ミシェル・フーコー: 自己から脱け出すための哲学 慎改康之著 岩波新書 2019/10/18

ミシェル・フーコー: 自己から脱け出すための哲学 慎改康之著 岩波新書 2019/10/18












The happiness of those who are late

It's not about Foucault. It's about me. I was born more than 30 years after Foucault. I mostly read Foucault's books (published by him) (of course, Japanese translations, I can't read French at all). Some are late, some are in real time. But I think I hardly understand it. I was surprised at his study and admired his genius, and became almost a Foucault believer. (Now I think of David Graeber as well. He's younger than me but died the other day. I'm sorry.)

Being late, I (and the author) can read early writings by following Foucault's theory (logic) later. You can also read Foucault by referring to various new "knowledge" after Foucault's death. Besides, Foucault can't argue anymore. (^ _ ^;)

I think this book is too faithful and difficult for an "Introduction to Foucault" book. I wonder if the author is serious. I think it would be easy to bring out the fun of Foucault as much as the author's ideas can be included. What about another book, Foucault's Discourse (Tsukuma Sensho)?

I didn't know that the fourth volume of "History of Sex" was published. I wonder when the Japanese version will come out. I wonder if I should read "Lecture Collection" by then. If you look at Amazon, the price of one book is 40,000 yen! can not buy. (; _;)

It seems that the thoughts of later years focus on "self", so I would like to read it. Unfortunately, it seems that Foucault is collecting and researching literature, and that is the only way to do it, but then, due to the influence of the character culture as "logos (character culture)", "self" can be created, and in reflection, " I don't think there will be a perspective that "objects", "nature", "others", etc. have been created. The major works of anthropological master Levi-Strauss had been published, but Levi-Strauss introduced the oral culture and its structure, but did not describe the influence and consequences of literacy culture on Western culture. I feel like it.

Even in the dispute with Derrida, Derrida himself did not dig into the core of the character culture ("About Grammatology"), so I feel that it was not fruitful.

I think all three couldn't get out of the "world of letters."

Since it is about him, if he had lived for ten years, he would have deepened his thoughts while keeping in mind oral culture and character culture. Since I discovered "human appearance" and "sujet (subject, slavery)", I think I knew most of it.

It's "naimononedari", so even if you exclude it, the thoughts from "the birth of the prison" to "the history of sexuality" are very interesting and important. The author Foucault does not deny the point of view that he "does not remain himself", but I think that a genius is someone who can do it (see Picasso). I think what is needed now is to critically re-read Foucault and do what Foucault could not do, "re-examining modern society from biopolitics."





ミシェル・フーコー: 自己から脱け出すための哲学 慎改康之著 岩波新書 2019/10/18 [拡大]

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4004318026 ]

