世にも美しい数学入門  藤原正彦、小川洋子著 2005/04/10 ちくまプリマー新書

世にも美しい数学入門  藤原正彦、小川洋子著 2005/04/10 ちくまプリマー新書

藤原 でも、小説とか詩とか読みますと、感激することがありますね。それは人類のために役立っちゃってるんですよ。残念ながら。(LF)
小川 あ、役立っていますか。それはいけませんね(笑)。(LF)
藤原 なぜかっていうとね、人間というのは感動したい動物なんですね。」(P.22)
藤原 恥ずかしいことなんです(笑)。役立つというと格下げになっちゃうんです。だから、ケンブリッジ大学でも、つい近年までは工学部というものはなかったんですよ。すぐに役に立っちゃくから。そういうものは学問とは見なさないんですね。(LF)
小川 あ、学問の定義がもうすでにそうなてるんですね。(LF)
藤原 そう、役に立たないものなんです。だから、数学とか哲学とか文学が一番偉いんですね。」(P.23)


それは、 今の社会を生きる上で必要な「合理的思考」です。「論理的思考」ともいえます。




たしかに美しい数式はあります。私も憧れました。「フェルマー予想」なんてとても美しいです。『博士の愛した数式』に出てくる【eの i π乗=−1】は、まるで異次元の世界ですよね。多分二人の著者は「神の領域」と感じているのではないでしょうか。[5]







" Fujiwara But when you read a novel or poetry, you may be impressed. It's useful for humankind. Unfortunately. (LF)
Ogawa Oh, is it useful? You can't do that (laughs). (LF)
Fujiwara The reason is that humans are animals that you want to impress. (P.22)
" Fujiwara It's embarrassing (laughs). If it's useful, it's downgraded. So, even at Cambridge University, there wasn't a faculty of engineering until recently. It's going to be useful soon. Things are not considered academics (LF)
Ogawa Oh, the definition of academics is already that way. (LF)
Fujiwara Yes, it's useless. That's why mathematics, philosophy, and literature are the greatest. (P.23)
how is it. Is it funny. Mr. Fujiwara is careful about Mr. Ogawa, and Mr. Ogawa is also careful. That's why it became such a story.
"The Professor's Beloved Formula", I love movies.
Judging from the contents of the novel and this book, Mr. Ogawa seems to have a great deal of knowledge of mathematics.

Primer Shinsho

Because it's a new Primer book. It may not be too difficult. But there is something important because you are young.
It is the "rational thinking" necessary to live in today's society. It can also be called "logical thinking."
And that's what I'm most concerned about. I want you to overcome it eventually. [1]
However, if you don't wear it properly, you will become a person who is only controlled by people. If you don't wear it at all, that's the best. It's harder to control. Halfway is the worst. You can see that the worst thing about "pretending to understand" is by looking at SNS.
In that sense, "introductory books" and "how-to books" are the worst. (Lol)


What is useful? For example, the technology to build a house. It's useful, isn't it? Technology for planting and growing vegetables. I think this is also useful.
smartphone. It's useful, or indispensable. But it wasn't until recently. What about TV? This may disappear as a TV broadcast. More than half a century has passed since the beginning of television broadcasting. My kid grew up on TV, but now he says he doesn't need TV. You can do it online.
How about a book? Many people may think, "I don't want to see a book." It's a sequela of school education (laughs). [2]
But I think TV and smartphones are okay. Telephones, televisions, movies, smartphones, etc. are the product of character culture. I won't write in detail, but you can imagine that there is no such medium where there is no character culture.
It's easy to think of "useful" without "who", but that's important.
For whom was the Western university that Japan referred to? Not to mention that it was not for slaves, women were banned (excluded) from admission until modern times.
Even if there is a scholarship system, it is not just "excellent grades" that you can receive. The judging side can decide arbitrarily. [3]
The "judgment side" is someone who has both money and status. They will give scholarships because they will be in that class in the future. (Basically, the exception is a necessary evil.)
Philosophy, mathematics, and literature are the status symbols of "these people" (not "was"). It is the "leisure class" in the old days. People who can live without working. [4]
Therefore, engineering that is directly related to "working" is "downgraded".


