感染症は実在しない 岩田健太郎著 2009/10/30 北大路書房

感染症は実在しない 岩田健太郎著 2009/10/30 北大路書房
この本は新版が出ています。(感染症は実在しない (インターナショナル新書)













This book has a new edition. ( Infectious diseases do not exist (International Shinsho) )

I read this book because he said, "Rather, the problem of coronavirus in 2020 requires a way of thinking like this one." To be honest, I was relieved. It was an awkward atmosphere for my wife to go to the uterine cancer screening.

Illness is not a "thing" but a "event". There is no direct relationship between having a virus and having high blood pressure and being ill. Since illness is a rule (phenomenon) arbitrarily defined by human beings, it is not a "fact" or "real thing" such as a scientifically correct illness or an incorrect illness. (Omitted) The restrictions and prescriptions such as having to undergo a medical examination, not having to undergo a medical examination, having to undergo such treatment, and not being treated will lose the basis "(P.140-141). is.

I was shocked by Makoto Kondo's book and thought that "treating cancer is painful and meaningless" (that's why) "cancer screening is only harmful and useless." However, there was a part that I couldn't convince myself to impose that "thought" on others. I myself would be upset if I was told, "I have cancer. I have three months to live." That's why I don't get a cancer screening (laughs).

Medical care is a value exchange between one's own values ​​(health, security, longevity, etc.) and medical care (profit / disadvantage). Since each person has different values, it is possible for each person to receive treatment or tests. The important thing is for the medical staff to provide accurate information on the benefits and disadvantages of tests, treatments, and medications, and for the patients (?) To understand them.

It is true that patients have the right to make decisions in Japan today. But patients and doctors are not on an equal footing. It is the medical staff who holds the information. It's certainly better to know English. Foreign languages ​​are a big part of my inferiority complex. In Japan, which is a translation culture, most of them are translated into Japanese. However, only "selling" and "major" books are translated (still not readable). And translation takes the bios of translators or current academic achievements. The "new translation" is endless. Besides, translation is time consuming and expensive (!). Patients can't read Japanese medical magazines, nor can they read English. However, it is irresponsible in a sense to "decide for yourself". If you file a proceeding after that, there is little chance of winning. The trial itself is built on "authority." In that case, it may be kinder to say "Don't undergo examination / treatment" like Mr. Kondo (so even if you die prematurely, you cannot "scientifically" prove whether you die prematurely (" Lol)).

Medical care, like (life) insurance, is a business that takes advantage of people's anxieties. That's why a system called "health insurance" is possible. The important thing is a "safety net" that will not bother you or your family even if you get sick, can't work, or die. I think it is necessary that the medical staff is wrong and the patient is wrong (assuming that we will do our best, of course). Also, if you don't have the money to be tested, or if you are told that you are ill after being tested, your family may get lost on the road. Then, the right to make decisions is meaningless, isn't it?

I think that the fact that "I'm sick" and "I'm not sick" is not 0 or 1 can be said for other things as well. At least it's not the medical staff who decides it, and of course the government. By setting standards, doctors and governments can be "irresponsible". It is a modern "indulgence". .. By lowering the standard for hypertension from 150 to 130, tens of millions of people suddenly became "ill." Why did you do that? Thinking for the people? I think that is unlikely. The administration does not benefit from it either. Rather, I think the cost was high and it became difficult. Still, I think it's natural to think that the reason for lowering the standard is that there are people who make money from it. You can tell if anyone thinks it was profitable. Whether your blood pressure is high or low, it affects the human body. However, it is necessary to recognize that it is a natural reaction of the human body (it is a natural reaction of the body that the body temperature rises due to a cold etc. It can be said that the body is emitting a red light and it is trying to cure it. Yes, it's not just a matter of whether it's good for you to lower it with an antipyretic). Of course, as you get older, your blood pressure tends to rise (the body doesn't have a pointless fever or blood pressure). Therefore, it is necessary to compare the value of taking medicine with what kind of risk increases due to high blood pressure.

"Value" does not have an economic meaning. But in a society where the monetary economy is all over, every decision takes on the aspect of economic value. )

I think there is still more to be drawn from this book. Now, the new coronavirus is covering the hearts of the media and individuals.

"It is impossible to eliminate the risk of pandemic flu by any method. Zero risk is an unrealistic goal that should not be sought, and if you do, you will lose too much.
So it's a good idea to wear a mask properly to avoid the risk of flu. However, I feel desperate because I can't buy the mask because it's bought up, or I'm seen with white eyes or denounced because I don't wear the mask. This is rather negative in light of the original purpose. It will be a state of overturning, with many faces. I used to wear a mask for my health, but I'm likely to become unhealthy under such stress. (P.202)

It's not the story of Corona now. This is a book 11 years ago. Perhaps the author's ideas haven't changed since then, but I think it's worth buying a new edition just to read the Preface.



