零の発見 ー数学の生いたちー 吉田洋一 1939/11/27(1979/04/20) 岩波新書

  零の発見 ー数学の生いたちー 吉田洋一 1939/11/27(1979/04/20) 岩波新書













この本"Some Aspects of the Greek Genius"は、和辻哲郎・田中秀央の訳がありますが、旧字体のもののようです。読みたいですが・・・。






1 + 1 = 2

I saw "Proof of 1 + 1 = 2" in "Yobinori". It uses Peano's axioms (the specific content of the proof is omitted).
Therefore, I thought that "1" and "2" are symbols rather than numbers. Certainly, if you write it in kanji, it will be "Ichi" and "II". It's a symbol, isn't it? Therefore, it can be either "△" or "×".
For some reason, only 0 (zero) is defined ("0" is a natural number).
In fact, 0 is also a symbol. It can be "zero", "oh", or "maru". You can also use "★".
What is zero? I feel like "nothing". "There are zero cats in my house." Means "there are no cats in my house **", right?
Therefore, zero is "denial". What does it mean that zero "exists"?
By the way, there was a book I hadn't read because I wanted to read it. This is the book "Discovery of Zero".

Structure of this manual

The first half is "Discovery of Zero-Origin of Arabic Numbers-" and the second half is "Cut a Straight Line-Continuous Problem-".
It's not history of mathematics. It depicts the relationship between mathematics, culture, and society.


It starts with the story of the abacus, which is familiar to us and is gradually disappearing. In other words, it's a scale story. Abacus was also used in Europe. In the abacus, the place where the ball (pearl) is not moving is "0".

In decimal, 10 numbers can represent all natural numbers

"South Africa's Bushman numerals are limited to one and two, and then there is only the word" many "." (P.18) Since folklore and anthropology are changing, this knowledge is now available. I don't know if it is correct. Unnecessary knowledge is not transmitted, so the way the society should be will determine how to count.
How many have you actually counted? One sheep, two sheep, three sheep ... For example, I think many people have seen a wad of 100 million yen, but few actually counted it. I think very few people have 100 million yen. Who needs the numbers "100 million" and "1 trillion" for what? Think about the number you need (the number you can count) in your daily life. I think there aren't many "4 family members" or "5 ballpoint pens". Even if you have 5 (or 100) boll point pens, you can actually use only one at a time. Even if you think "no matter how many bodies you have," you actually have only one body.
The number we can feel (use) is by no means large. I have three 6T (tera) hard disks. 1 tera is 1,000,000,000,000, but since it is not a countable number, we have "3" "things" called "6 tera hard disks", and in reality we only use the numbers "6" and "3". It will be. [1] [2]
There is a ", (comma)" between the numbers, because in Europe and the United States, "thousands" are grouped together. Then, the "thousands" become a "unit" and the "thousands" are combined into the next mass. You cannot walk 100 million yen with a 1-yen coin. A 10,000-yen bill is a collection of 10,000. I was scoring every 4 digits in China and Japan.

Long division and paper

The decline of the abacus is due to the rise of long division (not the calculator), which requires a large amount of paper. Paper is an integral part of printing technology. The relationship with the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Age of Discovery, etc. is described. Mathematics does not develop (change) by itself, but various conditions influence it.
This is the great thing about this book, which describes mathematics from a historical and social perspective, rather than looking at it in the framework of mathematics.

Decimals and fractions

It's the second half. The story goes on, and it's about decimals and fractions. From the story of recurring decimals to the story of infinite series.
Just by changing the position of the parentheses of the infinite series, it becomes 0 or 1. "It is said that some mathematicians were happy to shed tears, saying that they could understand the news that was made from all things. (LF) From now on, it's just humorous. There is nothing else, but he was still serious, though there may be other stories like this, not just in mathematics, and in the olden days. It seems like I can't cut it. ”(P.71) The author's humor and irony, but he seems to be talking about me (laughs).