The standard of "beauty" is the same.
As the title suggests, "the beauty of mathematics" is written in this book, but I don't think it is the beauty of "workers."
Certainly there are beautiful formulas. I also longed for it. "Fermat's Expectation" is very beautiful. The [ e i π power = -1 ] that appears in "Dr.'s beloved mathematical formula" is like a world of a different dimension. Perhaps the two authors feel that they are "the realm of God." [5]
In this book as well, "God's notebook" appears.
Certainly, the idea comes "down from heaven." "Creators" and "researchers" are waiting for that time and making inevitable efforts. People who try to "create" or "discover" something will understand that feeling. [6]
However, it is very difficult to convey it to others. Rather than "humans want to be impressed," they want to "understand, and convey that to others."
Words and pictures have that power. But it is not "proven" like mathematics and science. [7]

What is mathematics

This book is not an "introduction to mathematics". I'm just writing a part of the "world of mathematics".
Not only natural numbers, but also real numbers and even imaginary numbers come out, but in that order, we move away from "nature". As the name implies, an imaginary number is an "imaginary number," that is, an imaginary number.
Most of what is written about "beauty" is a natural number. Both prime numbers and Fermat's conjecture are natural numbers.
A natural number is a number (or "symbol") that satisfies the "Peano axioms". "Prime numbers" are also human-defined.
He decides for himself and says he doesn't know. It's in many places, isn't it?
"You can use it even if you don't understand it." I think that is also the case. However, that does not mean that it doesn't matter.
For example, in the old days, even if you couldn't explain in words "why you can catch a fish", how to catch it and its result, for example, what kind of day, when and where the fish is, to catch next year, this year I knew how much I should catch. [8]
However, these days, "using science and technology" is uprooted. And the next year you won't be caught. In other words, you don't know the consequences of the act. The most terrifying thing is "I'm going to know". [9]
Sometimes it is important that you don't know the prime number. That is why it is used for encryption. [10]
Mathematics is useful, isn't it? It shouldn't be useful (laughs).

Not recommended

There are many interesting stories as mathematical stories. It's a lot of fun as an "introduction to mathematicians" rather than an introduction to mathematics.
Although it is for beginners, the content is full of contradictions. If Mr. Fujiwara, a mathematics expert, would publish it as a book, and if he wrote it as a mathematician, I think he should have focused on the story of a mathematician without writing anything extra. I think "Glory and Frustration of Genius" is surely interesting. I would like to read "National Dignity" if it is a story that "the result of logical thinking becomes the denial of logic".
In that respect, Mr. Ogawa is a novelist, so there is no need to explain why this is the case. The novel itself is not an explanation or proof. (There is also a genre called detective novels. It's a mathematical sense.)
It seems to be a book that is the fate of the dialogue, both advantages and disadvantages.





[1] 「乗り越える」というのは「否定する」ことではありません。
[2] 最古の文明、シュメルにも学校がありました。(『シュメル ー人類最古の文明』)プラトンの「アカデミア」は有名です。日本でも寺子屋というのがありましたね。そこでやっていたことは「読み書きそろばん」です。
[3] 返済義務のない奨学金の話です。返済義務がある奨学金は学生ローンの一種です。
[4] スポーツ奨学金などはローマのコロッセウムを連想させます。また、スポーツ選手の多くがどこかの会社に所属していることが多いのは皆さんも御存知でしょう。芸術にもパトロンという制度があります。
[5] ガリレオ・ガリレイは、「宇宙という書物は数学の言葉で書かれている」と言いました。『いま自然をどうみるか』に自然観史が詳しく描かれています。その 美しさを「役に立つもの」にしてしまった例が【e=mc2乗】、つまり、原子爆弾、原子力発電です。
[6] もちろん、努力しなくても啓示を得る「天才」はいます。普通は啓示を得るために、厳しい修行をします。その結果の啓示が「幻想」か「真実」かはわかりません。その基準がないからです。この本にも描かれている証明されていない「予想」などは、答えがあるかどうかもわからないものです。
[7] 「証明」とは何か、もっといえば「理解する」とは何か」という大問題があります。
[8] といっても、最近までありました。今でもその考えを持っている人たちがいます。
[9] なぜわからないのか、そしてなぜわかったことにするのか、詳細は書きません。

世にも美しい数学入門  藤原正彦、小川洋子著 2005/04/10 ちくまプリマー新書 [拡大]

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4480687111 ]

