不条理日記 完全版 吾妻ひでお著 2019/0926 復刊ドットコム

不条理日記 完全版 吾妻ひでお著 2019/0926 復刊ドットコム








I've read several "Irregular Diaries" (^ _ ^;), so I wasn't sure where the "complete version" was (^ _ ^;).

So, I felt again that "Hideo Azuma was a genius." I want you to remain in history as well as Kafka and Clark. The spectacular end (probably) will be handed down with Fujio Akatsuka (probably).

I read it all at once, laughing and grinning. Most of them are parody works, but even if you don't know the original (actually, I hardly know), you will laugh. The dressing room material is also good. I also like places that are painful and confusing.

A writer who reflected the times and created the times. Many of them are officially recognized (?) Thanks to him, such as lolicon and fetish. He is a writer loved and supported by fans. The fans not only bought the work, but physically supported him. That's the strategy that idols are doing today.

I wonder if some publisher will plan a complete collection (at least a collection of books). I buy it from time to time, but there are many things I can't get. (Comiket's work. There seems to be a work drawn on stone (^ _ ^;).) Many of the authors have redrawn when serialized, when recording a book, and when reselling or reprinting. As a collector, I like everything.

In writing my impressions this time, I thought about what "absurdity" is. When and where did the word "absurdity" come from in the first place? In English, it is "absurdity". There is also a translation of "il logically". But with this, the difference from "irrational" is not clear. Of course, there are some similarities to absurdity, but I feel that absurdity goes beyond "logical" aspects to "ethical," "insane," and "anti-natural / supernatural." To do.

While "irrational" is "letter", "absurdity" seems to touch letters or primitive powers beyond human intelligence beyond language. I feel that there is something like a cycle in which things that are separated from nature by letters return to nature through literature and paintings, or that keep in touch with nature. Therefore, I think this work will be accepted all over the world beyond the boundaries of language. I hope it will be translated into each language. For both Hiroko and Chika. (Laughs) (I first learned that I have a son.)

吾妻ひでおの代表作として名高い「不条理日記」。『定本 不条理日記』刊行後に執筆された作品も含めて、初めてコンプリート収録した「完全版」として刊行!

1978年『別冊奇想天外SFマンガ大全集part2』に発表された「不条理日記 立志篇」は、吾妻ひでおの日記がSF小説のパロディになっているユニークな作品でした。吾妻ひでおの挑戦状に、SFファン、SFマニア、SF読者が取り込まれ、元ネタの探求が行われました。

1. 2006年に描かれた続編を含む「不条理日記」をコンプリート収録! 「著者解題」付。
2. 『吾妻ひでお大全集』に掲載された、「愛の コスモ・アミタイツ・ゾーン」(共作:萩尾望都)を単行本初収録するなど、レアなSF掌編を多数併録!
3. 吾妻ひでおの代表的なSF連作「狂乱星雲記」と「どーでもいんなーすぺーす」を収録。
4. 日記、自伝的作品を特集。「なさけない日々」や「ひでお日記」も収録。

不条理日記 完全版 吾妻ひでお著 2019/0926 復刊ドットコム [拡大]

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4835456959 ]

