いま自然をどうみるか 高木仁三郎著 1998/05/20(増補新版、初版1985/11/05) 白水社

いま自然をどうみるか 高木仁三郎著 1998/05/20(増補新版、初版1985/11/05) 白水社






第一部 人は自然をどうみてきたか


第一章 ゼウスとプロメテウス



第二章 ロゴスとなった自然


第三章 機械としての自然





第四章 宇宙は解けたか


1 数学的宇宙









2 宇宙と人間






第二部 いま自然をどうみるか


第五章 エコロジー的地球像


1 宇宙船「地球号」モデル





2 開放定常系のモデル



3 ガイアのモデル




4 生物と文化




第六章 民衆の自然


1 先住の世界から






2 近代を越える精神

「水俣病」という言葉を久しぶりに聞いた気がします(^_^;)。現在(Sat Feb 06 2021 00:05:51 (JST))もまだ続いているんですね。『水俣病被害者の救済及び水俣病問題の解決に関する特別措置法』読みました。法律はよく分かりません(=_=)。全体が『チッソ』のために作られたという印象がありますが、第八条の指定をチッソが受けたというのが分かりません。第2項「当該関係事業者がその財産をもって債務を完済することができないこと。」って、何なんでしょう。チッソ(JNCでもいいけど)が債務を完済するだけの財産を持っていないということ?それで国からお金をもらう?わかりません(指定を受けるために事業譲渡をしたことは間違いありませんが)。






第七章 自然と労働


1 自由の国・必然の国






2 労働と生活








終章 自然に生きる





カートミル『人はなぜ殺すか―狩猟仮説と動物観の文明史』Four legs good, two legs badはジョージョ・オーウェル『動物農園』ですね。









増補 そしていま、自然をどうみるか

1 激動の時代の中で





2 根源的転換に向けて








Do you know the "Moonshot R & D System" that the Cabinet Office is promoting (I didn't know)? "A new system that aims to create destructive innovation originating in Japan and promotes challenging research and development (moonshot) based on bolder ideas that is not an extension of conventional technology." "Moonshot" means "Moon rocket launch". To date, we have set seven goals.

1. By 2050, realize a society in which people are free from the constraints of body, brain, space, and time
2. Realize a society that can predict and prevent diseases very early by 2050
3. By 2050, we will realize a robot that learns and acts by itself and coexists with people through co-evolution of AI and robots.
4. Realize sustainable resource recycling for global environmental restoration by 2050
5. By 2050, create a sustainable food supply industry on a global scale without waste by making full use of unused biological functions, etc.
6. Realize an error-tolerant general-purpose quantum computer that will dramatically develop economy, industry, and security by 2050.
7. By 2040, realize a sustainable medical / long-term care system to prevent and overcome major illnesses and enjoy life without health concerns until the age of 100.

For more information, please see Cabinet Office Homepage . What do you think? There are various things that seem to be feasible, things that are not, and things that are scary if they are realized, but I would like you to read this book before making a decision.

It's a very old book, but it's great. I once again thought that Mr. Takagi was an amazing person.

I have already said the conclusion in the introduction. Some people may read only here and not buy it. But even if you read all of them, you won't understand. Ecology is the idea of ​​"following the big framework of nature's activities as a principle above reason, which was the highest principle for human beings" (P.22).

Part 1 How did people see nature

The first half of this book is the Western "view of nature". It may be called "history of thought of science". As the author says, if you're not interested, just go to Part 2.

Chapter 1 Zeus and Prometheus

It is a view of nature depicted in Greek mythology. It starts with Plato's "Protagoras", but it covers Hesiod's "Theogony" and "Works and Days" before that. "The principle of the order of the universe = human beings in the whole of nature is inherited from the myth, that is, the natural experience of ancient people, while" justice "(labor suitable for nature) based on human consciousness and social development. I tried to extract the principle of the above from the negative reality of his own society, and to see the change of reality on the other side of the unification of the two. (P.56-57) It was around the 8th century BC.

It is said that Plato was there "because there are books left", but it seems that the extant works are from the 9th to 10th centuries. At that time, it was written on papyrus, so it does not remain. Certainly, when I was Plato, I didn't write vowels, so the reader added vowels when reading. Therefore, the interpretation may differ depending on the reader. Since the books that remain today have been copied many times, the pronunciation may differ from time to time, and there may be interpretations and additions of the person who copied them. "Protagoras" is a "teacher who takes money and teaches", but I can't say whether the monetary economy was so pervasive at that time. The work of Socrates has not been transmitted. However, it is probably because it appears in the existing old books. There is no way to confirm its authenticity, but I think there are many that can be read from the remaining literature.

Chapter 2 Nature that became logos

A view of nature from Ionian physics (such as Thales) in the 7th-6th centuries BC to Aristotle. Nature is freed from the mythical world and becomes independent. And by Aristoteles, "the universe is incorporated into the Logos system."

