic." The "word" here is actually a "letter". If you don't notice it, you may have a round trip.

The term logos is complicated, but it probably means something like "reason." Therefore, some people think of it as "reason," and it can be interpreted as "word," "truth," "logic," or "natural reason." Both Heraclitus and Plato called the essence of the world "Logos". However, the content is exactly the opposite. There is a groove between Heraclitus and Plato. Plato was a letter bug until his death, but Heraclitus did not express his thoughts in letters. It may have thought that the means of letters was not suitable for expressing one's thoughts. This groove is the merkmal from "oral culture" to "literacy culture (character culture)". So I have another scene,

5. Letters (literacy culture and oral culture, words and logic)

I want to add. It is a temporal and historical scene. Of course, "literacy culture" did not suddenly appear at one point, and even now there are illiterate people in cultures that do not have letters or in literacy culture. Some people think of words as "naming, labeling", but I think that is an idea influenced by the character culture. Some people think that words originally meant actions, but I think it's plausible if they can't be proved. What is important is not "what (who)" but "what (does)". The first step for humans (animals) to collaborate as a community is to convey "what to do". Who does it is secondary. "Run", "Run away", etc. It is "things". Naming things is a different dimension. The label "apple" is to cut out a part from the whole and is "abstract". When an apple is in nature, you don't have to name it "apple", just "look", "pick it up", and "eat" it. The work of separating it from nature and generalizing things with the same attributes from "individual" to "universal" is the basis of character culture. Abstraction / generalization is a characteristic of words, but words cannot be understood without the situation in which they are issued and the attitude of the speaker. Therefore, even now, when an utterance appears in a novel, the situation explanation and the attitude of the speaker are drawn. Abstraction / generalization is almost completed when a word "stands up" away from the speaker, that is, when it becomes a letter. It is the separation of the subject and the object. The formation of oneself and others is also an influence of literacy culture. After that, the act of naming comes to put the object under the control of the subject. Nature is under human control (objective is subjective, body is spiritual).

Humans are still naming. Science is based on the act of naming. New discoveries and new theories must be transcribed and named. That is the basis of objectivity. Naming is not equal to the existence of an entity. "Points", "lines", and "triangles" do not actually exist. There is no point that has no shape or size, a line that has no width, which is the shortest distance between two points, and a triangle that connects three points with a line. You can think even if it doesn't exist. It's an "idea". Mathematics, as Plato says, is the basis of logicism. On the contrary, it is difficult to express reality (existence) in words (letters). No matter how much the characteristics are listed, it is not the reality itself, even if it can approach the reality. As Mr. Ikeda says, reality is not "things (Ding)" but "things (things, incidents, monogoto, Sache)".

Nishida tried to express in words (letters) what could not be expressed in words (letters). Mr. Fukuoka is also trying to express what cannot be expressed by mathematical formulas. That effort is necessary and worthy of respect. We in the literacy culture cannot escape from the literacy culture. Television, movies and telephones are also children of literacy culture. Visual culture represents pseudo-existence (Vorstellung, concept). So we are in a crisis of representation (Markus Gabriel, neoexistentialism). The Nazis made great use of video culture. As Mr. Fukuoka says, "Nature as Physis is then logicalized by the power of Logos, and at the same time, its subtlety, contingency, and one-timeness are all discarded" (p.290). However, if "you have to wear logos as basic academic ability" (p.291) to understand it, Physis is given to most people including myself who have not graduated from graduate school. It means that it cannot be understood. Is there a "other way" to regain the richness of nature, the humanity of words? I think that there is no possibility other than the existence (realize) of "nature" and "word".


哲学者。1936年山形県生まれ。1968年京都大学大学院文学研究科博士課程修了(文学博士)。ライプニッツ・アルフィーフ客員教授、神戸学院大学教授、静岡大学教授、立命館大学教授、統合学術国際研究所所長を経て、現在、現代文明研究所所長および静岡哲学会会長。著書に『「モナドロジー」を読む――ライプニッツの個と宇宙 (Sekaishiso seminar)』(世界思想社)、『我心深き底あり――西田幾多郎のライフヒストリー (ライフヒストリー研究叢書) 』(共編著)、『「哲学」のゆくえ――近代認識論から現代存在論へ』、『ライプニッツ「モナドロジー」』、『近代主観主義の超克――文明の新しいかたち (シリーズ文明のゆくえ―近代文明を問う)』(いずれも晃洋書房)など。

生物学者。1959年東京生まれ。京都大学卒。米国ハーバード大学医学部博士研究員、京都大学助教授などを経て青山学院大学教授・米国ロックフェラー大学客員教授。サントリー学芸賞を受賞し、80万部を超えるベストセラーとなった『生物と無生物のあいだ』(講談社現代新書)をはじめ、“生命とは何か"を動的平衡論から問い直した著書多数。近刊に『新版 動的平衡』(小学館新書)、対談に『センス・オブ・ワンダーを探して』(だいわ文庫)、翻訳に『生命に部分はない』(講談社現代新書)など。フェルメール好きとしても知られ、全作品を巡った旅の紀行『フェルメール光の王国』(木楽舎)を上梓。最新デジタル印刷技術によってリ・クリエイト(再創造)したフェルメールの全作品を展示する「フェルメール・センター銀座」の監修および、館長もつとめた。2015年から、読書のあり方を問い直す「福岡伸一の知恵の学校」をスタートさせた。













Thu Oct 22 18:51:00 2020


About "History"

As a reverse limitation, annual rings are said to engrave history (wrap around the environment). This can also be said as follows when the scene of "5, characters" is provided.

"History can be made by writing it, not by having facts."

Character culture is under the pressure of transliteration. You are forced to write everything as much as possible.

There is a history of the imperial family, and "Kojiki" was not born. Kojiki made the history of the imperial family. Defoe's book was not born because of the plague in London. Defoe's narrative made the history of London. On the contrary, the lack of official documents does not mean that there was no forced recruitment of comfort women. (Recently, falsification and destruction of official documents have been reported or publicized as "facts.")

There is a memory of history in people. But it disappears when the person dies. In oral culture, the history of tribes is transmitted with various techniques, but the content changes if the person who speaks it changes, and it is not possible to convey the entire history. (See Iliad, a work in the gap between literacy and oral culture. Ong, 1982) History does not convey historical facts. Historical facts make historical documents, but at the same time writing them makes history.

Thu Oct 22 18:51:00 2020

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4750345338 ]