In the second half, we will move on to the discussion of rational numbers and irrational numbers. And to the story of "Zeno of Elea".
"By the way, the monetary system started as a result of the colonial development of the Greeks and the large-scale commercial transactions between cities on the Mediterranean coast, and this system also made Ionia. It gradually spread to the mainland of Greece. ”(P.94) It's a little subtle. But there is no doubt that the monetary system started with commercial transactions.
"From the Greek point of view, letters were merely a tool of record, and were thought to have no power like" spoken words "as a means of communicating thoughts and knowledge. That is, "written words are merely images of living and living words, merely shadow masters", and the lively and true knowledge answers questions, refutes, and corrects misunderstandings (FF). It is said that this can only be conveyed by a method of discourse with spoken words, such as to prevent omissions. (LF) When considering the superiority and inferiority of school education and distance learning ... ”(P.95-96)
This theory becomes clear when considering the difference between Socrates and Plato. Socrates just stuck to the question and answer (dialogue). But Plato was a character enthusiast. ("Socrates's defense")
Plato may have had the opposite idea rather than being different from Socrates. Is it "Great Mind Plato" or "Weirdo or Transformer Plato"?
Here, the author takes up "Aspects of Greek Genius" ("Aspects of Rare Genius", later "Aspects of Greek Spirit") by S. Ech Butcher (1850-1910).
This book "Some Aspects of the Greek Genius" has a translation by Tetsuro Watsuji and Hidenaka Tanaka, but it seems to be in the old font. I want to read ...
It seems to be full of interesting things such as ideographic characters (ideographic characters) and phonetic characters, the divergence between characters and art, and the attitude of a rare spirit toward the law.
"The Greeks thought that mathematicians-for example, theorems in Euclidean geometry-already existed before mathematicians discovered them, whereas in modern times It can be said that the mathematical facts, as Poancare said, are believed to be "mathematicians-sometimes the whims of mathematicians create this." (P.105) This is a transformation of the view of nature itself. ("How do you see nature now?")
The story of the Pythagorean cult. Socrates "contrary to the Sophist, he sought to establish an objective concept of good. It is said that Socrates himself was not interested in mathematics itself, but Socrates gives a definition to the concept-that is, The advocacy of what each concept is, its essence, and its content-has had a great influence on the subsequent methods of mathematics. "(P.145)
It seems that I understood the mathematical explanation after this, and I did not understand (^ _ ^;).

Discovery of Zero

Regarding the discovery of Zero, it only states objective matters. I think that such a statement is also preferable.
"There is zero." The existence of nothing means that "there is nothing that does not exist" and "there is nothing that does not exist". There seems to be room to think (although it seems confusing) before taking it for granted.
It seems that the ancient Greeks thought that "nature hates vacuum". It is passed on to Christianity through Hellenistic period. [3]
The idea that "there is nothing" and "everything is present" gives rise to the ideas of "acknowledge what should not be" and "make what should not be without". Either way, it's cramped that there is only "yes" or "affirmation" in the world.
I think it is important to recognize different forms and different societies. I do not think that "there is something that is not there", but that "there is nothing that is not there" and "denial is not the denial of existence, but denial is the way it is."

Finish reading

This book was written in 1939. It's more than 80 years ago. History (archeology) seems to have changed with various discoveries since then. However, I think the ideas and methodologies that this book adheres to are still important. It is a famous book.


[1] 私は、PCマニア的なところがあるので、そういうハードディスクをもっていますが、1台「数百万円~数千万円」の車を「数十台」もっていていても、実際に乗れるのは1台だけです。
[2] 1テラコンピュータ用語で実際には十進数で1,099,511,627,776です。
[3] 「エーテル」の存在も必然的に導き出されます。それが否定された後、また現代物理学で形を変えて復活したのはおもしろいです。
[4] 『ゼノンの逆理』はよくわかりません。連続・非連続の話というより、『運動』の話だと思っています。つまり二律背反原則の否定です。「そこにあって、そこにない」、「AでありかつAではない」ということです。これが、「連続の定義」でとらえることができたら素晴らしいのですが。

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4004000136 ]