Chapter 3 Nature as a machine

"The Copernican Revolution of the universe overcame anthropocentrism and relativized the human point of view into the wider universe. This relativization is the process of liberation that allows humans to meet wider and richer nature. However, as this transformation gradually became established as a modern science, human beings became aware of themselves as being beyond nature, and became the object of use and operation just like nature. As you can see, "nature as a machine" has permeated. (P.88) Copernicus "Rotation of the Sky" 1543, Giordano Bruno "Infinity, About the Universe and the Worlds" 1584, Newton "Principia" 1687.

"For example, we could bring up the heliocentric theory about the setting of the sun and answer from the rotation of the earth. However, that is not actually the answer of ." (P.111) "We answer. What we are doing is actually just the answer to the question "how". "(P.112)" Separation of "why" and "how", shelving of "why", this is the requirement for the establishment of modern science. ". (Same as above) became a matter of philosophy and theology. Don't ask why there is universal gravitation and why 2 + 2 is 4. It's a joke, it's childish, it's not science.

"In the name of the universality of the law, it was equivalent to the self-assertion of the universality of human reason. Nature as it should be drawn by reason, or scientific reason behaves as such. An expression of the position that it should be ”(P.115).

The point that the author pays attention to is the emergence of "professional scientists". "Dualization of personality between scientists and consumers" (P.120). "When the transition to modern times took place, it did not happen that the view of nature was overwhelmed with the scientific view of nature, but the dualization of the scientific view of nature and the non-scientific view of nature. (Same as above) The dualization of human beings, men and women, happened long before that. Separation of "labor as production" and "labor as care" (" Brusit Job ]).

Chapter 4 Did the Universe Solve?

Modern physics seemed to have achieved great success in trying to unravel the universe by mathematical order. But it is only a further abstraction of the modern mechanistic and anthropocentric view of the universe. It is not possible to find a place for humans and living things to live independently in the universe, and nature is dead there. (P.124)

1 Mathematical universe

Mathematical Nature

Mathematics from above

Absolutism of relativity
"To" relativize "movement means to get rid of such apparent diversity and seek out invariance (universality). "Einstein's thought is a determined absolutism, an assertion of the uniqueness of truth." (P.129)

Physical meaning comes later

Cosmological principle
"Instead of being self-righteous like being in the center of the universe, we are not a frog in the well. Isn't this really rationalistic egocentrism?" (P.133) )

Complete Cosmological Principle
"Not only is it not in a special position in space, but it is not in a special position in time" (P.134).
Human physical existence (body) is infinitely relativized, but human reason itself is absolute. This is where a new anthropocentricity begins. (P.135)

Big Bang Cosmology

Unification of power

2 Space and humans

Universe and God

Can the Big Bang theory explain "our present"?
You can go from concrete to abstract (individual to general), but not the other way around.
"Despite this apparent development of science, it is the basis of the fact that by being unpleasant, we are being pushed out and increased tension rather than blending into the surrounding nature. This seems to be the reason. In other words, there is no place for our comfort in the view of the universe and nature that is developing here. "(P.143)

New Science

Criticism of New Science
It is a criticism of new science such as "Tao's Natural Sciences" that I once thought was funny.

Change of view of nature
"I would like to raise a problem as a liberation of human beings to a wide world where one human being living here now starts from the irreplaceable life and life of one human being, and yet it does not close to selfishness. "(P.149)

Ichar Shock
Author's experience

Childish attitude?
I thought the author was a Marxist. Because I am translating the "Summary of Criticism of Economics". Was it because he was innovative and fluent in German?

I think Marx had a tendency to be production supremacy or production (various) power supremacy. However, in the texts quoted here, drafts after the theory of capital, and excerpted notes, I think you can see the effort to "aim for a free country without going through the inevitable country." [3] I think the "letter to Zasulich" is the answer in the process.

Labor as usefulness

Fight against nature

2 Labor and life

Meaning of labor
"Labor can also be creatively resuscitated by being relativized into the whole activity of nature from the idea of ​​one-sided expression of human subjectivity" (P.228).

Modern labor
"Quality control (QC) is nothing more than prohibiting labor from doing anything secretly and keeping humans within certain standard standards. It is human robotization and its destination. Is the exclusion of humans by robots. ”(P.229)
"That is, today's labor has even been deprived of the meaning of modernist labor, which we criticized as" labor as human subjectivity. " (P.230)

About working hours
"Now we will have to change the way we think about working hours and their leisure time." (P.231) In the Corona disaster, in a sense, all hours are working hours.

