職業としての学問 マックス・ウェーバー 1919 尾高邦雄訳 1936 岩波文庫

職業としての学問 マックス・ウェーバー 1919 尾高邦雄訳 1936 岩波文庫


Mon Mar 25 02:58:31 2002


How many years will it be read back? As the title suggests, it explains what the profession of learning should be. His theory that teachers should not be "leaders" would be a critique of the situation at the time, as well as an attitude towards one's own scholarship. It was to protect scholarship and also to protect rationality.

There are many things to read such as academic specialization and its premise. It's a thin book, so if you get the chance, read it.

Mon Mar 25 02:58:31 2002


[ ISBN-13 : 978-4003420959 ]