インフルエンザは実在しない。生活習慣病も,がんも実在しない……。そもそも「病気」とは何か? それが「実在しない」と考えることで,どのような新たな地平が開けるのか? 構造構成主義の立場から,感染症臨床の第一人者があらゆる「病気」の診断・治療の実態を明らかにしながら「,病気」という現象を読み解く。

1 感染症は実在するか

2 病院の検査は完璧か

3 感染症という現象

4 なぜ治療するのか
治療が認識に混乱を与える/効くか効かないかではなく「どのくらい」効くか/サンタというキーワード/ではタミフルは「どのくらい」効くか/常に反対側も考える/異常行動の副作用(?)は本質的な問題ではない/薬に副作用があるのはあたりまえ/インフルエンザとどう対峙するか/Use it and lose it/倫理的問題の対立は原理的に解けない/こととしてのインフルエンザに立ち返る

5 新型インフルエンザも実在しない

6 他の感染症も実在しない

7 メタボ、がん……感染症じゃない病気も実在しない

8 関心相関的に考える

9 科学的に、本当に科学的に考えてみる

10 医者は総じて恣意的な存在

11 価値交換としての医療の価値

12 病気という現象を見据えて、しなやかに生きていくために

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4762826962 ]




  1. […] 2020.12.18 “副作用”と”副反応”:新型コロナウィルスワクチン の補論です。 岩田さんが言うように、大規模比較試験はそれ自体では意味がありません。大規模に試験をしないと有効性の差が出ないということですから。「二人に一人が感染しない」ことが公表されても、接種する人としない人に分かれると思います。95%に有効?ファイザーによると44,000人で試験して、ワクチンで感染しなかった(と思われる!)人は162人ですよ。162÷44000=0.003681818181818・・・。有効率は0.37%じゃないのかな。 GoToトラベルが停止になるそうです。(12月28日〜1月11日) TVでは(フジTVも含めて)「今まで、政府は何やってたんだ」という風潮です。なぜ「11月28日」からなんでしょう。でも、「明日から(今日から)」と言ったら、「不可能です」とか「現場が混乱する」とか批判されるんでしょうね。 「11月28日」という「日付(暦)」は人間が名付けたことですから、ウィルスには関係のないことです。(「ウイルスはカレンダーを持っていない」小池知事12/17) Gotoトラベル事業は「する」か「しない」かしかありません。もっと言えば「旅行に行く」というのは「行く」か「行かない」かしかありません。「少しだけ行く」とか「20%だけ行く」というのはありません(「プチ旅行」というのはあるかも知れませんが(^_^;)、「プチ旅行」だって「行く」か「行かない」かしかありません)。でも、私が新型コロナウィルスに感染するかどうかはわかりません。それは決めることができません。感染も「する」か「しない」かでしょうか。そうかもしれませんが、それを自分で決めることはできません。0.?%の人が感染している(その数字も怪しいですが)ということしかわからないのです。GoToが感染拡大に影響している、していないという話もよくわかりません。旅行に行ったから感染したかも知れないし、行かなくても(行く前から)感染したかも知れません。少なくともGoToで旅行した人の大部分が感染していない、というのは事実です。 そもそも、「新型コロナウィルス」は病気ではないですよね。可怪しいですか。「新型コロナウィルス病」という言葉を聞いたことがありません。もし、そういう病名が有ったとしても「発熱」とか「呼吸不全」とかの「病状」の総称ですよね。最近、「症候群(syndrome)」という言葉をよく聞きます。昔は聞いたことがありませんでした。ギリシャ語の”συνδρομή “から来ていて「同時に起こること」ぐらいの意味です。いろいろな病状が同時に起こって、一緒に進行するという意味です。「病」ではなくて、「新型コロナウィルス症候群」と言われるようになるのでしょうかね。個々の病状は、インフルエンザでも結核でも、風邪でも起こると思います。それらは、病気を排除しようとする体の自然な反応です。そのような反応がないことのほうがずっと怖いような気がします(笑)。 で、その反応が自分自身を破壊してしまう時に、その反応を抑えるのが「治療」ですね。「発熱しちゃいけない」と思うのは、発熱が苦しい、というより「熱が出たら、仕事ができない」とか「学校に行けない」ということなんじゃないかと思います。長い目で見れば、風邪を引けばその分免疫(抗体)ができるので、次に風邪を引かないことに繋がります。人も動物もそうやって成長して「明日」に備えているとも言えます。ワクチンというのはそれを人工的に作るということです。ワクチンを打っても、結果的に死亡率が変わらないというのはワクチンというのは「そういう物」なのです。それを数字で表すこともできます。例えば、一般のインフルエンザワクチンでは、計算すると「5日で治る(回復する)」のが「4日で治る」と言われています。あくまでも計算で導き出した数字です。長引いて死ぬ人もいますし、「かからない」人もいる(かも知れない)のです。少なくとも、私がインフルエンザにかかったら「4日で治る」ということではありません。そもそも、インフルエンザにかかる人の割合はとても少ない(「大流行」と言われても)ので、「5日」「4日」というのはあまり意味がないと思います。 「新型コロナウィルス」にかかるかどうかはかかってしまえば「1」、かからなければ「0」ですが、かかる可能性は「0」でも「1」でもありません。Goto事業をやるかどうかは「0」か「1」です。でも止めたから日本からコロナウィルスがいなくなると思う人はいないでしょう。確率は「0.1」から「0.01」になるかも知れませんが、それは分かりません。「エビデンスがない」と批判する人に適当な数字を突きつけて聞きたいです。「0.01%が良くて、0.1%が悪いと思いますか、それはどうしてですか」。絶対に「0」になることはないのです。天然痘は絶滅したと言われていますが、時々「天然痘患者が見つかった」という情報が流れます。可能性はゼロではありません。研究所に「天然痘ウィルス」が保存されているという事実もあります。 「0.01%が良くて、0.1%が悪い」というのは価値判断です。「12月28日〜1月11日」というのも恣意的なものです。その判断には「科学的エビデンス」などというものはありません。科学は「善悪」を判断するものではありません。価値判断に影響を与えることはあります。むしろ、影響を与えるためにされる記述がほとんどなのではないでしょうか。「意図」のない「行為」(「行動」ではありません)はありませんから。 ⟨impressions⟩ “Side effects” and “side reactions”: A supplement to the new coronavirus vaccine. As Mr. Iwata says , large-scale controlled trials are meaningless in their own right. This means that there is no difference in effectiveness unless it is tested on a large scale. Even if it is announced that “one in two people will not be infected”, I think there will be some who will be vaccinated and some who will not. Effective for 95%? According to Pfizer Tested in 44,000 people and not infected with vaccine (I think!) There are 162 people. 162 ÷ 44000 = 0.003681818181818 ・ ・ ・. I think the effective rate is 0.37%. GoTo Travel will be stopped. (December 28-January 11) On TV (including Fuji TV), the trend is “what has the government been doing so far?” Why is it from “November 28th”? However, if you say “from tomorrow (from today)”, you will be criticized as “impossible” or “the site will be confused”. The “date (calendar)” of “November 28” is named by humans, so it has nothing to do with viruses. (“The virus does not have a calendar” Governor Koike 12/17) The Goto Travel business has no choice but to “do” or “do not”. In other words, “going on a trip” can only be “going” or “not going”. There is no such thing as “going a little” or “going only 20%” (there may be “petit trips” (^ _ ^;), but even “petit trips” “go” or “do not go” There is only one). But I don’t know if I will get the new coronavirus. It cannot be decided. Will the infection “do” or “do not”? That may be the case, but you can’t decide for yourself. We only know that 0.?% Of people are infected (although that number is suspicious). I’m not sure if GoTo is affecting or not spreading the infection. You may have been infected because you went on a trip, or you may have been infected without going (before you went). It’s true that at least most people who travel on GoTo are uninfected. In the first place, “new coronavirus” is not a disease. Are you suspicious? I have never heard the word “new coronavirus disease”. Even if there is such a disease name, it is a general term for “fever” and “respiratory failure”. Recently, I often hear the word “syndrome”. I had never heard of it before. It comes from the Greek word “συνδρομή” and means “to happen at the same time”. It means that various medical conditions occur at the same time and progress together. I wonder if it will be called “new coronavirus syndrome” instead of “disease”. I think individual medical conditions can occur with the flu, tuberculosis, and colds. They are the body’s natural reaction to trying to eliminate the disease. I feel that it’s much scarier to have no such reaction (laughs). So, when the reaction destroys itself, it is “treatment” to suppress the reaction. I think that “you shouldn’t have a fever” is not so much a fever as it is “if you have a fever, you can’t work” or “you can’t go to school”. In the long run, if you catch a cold, you will be immunized (antibodies), which will lead to not catching a cold next time. It can be said that both humans and animals grow up in this way and prepare for “tomorrow.” Vaccine means making it artificially. The fact that the mortality rate does not change as a result of vaccination is “that kind of thing”. You can also represent it numerically. For example, with a general influenza vaccine, “cures (recovers) in 5 days” is “cured in 4 days” when calculated. […]