Life and Nature
"Even in today's big cities, we think we can connect with nature and change our lives, not through leisure. I think it's possible in two ways. One is ourselves. It is to obediently follow nature as a natural creature. This "naturalism" will allow us to regain so many things (humanity, creativity, vitality, so much pleasure). (P.134)

Living Society
"The second aspect is that society as a whole is positioned in the living cycle of the ecosystem as described in Chapter 5." "Adapting society into nature as a whole." You should think about it. "(P.235)
When (life) "can be felt as a cycle in nature" and "the flow of life in nature is established at the social level (see Chapter 5), we certainly live and breathe in nature. You can feel that you are active. ”(P.236)
"Whether'natural ethics' can be an open principle rather than a binding one, it will be a matter of cultural level on the part of human beings. (P.237) No matter how hard you try, you cannot exceed the logic (law) of nature. The fact that morality and ethics become the way of life itself will have another side if Confucian and Christian teachings can be thought of as originating from naturalism. It may be possible to recapture ancient Greek philosophy from a naturalistic perspective rather than from a modern way of thinking.
"I don't want to hurt" and "it's natural to hurt" are the same thing. It's a flexible (flexible, organic) way of thinking.

Labor as human subjectivity
"We thought that we would reach a living society only by relativizing" human subjectivity "in a human-centered sense and respecting the mutual subjectivity of nature and human beings. In the same sense, when the idea of ​​"labor as human subjectivity" is abandoned, labor becomes alive by nature and gains a new meaning. It may be said that labor as an independence in a new sense begins. (LF) The subjectivity that we have given a new meaning is that of human beings in the horizon, where they once relativized human beings into the whole of nature, which allowed them to interact with nature rather freely. Independence. In cases where self-management of workers' production is realized, when workers try to make products that are socially sound and have the willingness to produce themselves, they must be environmentally sound. The intention to do works. To put it the other way around, workers may not be able to demonstrate their true independence as working, other than in that way. (P.238)

A new meaning of independence. This is a new meaning of "subject" (self, subjectivity).

Final chapter: Living naturally

"Based on the manifestation of our own inner naturalness, we are moving toward" naturalism, "which connects with the outer nature. It also overlaps with living naturally. But this naturalism can only be achieved at a personal, raw level. A social movement that relies on nature is oriented. (P.242)

Inner nature
"According to human nature as a natural creature, it would be" naturally ". (P.234)
Konrad Lorenz " Dismantling of humanity " Lorenz a little I have to read it. " Attack-Evil Nature Magazine " Ritualized Attack ..

Kim Chi-ha episode

Freedom from prejudice
"The idea of ​​discrimination is a proof that the discriminator has not been released. It is the discriminator who should be released in the inner sense." "Basically the same kind of thing is human and others. It is widespread as a prejudice among animals. ”(P.247)“ The lonely and sad expression of animals in the zoo cage is easy to read even if you are not an animal expert. "Unless we are free from such prejudice, we cannot expect ourselves to come into contact with nature freely." (P.248)

"The view is that humans are inherently struggling." "It is deeply linked to a male-centered human feeling." (P.248)
Cartmill " Why people kill-Hunting hypothesis and civilization history of animal views ”Four legs good, two legs bad is George Orwell's“ Animal Farm ”.

Feminism and view of nature
The view of human beings as human beings = men. There was a saying, "Girls and children don't need to read or write."

Anti-discrimination and naturalness
"It should be said that all discrimination was created against nature." "Ecologists' view of nature should value all diversity. The symbiosis of living things in the natural world is diversifying. It is by doing so that it works affluently and stably. Diversity, including minority ecologists and people with disabilities, should rather be seen as the natural and affluent way of society. "(P. 252)
"It is not the level of people (FF) dominance that the rights of persons with disabilities, minority groups, oppressed groups, and the bottom layer should be protected, but rather such existence can give new power to society. It is from the viewpoint of "(P.252-253).
"In reality, we are in a sea of ​​socially-generated discrimination and prejudice, so it goes without saying that liberation from prejudice like the one on the right cannot be achieved without conscious social effort. However, we would like to argue that the liberation is, in fact, in line with nature. ”(P.253)

"Nature and animals-a strange expression-makes us more perfect humans" (P.256)

Natural society

About exercise
"It is a truly natural movement in the sense that many people can behave in a diverse and natural way, exchange their opinions, and create a flow to a favorable society in which the diversity naturally exists. I think it is required. ”(P.258)

"How we see nature, it's not a matter of nature that should be seen after all, it's a matter of us, and if so, the question is, after all, how we live and exercise. "The reason why we have a problem about how we see nature is that nature is divided into two, one inside and one outside." This is because it starts from situational awareness. When this " two natures " is aufheben , it is a abstraction away from the self. The target will be eliminated. (P.260, emphasized quoter)

Nature is divided into nature and human beings (society) as objects, human beings (society) are divided into individuals, and individuals are divided into "mind (spirit, subject)" and "body (body, object / object for spirit)". I will.

I don't understand how to stop these, even if I was told "Let's live naturally". I don't understand my nature. I feel like it's broken. I thought that I had no instinct (social), but I wonder if living with instinct = living naturally. I'm a little scared. I'd like to ask Mr. Takagi, but he's gone. Ironically, his book can be read even after he died.

Augmentation And how do you see nature now?

1 In a turbulent era

Twelve years have passed

Chernobyl nuclear accident

Information disclosure

Global environmental problems
"Most of the products such as" earth-friendly "," nature-friendly ", and even" ecology "are commercialized" (P.267).

2 Toward a fundamental shift

About "Global Environment"


The first of the three is the symbiosis of life on this earth, which I call ecological symbiosis. The second is the symbiosis between contemporary, different (FF) regions, societies, cultures, and esmocity, so to speak, the symbiosis of people. The third is symbiosis with past and future generations, mainly with future generations. (P.272-273)

Regain the future

Science at a turning point

The supplement is short, but it's very full. Please read it.




(FF) 改ページ
(LF) 改行
アンダーライン 傍点

[1] 「昔は貧しかった」「今の人は恵まれているわねえ」などというのは幻想です。世の中に物(商品)が溢れていても、お金がなければ手に入れることはできません。むしろ物があふれればあふれるほど、相対的に人は貧しくなっていると思います。
「日々の豊かな暮らしという「冨」」(『100分de名著 カール・マルクス『資本論』』P.63)
[2] それどころか、「親との結びつき」も豊かなものではなくなっています。女性の社会進出そのものが悪いのではありません。保育所や施設が両親の代わりになりえるかどうかは考察の余地があると思います。まだ歩くこともままならないときから「文字」を教え、テレビやスマホ(タブレット、PC)に接している子どもたちが親になろうとしています。
[3] 私が持っているのは『資本論草稿集』だけですが。斎藤幸平さんの著書でいくつか触れられています。『100分de名著 カール・マルクス『資本論』』人新世の「資本論」
[4] 水俣病を撮影した写真家「ユージン・スミス」の戦いを描いた映画『ミナマタ』が今年公開されます。

いま自然をどうみるか 高木仁三郎著 1998/05/20(増補新版、初版1985/11/05) 白水社 [拡大]

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4560040621 ]




  1. […] 新人 専属決定 大自然の恵み透明感。育ちの良いハニカミお姉さんAVデビュー 櫻井まみ プレミアム [Blu-ray]プレミアム(PREMIUM) (2020-12-07)Amazon.co.jpで詳細を見る きれいな顔ですね。 素敵です。 北海道=大自然?まだ札幌の街中に熊が出没するイメージでしょうか。去年は全国でクマ出没のニュースが多かった気がしますが。 熊や鹿、イノシシなどの出没ニューズは地方のイメージを悪くしますよね。「襲われたら(荒らされたら)大変だ」というイメージが湧いてきます。でも、それは自然は「支配(コントロール)するもの」で、地方では「支配(コントロール)できていない」ということです。その感覚の起源は古代ギリシャまでさかのぼります。(『いま自然をどうみるか』) ⟨impressions⟩ She has a pretty face. She is nice Hokkaido = nature? Is it an image that bears still appear in the city of Sapporo? I think there was a lot of news about bears all over the country last year. Haunting news such as bears, deer, and wild boars make the image of the region worse. The image that "it will be difficult if it is attacked (or damaged)" comes up. However, it means that nature is "controlling" and that it is not "controlling" in rural areas. The origin of that sensation dates back to ancient Greece. ( "How do you see nature now?" ) [材質等] 櫻井まみ (さくらいまみ / Sakurai Mami) 生年月日 1996年07月30日 (24歳、現在24歳) しし座 サイズ T158 / B80(Bカップ) / W58 / H84 / S 血液型 出身地 北海道 所属事務所 JETSTREAM(元・VERGER) 趣味・特技 イラスト、カフェ巡り AV出演期間 2020年 – デビュー作品 新人 専属決定 大自然の恵み透明感。育ちの良いハニカミお姉さんAVデビュー(2020年12月 07日) ブログ http://twitter.com/sakuraimami_jet 公式サイト 都内で秘書として働く透明感バツグンお姉さん『櫻井まみ』さんがプレミアム専属デビュー!とっても真面目で礼儀正しいのにエッチな好奇心はたっぷり!初脱ぎでは恥じらいながらもセックスが始まると薄毛オマンコから初めての潮吹きをしちゃう敏感体質!男優のチンポでヘロヘロになってイキまくる!人生初の3Pと大量顔射も体験!清楚だけど気持ちイイことが好き、を両立するピュアお姉さんがAV女優になる瞬間はこの作品だけ! [拡大] [拡大] […]